Search Results for: TTP

AQAP welcomes Sana’a prison fugitives

The latest al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula video documents the welcoming reception organized by AQAP for its members who escaped the Sana’a central prison in February.


A retired military officer was shot dead by gunmen in Ismailia. Two policemen were arrested for allegedly making contact with jihadists and providing them with information on the positions of security personnel. A bomb was found next to a power station in el Arish, while gunmen opened fire on a vehicle carrying journalists in North […]

Czech Republic

Palestinian Was Holding Explosive Device When He Died, Czech Police Say


Police said two suspects arrested on March 11 with a car bomb near a Mombasa mall were in contact with Shabaab militants in Somalia linked to the Westgate Mall attack. Security forces said two terrorists killed in a March 28 shootout in Likoni were Shabaab returnees involved in a “holy war” in retaliation for Kenya’s […]

Turkey’s ISIS problem

Recent attacks in Nigde have raised concerns in Turkey over extremism in Syria. Tensions have been high between the Turkish military and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham since the tomb of Suleyman Shah, a small Turkish territory in Syria, fell under the threat of an ISIS attack.


NATO: Merchant ship shot at in Strait of Hormuz


Regime forces launched an offensive to retake Kasab in Latakia from the Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front. At least 50 fighters from the Al Nusrah Front and rebels were killed in recent clashes with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham in Hasakah. Rebels reportedly killed over 20 regime soldiers in two […]


Armed militias hold Libya hostage


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters killed two members of the Popular Resistance Committees in an ambush on a road north of Zinjibar in Abyan province. The Popular Resistance Committees is a tribal militia that helps the government fight AQAP.


Islamist militants killed one soldier and wounded three other security personnel in a shooting attack in North Sinai. The Foreign Ministry said 439 security personnel and 57 civilians have been killed in militant attacks since July 2013. Seven suspected terrorists were referred to trial for their involvement in attacks, including one outside a church near […]


Suspected Boko Haram detainees overpowered guards at a prison in Abuja near the Presidential villa; 21 people were reportedly killed during the jailbreak, including at least one guard. About 20 of the detainees are said to have been rearrested. The governor of Adamawa state blamed President Jonathan for failing to suppress the Boko Haram insurgency. […]

Central African Republic

Chadian troops driving into Bangui to evacuate Muslims opened fire on civilians, killing at least 10 and wounding about 30. The Christian anti-balaka militia has accused Chad of siding with the Muslims and Seleka rebels in the conflict, in which thousands of Muslims and Christians have been killed. On March 27, a grenade attack on […]

Boko Haram

Nigeria’s Boko Haram Releases New Videos


After the Wars: A legacy of pain and pride


Regime forces backed by Hezbollah captured two towns in the strategic Qalamoun region near the Lebanese border. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham reportedly killed up to 35 fighters from the Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front during clashes in Hasakah. Al Nusrah and the Islamic Front battled regime forces in Reef […]


UK-Syria aid viewed through ‘lens of terror’


A suicide car bomb detonated near a recently erected military checkpoint outside Arsal, killing three soldiers and wounding four others. The Liwa Ahrar al-Sunna in Baalbek claimed the attack, saying it was to avenge the death of Sami Atrash, a suspected maker of suicide car bombs who was killed after a March 27 shootout with […]


Intelligence officials are examining three mobile phones seized during a March 11 raid in the Mombasa suburb of Changamwe on suspected Shabaab members, including Abdiaziz Abdi, a Somali national thought to be the mastermind of a recently foiled terrorist attack. His phone indicated he had been communicating with contacts in Gedo, Somalia, prior to his […]

South Sudan

UN: Over one million displaced by South Sudan conflict


The Interior Ministry has ordered Bahrainis who are “currently in conflict zones … on the pretext of jihad” to “return to the country within two weeks” or face terrorism charges and the possible loss of citizenship. Security forces seized a number of ready-to-use Molotov cocktails at an apartment in Sanabis. The US Navy plans to […]


Algerian city of Ghardaia on knife’s edge


Beloved Libyan poet murdered in Benghazi


Police and Salafists clashed in Kairouan after the Religious Affairs Ministry decided to replace two imams in the town. Security forces in Kasserine have arrested a suspected terrorist logistician linked to Jebel Chaambi terrorists. A bomb was found during a Sufi festival in Souk Lahad. A court sentenced Imed Dghi, a leader in the League […]

United States

President Obama said a limited US military intervention in Syria would not have prevented the humanitarian crisis in the country. With regard to the decision not to launch military strikes in Syria last year, he said that “after a decade of war … the United States has limits.”