Search Results for: TTP


Justice Minister Nayef al Ajmi and the Kuwaiti Cabinet dismissed US Treasury Undersecretary David Cohen’s accusations that he financed terrorism and promoted jihad in Syria, calling them “baseless and groundless.” On March 4 Cohen charged that al Ajmi had “a history of promoting jihad in Syria” and was linked to fundraising for the Al Nusrah […]


The US killed three al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in a strike on a training camp in Abyan. Two AQAP fighters and a soldier were killed during a clash in Damar. Gunmen killed two policemen in Daleh.


The president of the Syrian National Coalition visited rebel troops in Latakia, where the Al Nusrah Front, Islamic fighters, and Free Syrian Army forces are battling regime troops. Al Nusrah claimed a joint offensive in Latakia with Ahrar al Sham, Ansar al-Sham, and Sham al-Islam; one of the commanders, Abu al Hassan, was said to […]


Security forces managed to defuse a bomb that had been placed by unidentified assailants in North Sinai. The army announced the killing of three militants and arrest of 52 others. At least 33 people were wounded in clashes between security forces and Muslim Brotherhood supporters.


Abubakar Shariff Makaburi, a prominent Islamist accused of recruiting and raising funds for Shabaab, as well as advising the Kenyan Islamist group al Hijra, has reportedly been killed in a shooting outside Shimo la Tewa Prison in Shanzu near Mombasa. Police arrested over 627 suspects in Nairobi after six people were killed by bombs in […]


Three Libyans who had hijacked an oil tanker and forced its crew to load illicit oil were released; the Attorney General’s staff denounced the decision and called for the Attorney General to resign. Ibrahim Jadhran and his “Cyrenaica Defence Forces” have moved from Ajdabiya to Ras Lanouf; the Ajdabiya security head escaped an attempted kidnapping. […]


British sniper in Afghanistan kills six Taliban with one bullet


Hezbollah reorganizes ranks in light of leaks


Apocalyptic prophecies drive both sides to Syrian battle for end of time


The leader of the al Qaeda-linked group Ansaru called for attacks on Christians in Nigeria to avenge an alleged insult to Islam at a Catholic school in Katsina; youths torched the school and two churches. Two suspected Boko Haram suicide car bombs targeted a military patrol in Maiduguri, and two other suicide car bombs were […]


British PM orders probe into Muslim Brotherhood


Nigerian military authorities said at least 288 rifles, 35 rocket-propelled guns, and 35 homemade IEDs, as well as over 50 Cameroonian passports and a jeep, were confiscated after a clash in Abugasse near the border with Chad. The large cache was seized following the arrest of two suspected Boko Haram arms traffickers. Cameroonian authorities arrested […]

United Kingdom

Prime Minister Cameron has commissioned a study of the Muslim Brotherhood; reports have emerged that a number of members of the organization, which has been banned in Egypt, have set up operations in the UK. The head of the Prison Officers’ Association warned that a steep rise in the number of ‘convenience Muslims,’ inmates who […]

ISIS parades on outskirts of Baghdad

Hundreds of Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham fighters paraded their vehicles, which included captured Iraqi military trucks and an artillery piece, through the streets of Abu Ghraib and Fallujah.


Converging Interests May Lead to Cooperation Between Israel and Gulf States

United States

Russia’s foreign minister said Secretary of State Kerry recently confirmed to him personally that the US is still opposed to providing antiaircraft weapons to rebels fighting the Assad regime in Syria. A Senate Intelligence Committee report disputed the CIA’s contention that “enhanced interrogation techniques” provided key information in the hunt for Osama bin Laden.


Jordan’s Muslim Brotherhood maintains grassroots support


Iraq: Arrests rise as government attempts to block insurgents’ access to Baghdad


Regime forces recaptured a strategic hilltop in Latakia during fighting with the Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front, and Syria’s information minister accused Turkey of helping foreign fighters enter the province. An observer group claimed that over 1,000 fighters have been killed in Latakia since March 21. The Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic […]


Turkish border province punishes Erdogan on Syria in polls

Boko Haram

Death toll in Boko Haram attacks ‘reaches 1,500’


The army dismantled a car bomb in Wadi Hmayyed near Arsal. Unknown perpetrators blew up a large building under construction in Akkar, reviving sectarian tensions. Warrants were issued for 200 suspects linked to violence and crime in Tripoli; among those sought are militia leaders in both the Alawite neighborhood of Jabal Mohsen and the Sunni […]

Al Qaeda

France in new tack to fight roots of terrorism

US Military

Leftover US equipment in Afghanistan up for grabs for Pakistan


Afghan Forces Launch Coordinated Assaults Nationwide