Search Results for: TTP


Security forces have arrested four wanted “religious extremists” during operations in Menzel Jemil in the coastal province of Bizerte. Tourism Minister Karboul said Tunisia will not issue visas to individual Israeli tourists. Last week the US lifted its travel warning for Tunisia that had been in place since Sept. 15, 2012, the day after Ansar […]


The bodies of three men thought to be crew members from an Air Force helicopter that went missing after takeoff in Sidra on Feb. 12 were found in a makeshift grave outside Sirte. The body of the pilot was found near Brega on March 23 and the co-pilot’s body was found near Sirte five days […]

United Kingdom

The Muslim Brotherhood, which is accused of planning attacks from the UK, warned that it will sue the government if an investigation results in restrictions on its UK activities. Authorities arrested a 17-year-old male linked to the escape of Shabaab terror suspect Mohammed Ahmed Mohamed from a London mosque last year. A member of Parliament […]

United States

A shooter identified as Spec. Ivan Lopez opened fire at Fort Hood, Tex., killing three people and wounding 16, and then killed himself; authorities said the incident did not appear to be terrorism-related but were not ruling anything out. The FBI yesterday confirmed it was looking for a recently discharged Army recruit named Booker, a.k.a. […]


A Taliban suicide bomber dressed in a military uniform killed six policemen in an attack at the Interior Ministry in Kabul. Afghan officials claimed that a Taliban suicide bomber killed 15 Taliban commanders in Ghazni. The Taliban claimed it has the plans for election security.


In a letter to the UN, Syria has accused “terrorist groups” of planning a gas attack in the rebel-held Damascus suburb of Jobar that would be blamed on the regime. The head of the ‘moderate’ Syrian Revolutionaries Front, a Free Syrian Army offshoot, said the group fights alongside the Al Nusrah Front and has no […]


Security forces warned that large numbers of Al Nusrah Front fighters have moved into Lebanon recently and are plotting with other radical groups, some based in the Ain al Hilweh Palestinian refugee camp. Some extremist fighters currently in Akkar are said to be planning to train with the Free Syrian Army in Syria. Arms are […]


Restoring Its Legacy, Moscow Invests In Future In Afghanistan


An Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham suicide bomber killed five Army recruits as they were lined up outside of a military base in the town of Riyadh. The ISIS killed five soldiers southwest of Kirkuk, two policemen in Mosul, two Awakening fighters in Ramadi, a policeman in Ramadi, and another policeman in Hit. […]


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula killed six soldiers and two civilians in a suicide assault on the headquarters of the 4th Division headquarters in Aden. Three AQAP fighters were also killed. AQAP announced the formation of Ansar al Shariah in the Central Regions; the group’s purpose is to combat the Shiite Houthi rebels based […]


Extremist Qur’anic schools take hold in Libya

Al Nusrah Front

‘I am not fighting against al Qaeda… it’s not our problem’, says West’s last hope in Syria


Authorities announced the arrest of six east Jerusalem lawyers who were acting as couriers for Palestinian militants in Gaza seeking to communicate with their counterparts in Israeli jails. Israeli officials denounced the PLO for applying for accession to 15 international conventions.


At least one policeman was killed and about half a dozen people wounded in bombings at Cairo University. Ajnad Misr took responsibility for the bombings. Senior ministers said the government plans to pass new legislation “connected to confronting terrorism.” Security forces employed tight measures along main roads in North Sinai looking for suspected militants. Two […]


Influential cleric says to resume Friday sermons amid Gulf rift

Palestinian Territories

The PLO applied for accession in 15 international conventions as peace talks with Israel sputter. Palestinian officials said, however, that they are not yet walking away from the US-mediated talks. Hamas is reportedly planning to launch a new satellite TV station.

12 Azeri jihadists reported killed in Syria

The Azeris fought alongside the Muhajireen Army, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, or the Al Nusrah Front for the People of the Levant, al Qaeda’s official branch in Syria.

AQAP announces formation of new armed group

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula said that Ansar al Sharia in the Central Regions has been formed with the express purpose of fighting Shiite Houthi insurgents as well as the Yemeni military.


Police stepped up patrols in Mombasa after the killing of radical cleric Abubaker Shariff Ahmed a.k.a. Makaburi, who was buried last night and and praised as a “martyr.” Just a week ago, he won a damages from the government for unlawful detention of his property during an antiterrorism raid. In Nairobi’s Eastleigh suburb, police defused […]


State-owned Jumhuriya bank employees went on strike nationwide to protest the killing of a colleague in Sebha. A kidnapped bank manager was freed in Osari after payment of a ransom. Arsonists burned down a local council office in Tripoli and a women’s center.


Terror Suit Against Jordanian Bank Tests US Diplomacy and Secrecy Laws