Search Results for: suicide assault


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed six people in a suicide assault against a police headquarters in Kirkuk, and three soldiers in an IED attack in Ramadi. Security forces killed the ISIS’s governor for Fallujah and his aide; the governor escaped from Abu Ghraib in July.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 24 people in a series of bombings and attacks. In one attack, a suicide assault team killed 10 people, including six policemen, while targeting the mayor’s compound in Tarmiyah. In Tikrit, two suicide bombers killed five people, including two policemen. Security forces captured the ISIS’s governor […]


A senior AMISOM commander said the force will gain 4,000 additional troops and may renew its offensive against Shabaab. In Beledweyne, Shabaab carried out a suicide assault on a police station, killing at least 21 people.


Al Qaeda’s Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 54 people in a series of bombings and attacks in Baghdad. Twelve Iraqis, including soldiers, were killed in a suicide assault on a base in Mosul.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed seven policemen in a suicide assault in Fallujah. Two suicide bombers and several fighters were also killed in the attack. Since Oct. 1, the ISIS has used 22 suicide bombers in Iraq.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula killed five Yemeni soldiers and wounded 15 more in a suicide assault that targeted a base in Ahwar in Abyan province. The Yemeni military repelled another assault on a base in Al Baydah province.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula released a video that detailed the Sept. 20 suicide assaults that targeted three military camps in Shabwa. AQAP gunned down a police officer in Hadramout; two security guards were shot and killed in Lahj on Oct. 15.


At least 38 Iraqis were killed in a series of 10 bombings throughout the capital of Baghdad. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (al Qaeda in Iraq) claimed credit for last month’s suicide assault in Irbil as well as attacks on police and military bases in Anbar.


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed 25 people in attacks throughout the country. In one attack, seven civilians and two soldiers were killed in a suicide assault on a district center in Hawija. Security forces killed five al Qaeda fighters near the Syrian border and four more in south of Mosul, and detained four Ansar al […]


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed nine policemen in a suicide assault and attacks on police and military bases in Haditha. Security forces detained an escaped inmate from the July Abu Ghraib prison break in Anbar, and two al Qaeda fighters as they were planting an IED outside the home of an Awakening leader in Samarra.


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed more than 70 people in a series of suicide attacks and bombings in Baghdad and Bayji. In one of the attacks, in Bayji, a suicide assault team killed seven policemen and penetrated the perimeter of a special forces base.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula launched a coordinated offensive against three Yemeni military camps in the southern province of Shabwa. Fifty-six soldiers and policemen were killed during the suicide assaults. AQAP also attempted to attack the Balhaf LNG facility.


Seven Taliban fighters and two Afghan security forces were killed in a Taliban suicide assault that targeted the US Consulate in Herat. A Taliban suicide bomber wounded 24 Afghans in an attack in Paktika.


Al Nusrah Front fighters refused to surrender the body of a slain Palestinian fighter in the Yarmouk refugee camp in Damascus because they were holding out for an exchange of bodies. Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant fighters detained a member of Aleppo’s sharia council. Al Nusrah and rebel groups clashed violently with regime […]


The military said that 24 Taliban fighters were killed during a recent operation in Badakhshan. The Taliban claimed it killed several Afghan security personnel in a suicide assault in Kandahar. A former senator was gunned down in Balkh.


The Taliban killed four bodyguards for the governor of Badakhshan in an IED attack on his convoy, and gunned down a senior judge in Herat. Officials said that more than 100 fuel tankers and NATO supply trucks were destroyed in yesterday’s suicide assault in Torkham.


A Taliban suicide assault team attacked a base in Torkham, and destroyed dozens of fuel tankers and NATO supply trucks; three Taliban fighters were killed. Security forces killed nine Taliban fighters in Wardak and Ghazni.

Al Qaeda, rebel groups vow to avenge chemical attack in Syria

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant announced that it would coordinate with other Syrian rebel groups, including the Free Syrian Army, to take revenge for a chemical weapons attack last week in the capital that is said to have killed more than 300 people.

US adds MUJAO operative to terrorism list

Mohamed Lahbous, a member of the al Qaeda-linked Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa, was listed as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist for his involvement in kidnapping, weapons smuggling, and armed attacks in Algeria.


A suicide assault team killed nine children in a failed attack on the Indian consulate in Jalalabad in Nangarhar province. No group has claimed credit for the attack. The Haqqani Network, backed by Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate, has conducted attacks on Indian interests in the past.


Jundallah claimed credit for a suicide assault that killed four ISID personnel, including the group’s deputy director in Sukkur. The mutilated bodies of 21 “militants” were found in Khyber. The bodyguard and the driver for the Deputy Commander of Frontier Reserve Police were killed in an attack in Peshawar.


Al Qaeda in Iraq claimed credit for the suicide assaults on two prisons that freed more than 500 terrorist commanders and fighters. Security forces captured six al Qaeda fighters in Tikrit. Parliament’s foreign relations committee asked Iran to halt the flow of al Qaeda and “Iranian-backed militants” into Iraq.


Al Qaeda in Iraq launched suicide assaults on prisons in Abu Ghraib and Taji; more than 500 al Qaeda leaders and fighters escaped Abu Ghraib, while the attack on Taji was defeated. Twenty-six policemen and 10 al Qaeda fighters were killed. A suicide bomber killed 23 Iraqi soldiers and two civilians in Mosul.