Search Results for: Lashkar-e-Taiba

Pakistan: A Bajaur ‘peace deal’ is coming

Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier Province and Federally Administered Tribal Areas A peace deal in imminent in Bajaur, despite the worsening situation in the tribal agencies The Pakistani government is preparing to cede the Federally Administered Tribal Agency of Bajaur to the Taliban. Jan Aurakzai, the governor of the Northwest Frontier Province, has informed the media that […]

al Qaeda regroups in Pakistan

The American intelligence community finally recognizes al Qaeda command has regrouped in Pakistan NWFP/FATA. Click map to view. Throughout th course of 2006 and through 2007, I documented the rise of the Taliban and al Qaeda in Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), the Northwest Frontier Province, and in Baluchistan. In The Fall if Waziristan, […]

Bombs detonated on the Samjhauta Express

Aftermath of the Samjhauta Express bombing. Click to view more images at the Hindustan Times. Two bombs kill 67, 15 wounded, 12 critical on Pakistani-Indian rail India has suffered yet another mass-casualty attack on its rail lines. Terrorists planted up to five bombs on the Samjhauta Express, a rail that transports travelers to and from […]


The parliamentary defense secretary admits he was once a member of the terror group Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT). President Musharraf said “the government would deal strictly against terrorists.” Two Pakistanis with homemade bombs are detained inside Afghanistan. “similar devices have been used by Taliban,” reports Dawn.

Dargai and AQAM

More on the Dargai suicide attack, and the role of AQAM A wounded Pakistani soldier from the Dargai suicide attack. Click image to view. The toll in the suicide attack on Pakistani Army recruits in Dargai in the Northwest Frontier Province has risen to 45 soldiers killed and wounded 20. Pakistani investigators are hunting for […]

Pakistani Terror Groups Openly Involved in Bajaur Protests

Tehrik-e-Nifaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammed and Jamaat-ud-Dawa openly protest the Bajaur madrassa strike NWFP/FATA. Click map to view. As further details emerge on the airstrike on the al Qaeda and Taliban training camp in Bajaur, Pakistan, the Pakistani military has sealed off the tribal agency to prevent travel into and out of the region. Qazi Hussain Ahmad, the emir […]

A Hard August for the Taliban in Afghanistan

The “Taliban Offensive” continues to produce Taliban bodies but the Taliban and al Qaeda continue to grow in Northwestern Pakistan The Taliban’s summer of 2006 “offensive” continues to produce inordinately large numbers of Taliban casualties with little to show for the slaughter. But the Taliban still possess its bases of operation in northwestern Pakistan, and […]

Multiple Bombs Detonated on Bombay Rail System

Map of the Bombay rail system. Orange dots indicate bombing sites. click image to view. Last Update at 4:20 pm ET. The railway system and rush hour commuters were the targets of a series of bombings in the Indian city of Bombay (Mumbai), the country’s financial capital. According to an updated Associated Press story, “Tuesday […]

The Pakistani Frontier

The airstrike on al Qaeda leadership in the town of Damadola has done more than just kill up to five senior al Qaeda commanders, including Abu Khabab, the chief of al Qaeda’s WMD program; it has shone a light on the largely hidden war occurring on the Afghan-Pakistani border, the pervasiveness of al Qaeda and […]

The Waziristan Problem

A recent upsurge in violence in Pakistan’s tribal regions (or Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan’s North-West Frontier Province) is a cause for great concern for the United States and her allies in the War on Terror. In the past, Pakistani forces conducted several offensives in the region, with mixed results. The tribal area of […]

The Arrest of Abu Musab al-Suri?

Reports from Pakistan indicate that senior al Qaeda operative Mustafa Setmariam Nasar, also known as Abu Musab al-Suri (the Syrian), has been arrested in a raid. Andrew Cochran has a roundup of links at The Counterterrorism Blog, including a profile by Evan Kohlmann and a discussion by The Investigative Project‘s Lorenzo Vidino on al-Suri’s relationship […]

Border Wars

The battles against the Taliban in Afghanistan, and al Qaeda and the insurgency in Iraq are increasingly being pushed towards the borders. The Taliban and Iraqi terror campaigns are relying on cross border havens to muster, arm and train fighters entering the country. The movement of combat from the political centers of gravity to the […]

LeT it be

The aftershocks from the 7/7 and 7/21 attacks on the London tubes and the Sharm el-Sheikh bombing in Egypt extend to Pakistan. Several of the London terrorists were of Pakistani descent and are believed to have trained and attended madrassa in Pakistan. The initial investigation of the Sharm el-Sheikh bombings in Egypt pointed to men […]