Search Results for: Iran


Iran official admits sanctions are hurting


US ‘building missile defence radar’ in Qatar


Hillary Clinton: US will use ‘all elements of American power’ to stop Tehran developing nuclear weapons


Iran left to ponder its next move in the Arabian Gulf


Iran’s Supreme Leader decides whether to close Strait of Hormuz: military official


UAE starts up pipeline to bypass Strait of Hormuz


The head of MI6, Britain’s Secret Service, said Iran was likely to succeed in building a nuclear bomb by 2014. “The Iranians are determinedly going down a path to master all aspects of nuclear weapons; all the technologies they need,” he said.


As Western oil sanctions take effect, Iran began shutting down oil production. Government censors warned Iranian media not to report negative economic news. To counter an Iranian threat to close the Gulf of Hormuz, the US deployed a floating operating base, mine sweepers, and sea drones to the Persian Gulf.


Ex-Republican Guards general reveals dissent within elite Iranian force


Details emerge on Iran’s priorities in nuclear talks


Iran accused French and German spy services of cooperating with the US and Israel in the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists. An Iran state TV poll revealed a majority of Iranians wanted its nuclear program stopped in return for a lifting of economic sanctions.


Iran says can destroy US bases minutes after attack


Sanctions against Iranian oil exports took effect. Iran said it had a stockpile of money and goods to weather the sanctions. However, food prices and unemployment have risen. Iran called for an emergency OPEC meeting as oil prices fell.


Iranian general: military strike would be the end of Israel


Doubts Raised About US Diplomacy on Iran and Nuclear Issues


US, Israel developed Flame computer virus to slow Iranian nuclear efforts, officials say


Two days of talks between Iran and the six powers over Iran’s nuclear program produced no agreement. Further talks were scheduled for July 3 in Istanbul.


Iran and the six powers started a new round of talks over Iran’s nuclear program. After the first day, the two sides remained far apart. Mahmud Ahmadinejad has said he plans to leave politics next year after his second term as president ends.


Israel’s president warns “time is out” for Iran


Tajik Mullahs Warn Of New Threat In Temporary Marriages


Iran arrested suspects who are thought to be behind the killing of two nuclear scientists. Iran’s intelligence ministry claimed the suspects had ties to Israel.


Russia’s foreign minister planned to visit Iran to discuss its nuclear program and the situation in Syria. Iran’s oil income plummeted due to economic sanctions and falling oil prices. The US exempted seven countries from sanctions on importing Iranian oil; China and Singapore did not receive an exemption.


The UN’s nuclear inspection agency failed to reach an agreement with Iran over access to sites suspected of being used for testing nuclear weapon components. The failure dims prospects for higher level talks over Iran’s nuclear program scheduled for later this month.


In an escalation of the war of words, a senior Iranian military commander warned the US not to resort to military force as US bases in the region were vulnerable to Iranian missiles. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, threatened a “lightning response” to any Israeli attack and accused the West of telling “lies” to […]


Court Presses US on a Terror Listing


Iran threatens to target US bases if attacked


Stuxnet was work of US and Israeli experts, officials say


The UN nuclear inspection agency showed satellite imagery indicating that Iran was attempting to clean up a possible nuclear weapons site. UN inspectors had previously requested access to the site but had been denied.


Israeli leaders skeptical of new diplomatic efforts on Iran nuclear program


Iran claims to have beaten ‘Flame’ computer virus