Search Results for: TTP


During a five-hour battle that broke out when Shabaab militants attacked a convoy in Bakool carrying food for Ethiopian troops, at least 11 people were killed. The Somali military claimed to have killed “dozens of militants.” Residents reported that hundreds of soldiers are pursuing the Shabaab fighters in Bakool following the attack.

Al Qaeda weapons ship docks in Aden

AQAP militants sailed a ship carrying weapons from Djibouti to Aden on April 11 and clashed with Yemeni security services before sailing away.


President Keita warned that Mokhtar Belmokhtar, the wanted jihadist leader who is said to have set up operations in Libya, constitutes a threat to peace in the region. Keita also said Mali is willing to enter reconciliation talks with rebel groups such as the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (MNLA) so long as […]


A car bomb detonated at a busy bus station in a suburb of Abuja, the nation’s capital, killing at least 88 people and wounding over 200. Boko Haram is suspected in the attack, in which 16 buses were destroyed. Boko Haram militants also killed at least 60 people yesterday in attacks in two villages near […]


Authorities confirmed that four young women left the cities of Antwerp and Sint Niklaas in March for Syria, ostensibly to provide humanitarian aid relief. One of the women has reportedly informed her family that she got married after arriving in Syria.

United Kingdom

The Department for Education as well as the Birmingham City Council have widened their parallel investigations of an alleged plot by Islamist radicals to take over local schools, and are now looking at 25 schools in the area. Former staff at the schools have alleged that boys and girls were segregated, non-Muslim staff were bullied, […]


Pakistan – 108 kidnapped tribesmen released


Iran’s one-stop shop for US Army gear


Syria war creeps towards Assad’s coastal heartland


Pakistan Says Talks with Taliban in Comprehensive Phase

Boko Haram

Ghana pledges to partner Nigeria in fighting terrorism

United States

UN Ambassador Samantha Power said that recent reports of a poison gas attack in Syria are “unsubstantiated” so far. In a Pentagon briefing on April 8, General David Rodriguez, head of US Africa Command, said: “The network of Al Qaeda and its affiliates … that link Africa with North and South America, Europe, the Middle […]


Suspected ISIS suicide car bombings killed four people and wounded eight in Baqouba, and killed six people and wounded 15 in Dibis. Two members of a policeman’s family were killed and two others were wounded in an attack in Sulaiman Bek. A policeman was killed at a checkpoint in Tikrit. Security forces in Baghdad arrested […]


President Assad claimed that the Syrian conflict has reached a turning point in terms of the regime’s military achievements and national reconciliation. The Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front clashed with regime forces in Hama, Aleppo, and Reef Dimashq. The Islamic Front also battled regime forces in Deraa, Idlib, and Homs. The Islamic State […]


The Muslim Brotherhood denied that it is moving its headquarters from London to Austria. An alleged Al Nusrah Front fighter was arrested for planning to carry out attacks in Egypt. The army said three Islamist militants were killed and four others arrested in operations in North Sinai. The army plans to use newly acquired armored […]


Wanted terrorist Mokhtar Belmokhtar has reportedly taken refuge in Libya, where he continues to plan attacks across the Sahel region. Newly appointed Prime Minister al Thinni announced his resignation after gunmen attacked his house last night and stole his car, but he agreed to serve until the GNC names his replacement. In Tripoli, two prisoners, […]


Warily, Lebanon tackles violent spillover from Syria


Islamists from Al Mourabitoun, a group formed by the merger last year of Mokhtar Belmokhtar’s group and MUJAO, released a video showing an Algerian diplomat who has been held hostage since April 2012. Al Mourabitoun also denied reports that wanted terrorist Oumar Ould Hamaha was killed last month in Mali by a French airstrike.


Police announced the dismantling of a terrorist cell involved in funneling Moroccan fighters to al Qaeda-linked forces in Syria, including the Al Nusrah Front, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, and Sham al Islam. The cell members, who operated in a number of Moroccan cities, are being held while the investigation continues.


Swedish passports found traded on black market


Inside the FBI’s secret relationship with special operations


Both state media and rebel sources claimed that a poison gas attack injured dozens of people in the village of Kfar Zeita in Hama, and blamed each other. State media said the attack involved chlorine gas and was carried out by the Al Nusrah Front, and warned that the group was planning other chemical attacks […]


During security sweeps in Tripoli and the Bekaa valley, authorities arrested additional suspects on charges of murder, kidnapping, auto theft, membership in a terrorist group, and other crimes. Among those arrested yesterday in Arsal was Ahmed al Atrash, suspected of rigging explosives-packed vehicles; he is the brother of slain terrorist Sami al Atrash and a […]


Masked gunmen assassinated an imam in rural Dagestan. Police arrested 22 protesters at an unauthorized rally in support of the former mayor of Makhachkala in Dagestan, who is accused terrorism and murder. Earlier this week, five Islamic militants, including ringleader Isa Khashagulgov, were sentenced to prison for a 2010 suicide bombing in North Ossetia that […]