Search Results for: Pakistan


A National Antiterrorist Committee (NAK) special operation arrested Yulai Davletbayev, who was suspected of preparing terrorist attacks in Moscow. The suspect had been working as a taxi driver in the city, which enabled him to conduct surveillance of possible attack sites. He allegedly led a cell of terrorists affiliated with the Turkistan Islamic Party. He […]


Afghanistan – MoI Seeks UN’s Help to Handle Pakistan


The governor of Paktika claimed that 61 Taliban fighters were killed during operations near the Pakistani border. The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers and an ISAF civilian, and four Afghans in Uruzgan.

Afghan NDS disrupts Kabul terror plot

Afghan intelligence forces stormed a militant safe house in Kabul City late on May 29. Afghan forces arrested six would-be suicide bombers and killed a seventh suspect. Suicide vests and other explosives were seized in the operation.


Defense Minister Ya’alon said that Israel “will know what to do” if Russia sends advanced antiaircraft weaponry to Syria. A high-level military intelligence delegation arrived in Moscow to convince Russia not to send advanced antiaircraft weaponry to Syria. An IDF official warned that Israeli intelligence is seeing the migration of global jihadists from Iraq, Pakistan, […]

Egyptian jihadists call for attacks in Shiite countries

Mohammed Zawahiri on Al Faroq Media Facebook Page.jpgMohammed Zawahiri, the brother of al Qaeda’s emir, is one of the 20 Egyptian jihadists who issued a statement calling upon Sunnis to launch attacks in Shiite-led countries in response to the Bashir al Assad regime’s offensive in Qusayr, Syria. Iran and Hezbollah have reportedly joined the fight in Qusayr alongside Assad’s forces.

United Kingdom

Police arrested a man in Welling in southeast London on suspicion of links to the murder of a soldier in Woolwich; it is the 10th arrest so far in the case; four other suspects are being held, four more have been released on bail, and two were released without charge. Foreign Secretary Hague announced that […]

Afghan intelligence thwarts major attack against Kandahar City

Following weeks of surveillance work, Afghan intelligence officials intercepted an explosives-laden tractor late on May 25, effectively preventing a massive Taliban terror attack against Kandahar City. Tractors have been widely employed by insurgents as a means of transporting explosives and for vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices.


Interior Ministry Blames Networks Within Pakistan For Kabul Blasts

United Kingdom

A Pakistani Airlines flight from Lahore to Manchester was diverted to Stansted Airport, where security officials arrested two men, both British nationals, on suspicion of endangerment of aircraft. Police said a threat had been made as the plane was approaching Manchester. A friend of Woolwich attack suspect Michael Adebolajo alleged that MI5 had tried to […]

American killed in US drone strike, US Attorney General says

Jude Kenan Mohammed was the eighth member of Daniel Boyd’s terror cell in North Carolina. He traveled to Pakistan in 2008, was arrested, skipped bail, and is thought to have traveled to Pakistan’s tribal areas. He may have been killed in a strike in 2011 that occurred in an area controlled by the Haqqani Network.

United States

The government acknowledged that US drone strikes have killed four US citizens in Pakistan and Yemen, including Anwar al Awlaki, who planned a jetliner bombing over Detroit in 2009 and had a key role in a 2010 plot to bomb US-bound cargo planes. Ibragim Todashev, a Chechen acquaintance of Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev, […]


Drones: Myths And Reality In Pakistan – International Crisis Group


The Taliban launched small-scale attacks against several police outposts in the Sangin district in Helmand province; 26 Taliban fighters, including “Pakistanis and Chechens,” and 10 policemen were killed in the clashes over the past two days. Six security guards at a dam in Herat were killed in an IED attack. Eighty schoolgirls were poisoned in […]


Security forces killed two suspected insurgents and arrested a third after a gunbattle in a Moscow suburb; the three men were Russians who had trained in Afghanistan or Pakistan, and were said to be planning an attack in the capital. Two successive car bombs detonated near court buildings in the Dagestani capital of Makhachkala, killing […]

United States

The White House released emails relating to the attack on the Benghazi consulate; they show revisions of talking points to delete references to al Qaeda, Islamic extremists, and FBI warnings. Seven people were caught trespassing at a reservoir that supplies water to Boston and 40 other communities. The trespassers, who are from Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, […]