Search Results for: TTP


Mohammed Abdi Adan, a sharia law graduate, was accused of facilitating terrorism and remanded into custody after authorities found video clips of the police training college in Nairobi in his possession. Police are investigating Sheikh Iman Ali, one of three jihadist clerics in Mombasa suspected of recruiting youth for Shabaab. Authorities arrested over 650 people […]


In Benghazi, a special forces member escaped assassination, and a bomb destroyed a beauty salon and several cars. Security forces in the city raided the Souq Jinihin market, where they confiscated large quantities of weapons and ammunition as well as drugs and alcohol. At least three people have been killed in recent clashes in Sebha.


Interior Minister Cazeneuve will submit an antiradicalization plan to address the threat of jihadism at home and abroad; some 700 French citizens or nationals are thought to have fought in Syria. President Hollande was urged to allow more Syrian refugees into France.


Sunni clerics at a mosque in West Java denounced Shiites as heretical and vowed to take any measures to prevent the spread of Shiite teachings. A video was posted on jihadist forums featuring wanted terrorist leader Abu Warda Santoso, the head of the Mujahidin Indonesia Timur (East Indonesian Mujahideen), who incited Muslims to kill members […]

United States

The State Department said it had received indications that chlorine gas was used in an attack in Syria this month, which the US is investigating with the assistance of the UN and the OPCW. A court ordered the Justice Department to release parts of a classified document that provided justification for the killing of al […]


Lebanon’s Sufi orders threatened by rise in Salafism


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed more than 30 Iraqis in a series of bombings and attacks across the country. In Suwayrah, a suicide bomber killed five policemen and seven civilians at a checkpoint. And in Madaina a suicide car bomber killed three soldiers and two civilians at a checkpoint.


The Assad regime slated a presidential election for June 3; requests for nomination will be accepted until May 1. Mortar shells landed 100 meters from the Parliament in Damascus, killing five people. Rebels led by the Al Nusrah Front launched a counteroffensive in Homs, where they were joined by the Islamic Front. The Al Nusrah […]


The US killed more than 30 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in a pair of drone strikes yesterday and today. AQAP bomb maker Ibrahim al Asiri was targeted in one strike, and a training camp in another. AQAP warned tribes in Azzan not to join the anti-al Qaeda Popular Committees.


Kamal Ezzedine, who had been accused of “violence” toward the military, was shot and wounded after opening fire on security forces at a checkpoint in Arsal. A gunman shot and killed a bodyguard for Fatah al-Islam official Bilal Badr in the Ain al Hilweh refugee camp.


Family members continued to search for schoolgirls abducted by Boko Haram militants last week in Borno; 234 girls are said to be still missing. The governor of Bauchi state ordered the evacuation of 200 girls from a school following an attack on another school in Bauchi last week in which a girl was killed. Security […]


Israeli unit against terror-financing fighting new enemies at a new speed


One of two Tunisian diplomats recently kidnapped in Libya appeared in a video released by a Libyan militant group, Chabab Tawhid (“Youth of Unification”), begging the Tunisian government to negotiate for his release. The kidnappers are demanding the release of Islamists arrested after attacks in Rouhia in 2011. Ansar al Sharia Tunisia issued a statement […]


Parliamentarian Isaaq Mohamed Riino was killed when a bomb attached to his car detonated in Mogadishu; fellow MP Mohamed Ali Dhuuh and a bystander were injured by the blast, which was claimed by Shabaab. Four Somali soldiers and six militants were killed in a Shabaab ambush on a convoy in Bay on April 17. At […]


In response to rocket fire from the Gaza Strip, the IAF struck a number of terror sites in the Hamas-run territory. The Yahya Ayyash Brigades said that it was responsible for the rocket fire.


Suspected Islamist insurgents killed three people in a drive-by shooting in Yala, in the same district where an insurgent leader was killed last week. Nearly 6,000 people have been killed in the insurgency since January 2004.


Iraqi forces take control of Fallujah entrances


335 ISAF military bases handed over to Afghanistan


Kidnapped French journalists: we were chained together in underground cells


Three airstrikes near al-Mahfad in Abyan province in southern Yemen today killed as many as 25 militants from al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. A US drone strike yesterday killed 16 AQAP militants and five civilians in central Baydah province.


Two policemen were killed by gunmen near Cairo. Security sources alleged that al Qaeda’s Ayman al Zawahiri has been communicating with Muslim Brotherhood leaders to arrange the transfer of arms to jihadists in Egypt. Authorities arrested 18 Muslim Brotherhood members and jihadists on suspicion of inciting and planning attacks.


Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb fighters killed 11 Algerian soldiers and wounded 11 more in an ambush in Tizi Ouzou. The Defense Ministry said 37 militants have been killed in Algeria since January.


Iran claimed to have watered down over 440 pounds of enriched uranium pursuant to its agreement with world powers, and offered to redesign the Arak heavy water reactor to reduce plutonium output. Tehran criticized the US decision that applied Iran sanctions law to seize a Manhattan skyscraper and sell the assets. A Senate bill that […]


The Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front battled regime forces in Hama; in Reef Dimashq; in Homs, where Al Nusrah carried out two suicide bombings; in Latakia, where they were joined by Junoud al Sham, Ahrar al Sham, Sham al Islam, and Ansar al Sham; and in Aleppo, where they were joined by Fajr […]


Police arrested four Syrians in Wadi Hamyed near the border and confiscated two vehicles as well as a hand grenade, knives, and communications equipment. Security forces also arrested six Syrians belonging to “an extremist organization” in an ambush near Beit Layha.

Boko Haram

Boko Haram: How insurgency wrecked the North


Ajnad Misr took responsibility for three recent bombing attacks in the Cairo area. Al Qaeda emir Ayman al Zawahiri said that the Egyptian army should be fought. The army said 11 wanted militants were arrested in operations in North Sinai. A Muslim Brotherhood leader was sentenced to one year in prison for insulting the judiciary.