Search Results for: Pakistan


A war crimes tribunal sentenced Salauddin Quader Chowdhury, a top member of the opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party, to death after convicting him of torture, rape, and genocide during the war with Pakistan in 1971. The defense plans to appeal.


Intelligence agents arrested a 21-year-old woman at her apartment in the Belleville district of Paris on suspicion of links to al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. She is said to be a reader of AQAP’s magazine Inspire. The arrest is the first stemming from an investigation that began in March into a suspected terrorist plot. […]

Zawahiri’s man in Shabaab’s ‘secret service’

In a July report warning of “new and more complex operations in Kenya,” the UN also identified an al Qaeda operative who has been entrusted by Ayman al Zawahiri to train Somalis and other African recruits. The operative, known as “Hassan,” has also reportedly trained Boko Haram fighters.

United States

The UN Security Council approved a resolution on the Syrian chemical weapons arsenal. President Obama spoke with Iranian president Rouhani on the telephone about Iran’s nuclear program. US officials said Iran recently hacked unclassified US Navy computers. Terrorism charges were filed against Nigerian citizen Lawal Olaniyi Babafemi for providing material support to al Qaeda in […]


Authorities arrested 10 Tajik nationals in the capital city of Dushanbe who were allegedly planning a series of attacks, including a hostage siege, on government facilities in four Dushanbe districts. Among those arrested is the group’s leader, Alamurod Makhanov, who had trained in terrorist camps in Pakistan. The alleged ringleader of the group, which is […]

Shabaab suicide teams target civilians in assault on Kenyan mall

At least 59 people have been killed and over 150 wounded in the largest terrorist attack in Kenya since al Qaeda’s 1998 bombing of the US Embassy. The Shabaab assault teams singled out non-Muslims for execution. The attack is similar to Lashkar-e-Taiba’s assault on Mumbai in 2008.

Taliban ambush policemen in northern Afghan province

The Taliban ambushed Afghan forces just after the military ended what it claimed was a successful operation to clear the Wardoj district in Badakhshan. More that 20 Afghan policemen are reported to have been killed and an additional 24 are missing.


Pakistani Cleric Claims Taliban Will Regain Power, Kabul Responds


Freedom of Mullah Baradar by Pakistan key for Afghan peace


US seeks to move more gear out of Afghanistan via Pakistan – News

Al Qaeda and the threat in Syria

Testimony to the House Committee on Homeland Security, on al Qaeda in Syria and the threat it poses to the US. Al Qaeda affiliates and allied jihadist groups dominate the insurgency in the heart of the Middle East.


Pakistan to Send Baradar to Saudi or Turkey for Peace Talks


Pakistan militants prepare for war in Afghanistan after foreign forces withdraw


Pakistanis resume overland NATO oil supplies to Afghanistan