Search Results for: suicide assault

US adds 3 senior Haqqani Network leaders to terrorism list

Two of the Haqqani Network leaders have close ties to al Qaeda; one of them has traveled to Saudi Arabia to fundraise as recently as late 2013. The other is a member of the Miramshah Shura and coordinates operations with the Taliban.


An Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham suicide assault team killed 17 Iraqis in an attack on the Transportation Ministry in Baghdad; the six suicide bombers were also killed. The ISIS also killed three Awakening fighters in Hawijah. The military killed 27 ISIS fighters in airstrikes in Anbar province.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham beheaded four policemen and an Awakening fighter after overrunning a police station near Tikrit, and launched a suicide assault in Saqlawiyah. The military killed eight civilians in artillery and helicopter strikes in Fallujah.


Yesterday, a Taliban suicide assault team killed an ISAF soldier and two civilians in an attack on a base in Kandahar. Security forces killed 16 Taliban fighters, including a leader in Ghazni, during raids throughout the country. The Taliban killed three civlians in an IED attack in Kandahar.


A Taliban suicide assault team killed 21 people, including 13 foreigners, in an attack at a restaurant in Kabul yesterday. The Taliban said the suicide assault was carried out to avenge a raid in Parwan. The Taliban killed four border policemen in Khost, three soccer players in Kandahar, and an intelligence officer in Uruzgan. The […]

Afghan, US forces target Haqqani-linked Taliban leader in Parwan

Qari Nazar Gul, the deputy shadow governor for Parwan province, is linked to the Haqqani Network and “transports weapons, fighters and suicide bombers” into Parwan and Kabul. Ten Taliban fighters, a US Special Forces soldier, and two civilians were killed during the raid.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula sent a suicide assault team to attack Yemeni military bases in Rada’a in Al Baydah province. Ten Yemeni soldiers and one suicide bomber were killed in the attacks. AQAP overran one base and seized three armored personnel carriers.


Three members of a Taliban suicide assault team and a policeman were killed during an attack on a police station in the capital of Helmand. Two ISAF soldiers and a civilian were killed in a helicopter crash in the east. The government will free 72 of the 88 Taliban prisoners deemed by the US to […]


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula gunned down a colonel in the intelligence branch outside of his home in Aden. AQAP claimed credit for the Dec. 31, 2013 suicide assault on a security headquarters in Aden, and vowed to continue attacking the military.


Six people were killed during a Shabaab suicide assault on the Jazeera hotel in Mogadishu. Shabaab detonated two car bombs outside the hotel, then two suicide bombers were gunned down before entering the hotel complex.


An al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula suicide assault team attacked a headquarters in Aden; three soldiers were killed while repelling the attack. An AQAP terrorist involved in a 2011 suicide assault in Yemen was given the death sentence.


“Gunmen” thought to be from the Southern Separatist Movement killed 10 soldiers and overran a military outpost in Lahj. Officials are reportedly questioning senior generals over possible involvement in al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s suicide assault on the Ministry of Defense in Sana’a in early December.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed five television employees, including an anchorwoman, in a suicide assault on Al Iraqiya State TV in Tikrit. The ISIS also killed five soldiers in a mortar attack in Abu Ghraib and two policemen in an IED attack in Mosul. Security forces killed two ISIS fighters in […]

US adds Belmokhtar’s brigades to terrorist lists

Mokhtar Belmokhtar’s al-Mulathameen Brigade is behind terror attacks in Niger, Algeria, and Mali. Its “aliases,” the al-Murabitoon Brigade and al Mua’qi’oon Biddam, have also been added to the US’s lists of terror groups.


More than 70 people were killed in a series of bombings and attacks in Baghdad, Bayji, Mosul, Tikrit, and Jisr Diyala. In Bayji, a suicide assault team killed eight policemen in an attack on a police station. In Tikrit, another suicide assault team killed two civilians in an attempt to storm the city council building.

Ansarul Mujahideen kills 4 Pakistani troops in North Waziristan

The Pakistani terror group has carried out suicide and IED attacks in response to drone strikes that have killed the emirs of the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan and the Mullah Nazir Group, as well as a top Haqqani Network leader and members of the Turkistan Islamic Party.

Fierce fighting in central Somalia

Fighting continues in Somalia, particularly near the city of Beledweyne. The arrival of Ethiopian troops has not put a damper on Shabaab’s activities.


The Yemeni military said that 12 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters, including Saudis, who were involved in yesterday’s suicide assault on the Ministry of Defense were killed. AQAP said it targeted a US drone operations center during the attack.


Last night, the Islamic State of Iraq took 15 people hostage during a suicide assault on a mall in Kirkuk. Two hundred guards at the Badush prison resigned due to threats from the ISIS. Security forces detained five Ansar al Sunnah operatives in Salahaddin and discovered a bomb factory in Fallujah.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters killed 52 people in a suicide assault that targeted and breached the Ministry of Defense in Sana’a. Two German and two Vietnamese doctors, and one Indian and two Filipino nurses were among those killed in the attack.