Search Results for: Lashkar-e-Taiba


A US strike in North Waziristan killed three. President Zardari warned India “against over-reaction” on the Mumbai attacks. Pakistani defense sources said the situation with India may force the military to withdraw its 100,000 troops from the Afghan border. Lashkar-e-Taiba and the Pakistani Taliban denied involvement in the Mumbai attacks. Thirteen people were killed and […]

Indian commandos end 62-hour siege of Mumbai

Officials said 195 people have been killed, including 22 foreigners, and more than 300 are reported wounded so far. A captured terrorist said the attack was organized by the Lashkar-e-Taiba and originated in Pakistan.


Al Qaeda in partnership with Lashkar-e-Taiba in India


Indian special forces in Mumbai have cleared the Trident Hotel and Nariman House, fighting is ongoing at the Taj Mahal Hotel. Two commandos have been killed and six have been wounded in the fighting. Reports indicate seven Britons may have participated in the assault; two Britons are said to be in custody. Three members of […]

India’s financial capital under terror siege

Bombings, gunfire in Mumbai shut down the city as terror teams attack throughout the city. More than 100 people have been reported killed and more than 900 wounded. The Indian Mujahideen claimed credit for the attack.

Multiple blasts rock New Delhi

Five bombs are detonated in the span of 45 minutes in markets in India’s capital. The Indian Mujahideen took credit for the attack.


The death toll in yesterday’s serial bombings in Ahmedabad climbed to 49. Police found undetonated bombs in the cities of Ahmedabad and Surat. Police arrested a member of an extremist Wahabi group that founded the Pakistani-based Lashkar-e-Taiba. Investigators said the bombers are using a TNT-ammonium nitrate mix as a replacement for RDX to mask the […]

Al Qaeda

The US Treasury Department has designated the Kuwait-based Revival of Islamic Heritage Society (RHIS) for providing financial and material support to al Qaeda groups including Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jemaah Islamiyah, and Al Itihaad al Islamiyah. “RIHS has used charity and humanitarian assistance as cover to fund terrorist activity and harm innocent civilians, often in poor and impoverished […]

The State of Jihad: 2007

A year-end roundup of the major developments in the Long War in the primary and secondary theaters across the globe.


Seven soldiers and two civilians were killed in a bombing at an Indian army base in Baramula; two soldiers and four terrorists were killed in other ambushes. Lashkar-e-Taiba was involved in an attack on an Indian army battalion headquarters near Srinagar. Two Lashkar-e-Taiba suicide bombers were killed by Indian troops. Police captured a senior Hizbul […]

Al Qaeda killed in North Waziristan attacks

NWFP MapTwenty-five foreign al Qaeda reported killed in North Waziristan. Report of a major operation in North Waziristan is leaked as the government continues negotiations with the Taliban.


Seven more Taliban fighters were killed in fighting in North and South Waziristan after ambushing military convoys and attacking checkpoints. A suicide bomber wounded five soldiers in Tank. Police released 21 students detained in the Lal Masjid operation. Jamaatud Dawa (formerly Lashkar-e-Taiba) leader Hafiz Muhammad Saeed said the only way to eliminate terrorism and have […]

The assault on the Red Mosque has begun

The Lal Masjid in relation to the government buildings. Click to view. Pakistani security forces launch the assault on the Taliban mosque in Islamabad After a week of negotiations and skirmishes at the Lal Masjid, or Red Mosque, which left over 20 dead and 100 wounded, the final assault on the compound has begun. Pakistani […]

Pakistan may capitulate to the Red Mosque

Musharraf approves amnesty; update on latest news from the Lal Masjid and the Taliban’s response Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf, who survived an assassination attempt earlier today, is prepared to pardon the Islamists and the leaders of the Lal Masjid, or Red Mosque, according to Pakistan’s Daily Times. President Musharraf “approved a plan to extend a […]

Al Qaeda Camp struck in North Waziristan, Pakistan

NWFP/FATA map. Red agencies/ districts controlled by the Taliban; yellow under threat. Click map to view. 32 reported killed in strike launched from Afghanistan; follows news of Taliban, al Qaeda suicide squads graduation A joint al Qaeda and Taliban training camp was struck in a missile attack in Pakistan’s lawless Northwest Frontier Province. A strike, […]


A Lashkar-e-Taiba commander and 2 fighters were killed in a raid by Indian forces. The Indian army has found no evidence of an al Qaeda presence in Kashmir.


Top commander of Lashkar-e-Taiba killed in Jammu-Kashmir


Security forces killed Abu Hamza, a “top” Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist. India is considering Pakistan’s offer to resolve the Kashmir dispute. Terrorism in Kashmir and Jammu has dropped by 40%.


Three “Lashkar-e-Taiba” guerrillas arrested in India


President Musharraf threatened to withdraw from the anti-terror coalition if the West continues to blame the country for failing to act against al Qaeda and the Taliban. Three Lal Masjid students ordered CD shops in Peshawar to close. The Taliban clashed with a wedding party in Lakki Marwat. Lashkar-e-Taiba requested terror groups and politicians unite […]