Search Results for: Pakistan

Afghan, US forces target Haqqani-linked Taliban leader in Parwan

Qari Nazar Gul, the deputy shadow governor for Parwan province, is linked to the Haqqani Network and “transports weapons, fighters and suicide bombers” into Parwan and Kabul. Ten Taliban fighters, a US Special Forces soldier, and two civilians were killed during the raid.


Authorities referred 13 of 28 suspected al Qaeda members to court after their recent arrest; the remaining suspects are still being interrogated. Among those arrested are al Qaeda’s alleged senior member in Turkey, Halis Bayancuk, along with the terror group’s second-in-command in the Middle East, İbrahim Şen. Some three senior al Qaeda operatives are said […]


Afghan border police: ‘Rebels receiving arms from Pakistan’

Al Qaeda

US never saw Pakistan as an ally, writes Gates


Taliban killings in Pakistani city may be part of pattern

State Department designates 3 Ansar al Sharia organizations, leaders

The State Department has designated three Ansar al Sharia organizations. Two of them were involved in the Sept. 11, 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya and the third was involved in the Sept. 14, 2012 assault on the US Embassy in Tunis, Tunisia. The State Department says Ansar al Sharia Tunisia is “tied” to al Qaeda’s affiliates, including al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.

Taliban assassinate Karachi police chief

The Mohmand branch of the Taliban accused Chaudhry Aslam Khan, slain chief of the Crime Investigation Department in Karachi, of being “involved in torturing Mujahideen in prison” and killing them.

United States

The US is accelerating sales and delivery of military equipment, including Hellfire missiles and drones, to Iraq to help in the fight against al Qaeda. A US gunmaker turned down a deal to sell precision rifles to Pakistan, out of concern they could be used against US troops. Iran rejected Secretary of State Kerry’s suggestion […]


Afghan officials claimed that five Pakistanis were among 15 Taliban fighters killed in Ghazni; the Taliban claimed two Taliban fighters and six policemen were killed. The Taliban killed five civilians in a rocket attack in Helmand.

The New York Times whitewashes Benghazi

Left out of the Times‘ account of the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the US mission in Benghazi are the many leads tying the attackers to al Qaeda’s international network.

United States

The US delivered 75 Hellfire missiles to Iraq last week, and is providing unarmed reconnaissance drones and other equipment, as well as targeting assistance by the CIA, to help the Maliki government cope with security challenges posed by al Qaeda. Kidnapped US contractor Warren Weinstein, who has been held by al Qaeda in Pakistan since […]

The German jihadists’ colony in Syria

A “German Camp” that caters to training and recruitment and serves as a magnet to attract German-speaking jihadists from Europe has been established in Syria.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 11 people, including three Pakistani pilgrims, in suicide bombings and armed attacks; ISIS suicide bombers killed six people in Khalis and two policemen in Ramadi. Yesterday, the ISIS killed two Awakening fighters in an IED attack in Kirkuk. Security forces captured seven ISIS fighters in Ninewa.

US adds Belmokhtar’s brigades to terrorist lists

Mokhtar Belmokhtar’s al-Mulathameen Brigade is behind terror attacks in Niger, Algeria, and Mali. Its “aliases,” the al-Murabitoon Brigade and al Mua’qi’oon Biddam, have also been added to the US’s lists of terror groups.


Six ISAF soldiers were killed in an aircraft crash in Zabul; the Taliban claimed they shot down a helicopter. The Taliban killed two Afghan Border Police officers in an IED attack in Kandahar. Security forces killed eight Taliban fighters, including Pakistanis, in Ghazni.