Search Results for: Pakistan


The head of the PST announced that the terror alert has been lowered, as an attack by Islamist militants from Syria is no longer thought to be imminent. Norwegian counterterrorism experts indicated there was more to the warning than mentioned in the press. Police arrested a second suspect in the attempted murder of an Oslo […]


Four Taliban fighters were killed while launching rocket attacks on Kabul International Airport. The Interior Ministry accused the Haqqani Network and Pakistan’s military intelligence service of directing the Kabul attack. The Taliban killed two civilians in a rocket attack in Kunar. General Dunford warned that al Qaeda is likely to return in force to Afghanistan.


Afghanistan accuses Pakistan of letting Haqqani militants escape crackdown


Faraj Al Shibli, a suspect in the September 2012 attack on the US Mission in Benghazi, was found dead on July 13 outside the city of Marj. Shibli a.k.a. Chalabi, who was a member of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group and was questioned by the FBI while in Libyan custody in 2013 but was released, […]


Pakistan Claims Win Against Militants Along Afghan Border, but Enemy Slips Away

Benghazi suspect has ‘extensive contacts’ with jihadist leaders in Libya

In a court filing earlier this week, the US government argued that the only suspect in custody for the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya should remain in pretrial detention. Prosecutors cited his “extensive contacts” with senior members of other jihadist organizations and plans for additional attacks as reasons to keep him behind bars as he awaits trial.

United States

President Obama said an extra 200 US troops are being deployed to Iraq to protect the US Embassy in Baghdad as well as its support facilities and the international airport. A federal court in California sentenced US national Sinh Vinh Ngo Nguyen a.k.a. Hasan Abu Omar Ghannoum to 13 years in prison plus 10 years’ […]


Pakistani army begins ground offensive against Taliban

Ex-Guantanamo detainee arrested in Spain tied to infamous al Qaeda cell

Lahcen Ikassrien, an ex-Guantanamo detainee, was arrested earlier this month in Spain. Leaked State Department cables and a threat assessment authored by Joint Task Force Guantanamo link Ikassrien to an al Qaeda cell run by one of Osama bin Laden’s most trusted operatives in pre-9/11 Europe.

United Arab Emirates

A court handed jail sentences to seven men arrested last year on suspicion of supporting the Al Nusrah Front in Syria and forming a terrorist cell in the UAE; six received seven-year terms, and the other, who was in absentia, was given a life sentence. Two other men arrested at the same time, both Arabs […]