Search Results for: Lashkar-e-Taiba

Taliban assault military base in Mohmand

The Taliban attacked a Frontier Corps base in battalion strength; 40 Taliban fighters and 15 Frontier Corps troops reported killed; more than 25 troops reported missing. Four soldiers were mutilated in Bajaur.

Terrorist Penpals

A new program by Amnesty International advocates “Solidarity with Guantanamo Detainees.”

The State of Jihad: 2008

LWJ-Globe.jpgThe Long War Journal’s roundup of the major developments in the primary and secondary theaters during the past year.


Lashkar-e-Taiba plotting to target Indian warship: US intelligence


Interpol said India has failed to share evidence concerning the Mumbai attacks, while a UN official said Pakistan has complied with sanctions against Jamaat-ud-Daw and Lashkar-e-Taiba. A soldier was killed in a Taliban rocket attack in North Waziristan. A Taliban leader was handed over to authorities in Mohmand. The Taliban killed four people and bombed […]

Pakistani Taliban vows to battle India

Baitullah Mehsud offers to send hundreds of suicide bombers and thousands of “well-armed” fighters to fight alongside the Pakistani Army in the event of war with India.


US sharpens focus on Lashkar-e-Taiba


More than 50 NATO vehicles and supply trucks were destroyed in a Taliban attack in Peshawar. The Army confirmed it is conducting operations against Lashkar-e-Taiba. A government official was kidnapped in North Waziristan. Three men were beheaded in Swat.


An estimated 300 Taliban fighters stormed two truck terminals in Peshawar and destroyed more than 160 military vehicles destined for NATO forces in Afghanistan. Dozens of Lashkar-e-Taiba fighters are said to have been detained in raids on a camp and at offices in Muzaffarabad. A rocket attack on a terminal in Peshawar destroyed more vehicles. […]


The Two Faces of Lashkar-e-Taiba


Five terrorists involved in the Mumbai terror attack may still be at large. India will await the outcome of the international community’s efforts to track down the plotters of the Mumbai attacks. The Lashkar-e-Taiba is confident Pakistan will not turn over their leaders to India. Security has been tightened at airports after yesterday’s gunshot scare.


The US will attempt to get four senior former Pakistani military officers added to the UN terrorist list. Hafiz Saeed denied Lashkar-e-Taiba was behind the Mumbai attacks. Ten Taliban and a politician were killed in Swat. A foreign NGO project manager and his driver were kidnapped in Khyber.


The Director of US National Intelligence implicated Lashkar-e-Taiba in last week’s Mumbai attack. Fourteen members of Lashkar-e-Taiba that trained the Mumbai assault team in Pakistan are still unaccounted for. Police defused another RDX bomb left over from last week’s attack in Mumbai, this time at the train station. Two policemen were wounded while arresting a […]


The Northwest Frontier Province government called for military action in Jamrud, just west of Peshawar, as the Taliban is in control of the area. The Taliban attacked a NATO convoy in Peshawar. Security forces killed six Taliban fighters in Bajaur. One soldier, six militants, and six civilians were killed in Swat. The Taliban murdered a […]


India demanded Pakistan turn over 20 wanted terrorists. The military has not ruled out military action in Pakistan. Pakistan fears India may strike Lashkar-e-Taiba’s complex in Muridke. India is not interested in conducting a joint probe with Pakistan on the Mumbai attack.