Search Results for: TTP


The Interior Ministry claimed that 38 “rebels” were killed during security sweeps. The Taliban killed a policeman in a bombing in Herat and a civilian in a grenade attack in Nangarhar. Afghan Border Police were killed while clashing with Pakistani forces in Kandahar. Residents of Nuristan claimed that Pakistani troops disguised as Taliban are attacking […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed five Awakening fighters in Balad and two soldiers in Baghdad. Security forces killed eight ISIS fighters while sinking their boat on the Tigris river south of Mosul. The military destroyed three ISIS camps in Rawa.

Boko Haram

US Officials Question Ability of Nigeria to Rescue Hostages


At least four people were killed and more than 10 wounded in two suspected Shabaab bombings in Nairobi; one occurred on a bus and the other in the Gikomba market. Police have begun stopping vehicles with tinted windows in Nairobi following a May 13 directive by the police inspector general as part of heightened antiterrorism […]

Boko Haram

Chibok: the village that lost its daughters to Boko Haram


At least 12 people were killed and over 50 injured in clashes in Benghazi after Libyan irregular forces shelled bases of Ansar al Sharia and another Islamist group. Yesterday in Benghazi, gunmen assassinated two special forces members and an imam described as moderate. Ansar al Sharia eulogized him as “a great symbol among the symbols […]


The US has released 10 Pakistani prisoners from the Bagram Detention Facility. Abdullah Abdullah and Ashraf Ghani will face each other in a runoff vote for president that will take place on June 14. Taliban fighters executed one of their commanders in Faryab province.


Russia says ‘Friends of Syria’ stance destructive


“Friends of Syria” London meeting agrees to increase support for Syrian opposition


The Revolutionary Guards are reportedly recruiting Afghan refugees to fight alongside Assad regime forces in Syria. A senior Guards commander recently claimed that Iran has trained an extra 130,000 soldiers ready to back up Assad’s forces if need be.


A car bomb exploded near the Bab al Salama border crossing, controlled by the Islamic Front; the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham is suspected in the attack, which killed 43 people and injured over 80. Two UK journalists who had been beaten and shot by rebels were freed by the Islamic Front and […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 29 people in a series of attacks in and around Baghdad. In one attack, Army officers were executed after being stopped at a fake ISIS checkpoint. Security forces captured six Ansar al Islam fighters in Kirkuk.


Yesterday, 10 Yemeni soldiers and 13 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed during clashes in Azzan and Gol al Rayda in Shabwa. AQAP stormed a police station before withdrawing from Azzan. The military launched airstrikes in Azzan today.

Saudi Arabia

At a meeting of Gulf Cooperation Council defense ministers attended by the US Defense Secretary Hagel, Saudi Arabia’s defense minister called for more cooperation with the US in the face of rising regional security challenges, and warned against “hesitance and delay” in dealing with them. Hagel reiterated the US’ support, but also urged the Gulf […]

Boko Haram

Nigerians defy terror to keep learning

AQAP military official killed in 2013 drone strike

Sarhan Abdullah Ali al Nasi, or Khishiman, was recruited into al Qaeda by Anwar al Awlaki. Starting as a driver, Khishiman rose through the ranks to serve as a member of the Military Committee and emir of Al Jawf and Saada provinces.


Text of Sisi interview with Reuters


Presidential candidate Abdel Fattah al-Sisi called for US support and equipment to help Egypt fight terrorism. The Army seized 15 tons of bomb-making material from two locations in al Quantara, a town that straddles the Suez Canal. Security forces defused three IEDs at a checkpoint in Giza. Gunmen opened fire on a police car in […]


Centrifuges emerge as key sticking point in Iran nuclear talks


Gunmen abducted 250 Egyptian drivers, taking them to Ajdabiya, where they are being held as their captors demand the release of Libyan convicts from prison in Cairo. Clashes in Sebha left one person dead and 12 injured. In the second such incident in a week, a historic tomb was bombed in Derna. The port in […]


The government dismissed the UN Secretary General’s allegation that the top leadership of the Lords Resistance Army is harboring in Sudanese-controlled territory near South Sudan and CAR. A pregnant Christian woman was sentenced to 100 lashes and told she will be hanged in three days if she does not renounce her faith for Islam. Aerial […]


The Al Nusrah Front, the Islamic Front, and the Jaysh al Mujahireen wal Ansar (Emigrants Army) continued to clash with regime forces near the air force intelligence building in Aleppo. The Islamic Front also battled regime forces in Idlib, Hama, and Reef Dimashq. The Islamic Front and rebels have agreed to a weeklong truce with […]

Al Nusrah Front

ISIS continues advance on Deir Ezzor as FSA calls for support


Hezbollah cutting costs as Iranian aid dries up


Security forces in Baidoa arrested three suspected terrorists linked to a suicide bombing in the city on May 12 that killed 12 people and injured 20 more. The attack had targeted the convoy of the former governor of the Bay region. Shabaab militants targeted army bases in Gedo with RPGs. Shabaab awarded AK-47s and military […]


Abu Hamza devoted his life to violent jihad, terror trial jury hears