Search Results for: Pakistan

Islamic State

Local Islamic State commander arrested in Lahore, Pakistan

Haqqani Network

Pakistani government tight-lipped about ban on Jamaat-ud-Dawa, Haqqani Network


The internationally-recognized government reaffirmed its support of former Khaddafi General Khalifa Haftar, who was officially reinstated to the army recently. Libya’s representative to OPEC has gone missing in Tripoli as of Jan. 15. Over 7000 stranded Pakistanis were airlifted home from Libya and 51 Egyptian fishermen arrived in Rashid Port on Jan. 19 after fleeing […]

Ex-Gitmo detainee leads contingent of Islamic State fighters in Afghanistan

Mullah Raouf Khadim, an ex-Guantanamo detainee, leads a contingent of fighters loyal to the Islamic State in Helmand, Afghanistan. Raouf and another top Taliban commander were previously forced out of their positions in the Taliban’s hierarchy. According to a leaked threat assessment, the jihadist had ties to at least two members of the so-called “Taliban Five.”


Top US commander in Afghanistan: ISIS recruiting in Afghanistan, Pakistan


Head of Pakistan’s Jamaat-e-Islami claims anti-Islam policies of West could plunge world into 3rd world war


4 Shot During Protest Against Charlie Hebdo in Pakistan


Authorities in Shanghai arrested 10 Turkish nationals accused of providing fake passports to suspected Uighur terrorists who were trying to leave China. Nine Uighurs suspected of terrorist activity were also arrested; some allegedly confessed to plans to travel to Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Syria.

Haqqani Network

Kerry holds security talks in Pakistan after school massacre

United States

Hackers purportedly from the Islamic State took over CENTCOM’s Twitter feed and YouTube page for 30 minutes today, posting threats and information about military personnel. The US and partner nations have carried out 16 airstrikes in Iraq and 11 in Syria against the Islamic State since yesterday morning. The White House admitted that a high-level […]

Jihadists praise Paris attacks

Various jihadist groups around the world have commented on the terrorist attacks in Paris and have lauded the terrorists as “heroes.”

The Islamic State’s curious cover story

The cover story of the Islamic State’s recently released issue of Dabiq, an English-language magazine, is written by an alleged al Qaeda defector known as Abu Jarir ash-Shamali. The group has been trying to win over al Qaeda’s and the Taliban’s supporters, but Shamali’s piece criticizes Osama bin Laden’s jihadist legacy and the Taliban. Shamali also provides new details about how al Qaeda is currently structured.

United States

The US and partner nations have carried out six airstrikes in Syria and one in Iraq against the Islamic State since yesterday morning. A US drone strike today on the compound of a Taliban commander in North Waziristan, Pakistan killed at least eight foreign militants, reportedly including a “high-value target.”

United Kingdom

Prosecutors disclosed that classified documents seized during the May 2011 raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, will be used in the forthcoming US trial of Pakistan-born Abid Naseer, 28, who is accused of involvement in an al Qaeda plot to bomb targets in Manchester, New York, and Norway. A Bristol-area bus and […]

Long War Journal in the News

The Washington Post cited Bill Roggio on Muqtada al Sadr’s threat to reactivate the military wing his militia that is assigned to attack the US and its interests. Reuters cited Bill Roggio’s report on an Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan leader who was freed in Afghanistan and has returned to wage jihad in Kunduz. The Boston […]


Afghanistan, Pakistan work on ‘joint terrorist list’