Search Results for: TTP


The Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front battled regime forces in Reef Dimashq, Latakia, and Homs. The Islamic Front also clashed with regime forces in Hama; Damascus; and in Deraa, where Islamic Front forces targeted the 12th brigade, the 175 convoy, and an airport in Ezra’. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham […]


Syrian gunmen from the Al Nusrah Front killed Khaled al-Mustafa, a Syrian, in Arsal; Al Nusrah members also reportedly kidnapped and killed a 14-year-old Syrian youth in Arsal. It is not clear if there were two murder victims or one. The Army detained 22 people in Tripoli for firing guns in the air to celebrate […]


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula killed eight soldiers and six tribesmen in an attack on a checkpoint in Bayhan in Shabwa province. The US killed three AQAP fighters, including a commander, in a drone strike in Marib. The government and the Houthis agreed to yet another ceasefire in Amran.


Libyan National Army forces leader Khalid Haftar survived a suicide bombing at his headquarters yesterday that slightly injured him; he said he is well and that “there will be a strong response” to the attack. Haftar also said that Mohammed Al-Zahawi, Ansar al Sharia’s Benghazi commander, had incurred the consequences of his actions. Haftar has […]

Boko Haram rampages unchecked in the Nigerian north

The jihadist group has killed more than 200 civilians in several villages in northeastern Nigeria over the past few days. Reports have emerged of collusion between Boko Haram and elements within the military.


Mali imposes national military service amid separatist tensions

Yemen claims to have killed 500 AQAP fighters

A spokesman for the Yemeni military announced that 500 AQAP militants have been killed since the start of the southern offensive in late April. 17 soldiers were killed in an AQAP attack in Shabwa today.


G7 to focus on Syria foreign fighters after Brussels attack: diplomats


A Lebanese man identified as Ismail I. was charged with membership in a terrorist organization after returning from fighting with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham in Syria; his brother Ezzeddine I. and a German identified as Mohammad Sobhan A. were charged with supporting a terrorist organization. At the time of his arrest, […]

United States

The FBI in Minnesota is investigating reports that a local Somali youth and 11 others recently left for Syria, by way of Turkey, allegedly to fight alongside Syrian rebels. Several former top military and civilian officials criticized President Obama’s timeline for withdrawal from Afghanistan. On May 31, New York resident Mufid A. Elfgeeh, a naturalized […]


Exclusive: Afghan villagers recall when Bergdahl stumbled into their midst


NATO extends Somali counter-piracy mission to 2016


US vacates Manas base in Central Asia as Russia’s clout rises


Afghan parliament approves anti-terrorist financing law


Foreign policy expert says US deal with Iran could unhinge Mideast

Boko Haram

Bullets in the classroom: Cameroon students caught in Boko Haram crossfire

United Kingdom

UK Cabinet splits as Gove and May point finger over extremism in Birmingham schools


A massive suicide car bomb detonated one kilometer away from the headquarters of Libyan National Army chief Khalid Haftar in Benghazi, killing three people and injuring four more. Haftar’s forces claimed to be continuing operations in Benghazi as well as in Derna, where they are targeting al Qaeda leaders. Derna gunmen allegedly from Ansar al […]


Official: 1,800 US Troops for Afghan Counterterror

Taliban video details Bergdahl prisoner swap

The Taliban recorded the release of captured soldier Bowe Bergdahl. Throughout the exchange, Bergdahl is frisked by a special forces operator clearly looking for a possible suicide bomb.


Boko Haram militants dressed in military uniforms killed dozens of civilians and razed several villages in Borno yesterday; one of the villages, Attagara, was also attacked by Boko Haram on June 1, but villagers had killed a number of the militants at that time. The Defense Ministry denied reports that 10 generals and five other […]


A Shabaab court in Barawe sentenced three men to death for spying; they were then executed. A few days earlier, Shabaab executed three other alleged spies in Bulo Mare; and amputated the hand one man and flogged another in Barawe. Last week Shabaab forces raided bases near the Ethiopian border in Bakool, killing 28 vigilantes; […]


Kenyan police are looking into reports that a woman resembling wanted Shabaab terrorist Samantha Lewthwaite had tried to cross over into Somalia from Lamu county and then vanished after border guards denied her permission. The head of the National Task Force on Community Policing urged the Kenyan media to demonstrate patriotism by avoiding coverage of […]


WikiLeaks document backs up US soldier’s claim Bowe Bergdahl tried to contact Taliban