Search Results for: Iran


Major powers examine long-shot options in Iran talks

Treasury ‘further exposes’ Iran-al Qaeda relationship

The US Treasury Department has designated Adel Radi Saqr al Wahabi al Harbi, a “key member” of al Qaeda’s Iran-based network. Al Harbi serves as the deputy to Muhsin al Fadhli, who now leads al Qaeda’s presence in Iran. The US government has highlighted the Iran-al Qaeda relationship several times since July 2011.


Continued concern over Iran’s nuclear program prompted the EU to impose a range of new economic sanctions on Iran. Iran said it would cut the imports of nonessential goods as it moves to a resistance economy.


Iranians Planning to Create Environmental Catastrophe in Hormuz Strait


Iran’s foreign minister said “Iran is ready to show flexibility” in talks over its nuclear program. Iran would halt further uranium enrichment in exchange for a guaranteed supply and acknowledgment of Iran’s right to enrich uranium.


Western intelligence sees ‘small signs of wavering’ on Iran nuclear policy


As Sanctions Bite, West And Tehran Play Risky Game


US warning reflects fears of Iranian cyberattack


Iran aids Syria in tracking opposition via electronic surveillance, U.S. officials say


Iran repelled cyberattacks against its communication networks on offshore oil and gas platforms. A think tank estimated Iran could produce enough enriched uranium for a nuclear bomb within two to four months.


Iran withdrew 275 members of its elite Qods Force from Syria. The force had been supporting the Assad regime.


Iran’s currency chaos rattles leaders but fails to threaten grip


In a bid to restart nuclear talks, Iran converted a third of its highly enriched uranium into a powder that is difficult to reprocess into weapons. Iran’s proposal for a partial suspension of uranium enrichment was rejected by the US. Clerics called the near collapse of the national currency a US-led conspiracy to wage economic […]


Iran regime fears widespread chaos over rial collapse


Sanctions, currency chaos igniting unrest in outcast Iran


As Rial Slides, So Do Iranians’ Dreams


Clashes and Protest Over Iran Currency Plunge Hit Tehran


In Tehran, riot police clashed with demonstrators protesting against President Ahmadinejad, blaming him for the plummeting currency. Cyberattacks on Iranian infrastructure and communications companies disrupted internet services.


Iran may still be years away from any nuclear-armed missile


Iranian economy on verge of collapse, says Israel


Iran’s rial hits an all-time-low against the US dollar


Tehran split over billions spent to support Assad’s regime


Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said Iran would have enough uranium to make a nuclear bomb by next summer and that a “red line” should be drawn to stop it. Iran warned it would retaliate against any attack.


A senior commander of the Republican Guards said a cyber war was more dangerous to Iran than a physical war. President Ahmadinejad railed against Israel and the US in a speech at the UN.


Muslim rage over Prophet film fed by hunt for America’s free speech `red lines’


Iran cut off Internet access to Google search, YouTube, and Gmail. A government news agency said the reason was YouTube’s refusal to take down an inflammatory movie trailer about the Prophet Mohammed. Others cited the use of social media in anti-government demonstrations.


A senior member of parliament accused the IAEA of passing nuclear secrets to Israel. A senior IRGC commander said Iran could launch a preemptive strike against Israel and that Iran would also target US bases in the region.


Iran accused a German company of attempting to sabotage its nuclear program by planting explosives inside its equipment. An Iranian Republican Guard commander expected Iran to go to war with Israel.


The head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization admitted supplying the UN with false information on its nuclear program. Four Western countries accused Iran of supplying arms to the Syrian government.


Cyberwar on Iran more widespread than first thought, say researchers