Search Results for: TTP


Security officials said that the Taliban killed three soldiers in IED attacks, and 13 Taliban fighters died in premature detonations in Sar-i-Pul and Helmand. Security officials also accused the Lashkar-e-Taiba of launching the suicide attack that targeted presidential candidate Dr. Abdullah.


A senior figure in the Syrian National Coalition denied rumors of a shakeup and creation of a new opposition group. The Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front battled regime forces in Hama; Reef Dimashq; and Aleppo, where they were joined by the Jaysh Muhajireen wal Ansar. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham […]


Eighteen people were killed when a suicide bomber detonated his car packed with explosives outside of the headquarters of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan in Jalawla. The suicide bomber then entered the building and detonated his vest. Security forces launched an operation to clear ISIS fighters from western Mosul.


The mainly Tebu 25th Brigade, a.k.a. Ahmed Al-Shareef Brigade, which guards the Sarir and Messla oilfields as well as at the Shula oil compound, announced it is joining Khalid Haftar’s forces. Intelligence chief Salem El-Hassi resigned on June 5, citing the breakdown of government and the “complicated” security situation. The Supreme Court will rule tomorrow […]


Nigeria has withdrawn all of its peacekeeping troops from Mali due to the challenges of battling the Boko Haram insurgency at home. On June 2, the UN added three related Mali-based terrorist groups to its al Qaeda sanctions list: al Mouakaoune, al Moulathamoun, and al Mourabitoun. The latter, led by Mokhtar Belmokhtar, was formed in […]


A suspected Boko Haram bombing outside a military barracks in Gombe, the capital of Gombe state, killed at least three people. The government recently seized and destroyed copies of certain newspapers due to intelligence reports indicating that “materials with grave security implications” were being circulated by means of newsprint-related consignment; the move was criticized as […]


Barrel bombs risk becoming answer to insurgency


The Taliban killed seven civilians and five security personnel in yesterday’s suicide attack and bombing that targeted presidential candidate Abdullah’s car. Security forces killed four Taliban commanders in Helmand. Four Afghan soldiers and 27 Taliban fighters were killed during clashes throughout the country.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 18 security personnel during a massed assault on Mosul; the military said it killed 105 AQAP fighters in a counterattack. ISIS fighters briefly seized control of Anbar University in Ramadi and killed three policemen before retreating.


Rice: United States is leading with ‘lethal and non-lethal’ aid to Syria


A Syrian passenger left hand grenades in a bag on a bus bound for Istanbul. Turkey and Iran are planning to sign at least six new economic and political agreements. Turkey designated the Al Nusrah Front a terrorist organization on June 3.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula killed a Yemeni soldier in an attack at a checkpoint in Qotn in Hadramout province. The United Nations reported that more than 20,000 Yemenis have been displaced due to fighting between the government and AQAP in the southern provinces.


The fight against fundamentalist recruitment of Palestinian youth in Ain al-Hilweh


The Army arrested four wanted suspects in southern Beirut and confiscated military gear and ammunition in their possession; and arrested four men in Hermel after a shootout, seizing rifles, pistols, and RPGs from them. The Army said it had detained 900 people in May, of varying nationalities. A Lebanese media report claimed that the two […]

Iraqi troops repel ISIS assault on Mosul

The ISIS killed 18 security personnel during a massed assault on the northern Iraqi city. ISIS fighters also briefly seized control of Anbar University in Ramadi.


Pakistan Suspends License of Leading News Channel

Boko Haram

US State Department Ramps Up Efforts Against Boko Haram


Syrians wage ‘war of tunnels’ for Damascus


A recent study estimates that some 2,800 Westerners have gone to Syria to fight, and most have joined the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham or the Al Nusrah Front. President Assad celebrated his reelection by granting amnesty to 300 inmates at Aleppo Central Prison and over 500 at Adra prison in Damascus province. […]


Authorities issued arrest warrants for four men who appeared in an August 2013 video from Syria in which they targeted effigies of former secret agent Morten Storm, free speech advocate Lars Hedegaard, politician Naser Khader, the imam Ahmed Akkari, former prime minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, and cartoonist Kurt Westergaard. Two of the men were said […]


A Norwegian fighter was reportedly killed in Syria last week. Police arrested two men linked to last week’s arrest of three Norwegians, including two had fought with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham in Syria; one of the two “witnesses,” an Algerian, was let go, but the other, a relative of the two […]

United Kingdom

Ibrahim Hassan, a.k.a. Abu Nusaybah, and Shah Hussain, both of London, were sentenced to jail terms of three years each for disseminating terrorist material and encouraging terrorism. The two men, who pled guilty in March, had both been convicted in 2008 of encouraging terrorist activity overseas. Hassan is an associate of Lee Rigby murderer Michael […]


Three al-Jazeera journalists could be jailed for up to 15 years