Search Results for: TTP

Al Qaeda in Iraq

Repent or die: al Qaeda forces announce rules for Iraqi territory they now control


Algerians fear FIS comeback


A suicide bombing at the Bersis checkpoint outside Benghazi manned by soldiers from Khalid Haftar’s forces injured three soldiers and three civilians. Ansar al Sharia denied it was negotiating a ceasefire with Haftar’s forces.

United States

President Obama said Iraq is going to need help due to the jihadist advance, and that his team is working to determine the most effective aid to offer. The White House has refused previous Iraqi requests for American airstrikes against Iraqi insurgents. The US has been flying reconnaissance drones over Iraq since last year. US […]

ISIS statement details gains in Mosul

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham detailed its gains in the city of Mosul on Tuesday in a statement released today by ISIS’ Ninewa media office.

ISIS’ advance halted at Samarra

Iraqi forces appear to stiffen as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham attempted to take control of Samarra for the second time in the past week.

Al Qaeda

US spy agencies heard Benghazi attackers using State Dept. cell phones to call terrorist leaders

Islamic Front

Syria Islamist factions in new push against rivals

Al Nusrah Front

Baghdadi, leader of Iraq insurgents, is jihad’s rising chief


ISIS erases Iraq-Syria border


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham took control of the cities of Tikrit and Bayji in Salahaddin province. Bayji has Iraq’s largest oil refinery, and Tikrit is the provincial capital of Salahaddin. ISIS fighters have freed thousands of prisoners and looted hundreds of millions of dollars during their offensive.


Al-Mahdi Saad Abu Al-Abyad, a leading member of Ansar al Sharia in Derna, was killed; Ansar al Sharia and the Abu Slim Martyrs Brigade have been clashing in the city since June 6. A member of the Counter Crime Agency was murdered in Benghazi. Political activist Mohamed Bughaighis escaped an assassination attempt in Benghazi; writing […]


A suicide car bombing near the entrance to a camp in Aguelhok that houses MINUSMA and Malian forces killed at least four Chadian soldiers and injured 10 more troops, including four Malians. It is the first major attack in the Kidal area since a ceasefire was reached between the government and three separatist groups in […]


Iraq crisis: al Qaeda forces seize Mosul and Tikrit – live


Bergdahl Briefing Fails to Allay Senators’ Doubts


After Capture of Mosul, Militants Extend Control in Iraq


Libya chaos ‘systematic’


Israel Backs Measure to Limit Early Release for Jailed Palestinians


Moroccan authorities claimed to have dismantled 18 terrorist cells between 2011 and 2013 that involved recruiting networks. Experts estimate that over 2,000 Moroccans are now fighting in Syria. On May 28, three people engaged in recruiting for al Qaeda in Syria were arrested in Casablanca and Fdineq, and on May 26, two people involved in […]


US Warns Iraqi Militants Threaten Entire Region, UN Chief ‘Gravely Concerned’


Five US special operations soldiers and an Afghan soldier were killed during fighting in Zabul; they are thought to have been killed in an accidental airstrike by ISAF attack aircraft. ISAF killed 10 Taliban fighters, including Pakistanis, in an airstrike in Kunar. The Taliban killed eight de-miners in Logar and four civilians in an IED […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham seized control of the northern city of Mosul, Iraq’s second largest. Iraqi troops and police abandoned their weapons, ammunition, and vehicles and fled the city. The ISIS quickly advanced southwards and took control of the Hawijah, Zab, Riyadh, Abbasi, Rashad, and Yankaja areas west and south of […]

United States

FAA for the first time OKs commercial drone flights over land