Search Results for: TTP


Iraq crisis: despite decapitations and deaths thousands return willingly to city held by ISIS terrorists


Shabaab militants arrested some 100 women in Buale, ordering them to wear the head-to-toe covering niqab or be publicly whipped. Fighting broke out in Wajid in Bakool after Shabaab militants attacked soldiers who were guarding supplies. Somalia’s prime minister asked Ethiopia to provide soldiers to escort emergency aid supplies in southern Somalia, where Shabaab has […]


Afghans ignore Taliban threats and vote again in final test


The UK Foreign Office has warned of “credible reports” that Shabaab is planning further attacks on Western interests in Djibouti, which hosts the biggest US military base in Africa. The US issued a similar warning on June 8.


Turkey Says Got Prior Warning of Mosul Consulate Attack


Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb issued a statement claiming the May 27 attack on the Kasserine home of Interior Minister Lotfi Ben Jeddou; the terror group denounced the government for banning Ansar al Sharia, and threatened further attacks against Jeddou, whom it blamed for comments on “sexual jihad.” A roadside bomb injured two people […]


A court ordered 46 members of Sharia4Belgium to face trial on terrorism charges, including the group’s leader, Fouad Belkacem, and 15 other top operatives. Only eight of the 46 are currently in Belgium; the other 38 are thought to have gone to Syria. The outlawed group Sharia4Belgium was reportedly dissolved in 2012 but authorities believe […]


Taliban Run Into Trouble on Battlefield, but Money Flows Just the Same


Afghans tighten security as Taliban threaten vote


Iraq’s spiral into chaos exposes many weaknesses

United States

President Obama said his administration is looking at ways to help Iraq respond to the ISIS advance, but stated that any US military action is contingent on a workable political plan by the Iraqis. The White House said no US ground troops would be involved in Iraq. Three planeloads of Americans, mostly civilian contractors, were […]


Iraqi Shiite Cleric Issues Call to Arms


The Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front continued to battle regime forces in Latakia, Hama, Homs, and Deir Izzour. The Islamic Front also clashed with regime forces in Aleppo and Deraa. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham fought against regime forces in Homs, and is said to be besieging parts of Deir […]


Syria Islamist militants pause and reinforce from Iraq


Concerned about events in Iraq, Jordan has reportedly deployed some 40,000 troops along its eastern and northeastern borders with Iraq and Syria to prevent ISIS and Al Nusrah Front fighters from entering Jordan. The State Security Court charged the owner and 13 journalists of the Amman-based Iraqi satellite TV station Al-Abasiya with inciting terrorism.

Al Nusrah Front

With ISIS advancements, nearby Jordan must be concerned, analysts say


Security forces arrested six suspected Syrian terrorists in raids near Arsal, including Zaher Abdel-Aziz Ahmad, thought to be a member of the al-Qaeda-linked Abdullah Azzam Brigades. Lebanese leaders are anxious to resolve the governmental deadlock and improve Lebanese security in the wake of the worsening situation in Iraq.


US to move aircraft carrier to Gulf


Abdulhakim Belhaj, a co-founder of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) and former leader of the Tripoli Military Council, claimed to be against terrorism and announced that the LIFG had dissolved before the beginning of the revolution, but said he was opposed to Khalid Haftar’s Libyan National Army “Dignity Campaign” that seeks to rid the […]


The US ended its self-imposed, six-month-long moratorium on drone strikes in Pakistan when it launched two attacks on June 11-12 in North Waziristan. A senior Haqqani Network commander and two top Afghan Taliban leaders are reported to have been killed in the strikes.


A Taliban suicide bomber killed three Afghan Local Police officers in Ghazni. The Taliban killed seven civilians in an IED attack in Faryab. The US is secretly transferring some of the non-Afghan prisoners held at Bagram to their home countries.


In Europe, no plans for military involvement in Iraq


Iraqi troops stopped the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham on the outskirts of Samarra, the city that hosts the Al Askaria mosque. The ISIS took control of the towns of Dhuluiyah, Saadiyah, and Jalula to the west of Samarra. ISIS fighters also attacked Taji and other towns south of Samarra.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham clashed with regime forces in Raqqah; and in Hama, in Berri in eastern Reef Hama. The Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front battled regime forces in Homs, Hama, Reef Dimashq, and Latakia. The Islamic Front also clashed with regime forces in Idlib and Deir Izzour. The […]

Iranian perspectives on the crisis in Iraq

Recent statements by Iranian political and religious leaders suggest that Iran’s keen interest in the current Iraqi crisis could lead it to intervene in some fashion.


The Al Nusrah Front attacked a Syrian refugee camp in Arsal, killing one Syrian man, injuring another, and kidnapping two more. A military judge is seeking the death penalty for 31 suspected members of the al Qaeda-linked Abdullah Azzam Brigades.


Qataris Cast Eyes on Foreigners in Modesty Push t