Search Results for: TTP


The defense minister claimed that 146 Taliban fighters, 39 civilians, and 18 soldiers were killed during election day violence. A Taliban suicide assault team killed three policemen in an attack in Kandahar; seven members of the Taliban team were killed in the attack. The Taliban killed 11 civilians in an IED attack in Samangan.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham’s Salahaddin Division released photographs of the execution of scores soldiers captured at Tasfirat prison in the city of Tikrit. The ISIS killed 15 people in bombings in Baghdad, and launched attacks on Tal Afar and Tarmiyah. The military claimed it killed 80 ISIS fighters in airstrikes in […]


Regime forces attacked an ISIS office in Hasakah, clashed with ISIS fighters over the Sha’r gas field in Homs, and attacked the ISIS headquarters and sharia court in Raqqah city in Raqqah. The regime airstrikes against ISIS strongholds in eastern Syria were coordinated with Iraq. The Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front battled regime […]


A Saudi news outlet claimed that Hezbollah is sending more fighters into Syria as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham continues its offensive in Iraq. Gunmen from Syria crossed over into Arsal but fled back across the border when Lebanese forces fired at them. Firefighters in Akkar stopped a blaze from reaching a […]


Suspected Shabaab gunmen attacked Mpeketoni police station in Lamu county, then set fire to three hotels, a restaurant, and a police station before fleeing. At least six people were killed in the attack, but the casualty count is likely to rise; the Red Cross was unable to visit the town due to ongoing violence. Political […]


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula killed eight people while opening fire on a bus that was transporting medical personnel. Troops from the Presidential Guards surrounded a mosque in Sana’a that is run by former President Saleh after rumors of coup swirled in the capital.


Syria pounds ISIS bases in coordination with Iraq


The forces of Khalid Haftar’s Libyan National Army attacked Islamist bases in the Sidi Faraj and al-Hawari districts of Benghazi; residents fled. Haftar’s forces reportedly surrounded Ansar al Sharia fighters in Sidi Faraj and took control of the district. Electricity is out in much of Benghazi. A special forces member and another man were assassinated […]

Al Qaeda

US Officials Fear Moner Mohammad Abusalha’s Jihad Video Will Inspire Others


French authorities have deported Ahmed B., a Tunisian Salafist who had lived in France for several years, following his arrest earlier this month in Grenoble on suspicion of recruiting jihadists who were trained in Tunisia and then sent to Syria to fight. The first deportation of a jihadist recruiter under new French legislation was that […]

United Kingdom

Senior UK Shia cleric Fadhil al-Milani urged British Muslims not to fly to Iraq to fight the forces of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, but still to offer “every assistance” to those in Iraq who are fighting the ISIS. The Foreign Office has advised Britons to avoid non-essential travel to Iraq except […]


Iraqi soldiers who fled ISIS advance accuse officers of treason


Turkey paying price for jihadist highway on border


Qatar to pay former Hamas civil servant salaries


Nine top Free Syrian Army commanders resigned, citing an absence of donor support that disadvantaged them against the Assad regime and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham. The Al Nusrah Front and allied rebel groups, including the Islamic Front, pulled out of the border town of Kasab in Latakia, and withdrew to the […]

Palestinian Territories

Three Israeli teenagers, one of whom is a US citizen, were kidnapped on June 12 from a bus stop in Gush Etzion, south of Bethlehem. The Israeli prime minister’s office issued a statement holding the Palestinian Authority responsible for the youths. The kidnapping was claimed by two groups: one calling itself the West Bank branch […]


Shelling by the Syrian Army and Hezbollah reportedly wounded many people in the Bekaa valley village of Tfeil, which sits close to Qalamoun across the border in Syria. Security was stepped up following reports that Abdullah Azzam Brigades sleeper cells are planning attacks in Lebanon.


US drones killed an al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula commander and four fighters in a strike in the southern province of Shabwa. The Yemeni military also killed four AQAP fighters during a raid in Shabwa. Yemeni forces also destroyed weapons, vehicles, and warehouses during the raid.


Meet the Sixth Man the Taliban Wanted in the Bergdahl Swap