Search Results for: TTP


A court upheld death sentences against Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Badie and some 182 followers. Many of those sentenced were tried in absentia, and their sentences are invalidated if they surrender to authorities or are arrested, in which case retrial is ordered. The charges included sabotage, terrorism, and murder. The defense plans to appeal. Badie […]

ISIS and the threat to Turkey

The recent hostage crisis in Mosul is only the latest sign that Turkey’s new neighbor, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, poses a serious threat to Turkey’s national security.

Ansar al Sharia

Libya suspect Abu Khattala, suspected in killing Americans, was shadowy figure among militants


Islamist gunmen attacked Benghazi’s port after the forces of Khalid Haftar’s “Operation Dignity” bombed two ships that were carrying weapons to Derna, destroying one of them. The weapons, from Misrata, were said to be destined for the Ansar al Sharia-linked February 17 Brigade. Haftar’s forces continued to bomb Islamist targets in Benghazi, and claimed that […]


Morten Storm’s new book describes double life as jihadist/spy

Boko Haram

Nigeria: Thousands Flee Boko Haram Terror

Al Nusrah Front

Iraq militants take Syria-border post in drive for caliphate


A convoy of suspected Boko Haram fighters wearing military uniforms stormed the Borno state village of Koronginim, near Chibok, killing many residents and torching houses. The military claimed that a Boko Haram leader who headed a terrorist cell in Plateau state was killed in a shootout with security forces. A number of Jigawa state lawmakers […]


Iraq’s Hold on Border Crossings Weakening as at Least 34 Are Killed in Battle


The military discovered a cache of Boko Haram weapons buried in the northern village of Blangoa on June 18, including “35 war weapons, 31 cartridges and 1,218 bullets,” and arrested a Chadian man suspected of smuggling arms to the terror group. On June 10, over 300 heavily armed Boko Haram fighters attacked Gorsi Tourou in […]


Iraq Insurgents Reaping Wealth as They Advance


Thirteen people, described as “mobsters,” who tried to drive an explosives-laden vehicle into a police station in Xinjiang were killed. Three policemen were wounded in the attack.


Three reasons Lebanon fears ISIS advance


Aleppo fears new ISIS offensive


Putin offers Iraq’s Maliki ‘complete support’ against jihadists


Warnings on Iraq ISIS attack ignored–Kurdistan official

Boko Haram

Africa facing terrorism “storm”–Senegalese president


UN chief opposes military strikes on extremists in Iraq


More Dutch jihadists traveling to Iraq: minister


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham consolidated its control of key towns along the Iraq border in Deir Izzour. ISIS took over more towns in Aleppo from the Al Nusrah Front, Islamic fighters, and rebels; a shell hit a house in Jarabalus, which is controlled by ISIS. In Ghouta in Reef Dimashq, suspected […]


How ISIS is spreading its message online

Ansar al Sharia

Capture of Benghazi attack suspect conjures mixed feelings in Libyan city


Baghdad’s Sunni fighters: we are ready for zero hour


A suicide bomber killed two people and wounded at least 20 others when he was stopped at a checkpoint in the Dahr al-Baidar area of the Bekaa valley. The blast came within 200 feet of the convoy of General Security head Maj. Gen. Abbas Ibrahim, who was unharmed. A Mossad report published today claimed that […]


Top Shiite cleric calls for new government in Iraq


Police have arrested several suspects in the recent attacks in Mpeketoni and Poromoko, as well as a suspect operating social media accounts used by Shabaab to claim responsibility; the local police commander was sacked. Five suspects in the attacks were shot dead by police yesterday. The Mpeketoni attackers reportedly claimed to be Shabaab from Somalia […]

Ansar al Sharia

Exclusive: Benghazi suspect fighting anti-Islamist general before US raid


The military said 219 of the 276 Chibok schoolgirls kidnapped by Boko Haram in April are still missing. During the attack, an additional 119 girls managed to avoid being abducted by the terror group, and 57 girls subsequently escaped their captors. A southern delegate noted the recent arrest of 486 suspected Boko Haram members traveling […]