Search Results for: TTP


Iraq jihadists ‘turning back clock’ in Mosul


Netanyahu Warns US Not to Work with Iran on Iraq Crisis


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham captured the al Walid crossing in Iraq, opposite al Tanf in Homs. ISIS clashed with the Islamic Front and rebels in the Aleppo countryside and took over the towns of Ekthar and Ma’lan near the Turkish border; ISIS fighters were seen using American Humvees seized in Iraq. […]


Military intelligence arrested three Syrians and two Lebanese at the Harbata-Labweh checkpoint in the Baalbek region on suspicion of plotting a terrorist act; the five men were reportedly on their way to the Arsal hills with aid for Syrian opposition forces. One of them, Omar al-Satem, was said to be a wanted fugitive; his family […]


News Analysis: Kerry visit signals breakthrough in US-Egypt ties

Al Nusrah Front

Jordan Salafist leader Abu Muhammad al Maqdisi, freed, quiet so far on ISIS-Nusrah rift


Iraq authorities: Rare manuscripts smuggled out of Mosul


The spokesman for Khalid Haftar’s “Operation Dignity” forces ordered Turks and Qataris in eastern Libya “from Sirte to Musaid” on the Egyptian border to leave the country within 48 hours, referring to Turkish and Qatari intelligence operatives disclosed by captured al Qaeda members in Benghazi. A major firefight broke out at Benghazi’s port yesterday after […]


The reality of Syria jihad, as told by young Moroccan returnee


Authorities said a Danish photographer held captive 13 months in Syria has been released. He was reportedly freed after a ransom was paid to his Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham captors.

United States

President Obama said the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham poses a “medium and longterm threat” to the US, but that other terrorist groups may present more immediate threats, and said “ISIS is just one of a number of organizations that we have to stay focused on,” mentioning al Qaeda in Yemen and Boko […]


Iraqi militants seize 2 more border crossings


Abdel Basit Usman, a bombmaker and wanted member of the Philippines-based, al Qaeda-linked Abu Sayyaf Group, was recently spotted during a raid on a Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters camp on Mindanao; Philippines press reports had claimed he was killed in a drone strike in Pakistan in January 2010. Basit is said to be building bombs […]


Polish foreign minister called ties to US ‘worthless’


Iraq: Battle-hardened fighters return from Syria to fight ISIS at home


MH370 captain plotted route to southern Indian Ocean on home simulator


Secret US Plan to Aid Iraq Fizzled Amid Mutual Distrust


It’s not too late to reengage with Iraq


A Christian Convert, on the Run in Afghanistan


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham executed three Free Syrian Army officers (the vice-leader of the military council in Deir Ezzor province and two commanders in the Al Haq group) in Deir Izzour. ISIS yesterday took over Mo Hasan and other strategic towns in eastern Deir Izzour, including the headquarters of the rebel […]


Sunni fighters expand offensive in western Iraq


Security forces were on high alert over rumors that the Abdullah Azzam Brigades is planning suicide car bomb attacks in Lebanon. Several foreigners lacking proper identification were detained at Beirut’s weekend market, and 26 wanted individuals were arrested yesterday in Majdalya. Authorities released 13 of 17 suspected terrorists arrested yesterday in Beirut. Yesterday’s botched suicide […]


Jermaine Grant trial: ‘Warning text’ in Kenya bomb plot