Search Results for: TTP

ISIS holds military parade in Mosul

Hundreds of ISIS fighters parade Humvees, artillery pieces, military trucks, and police vehicles that were captured during the battle of Mosul.


As Libya teeters near chaos, US keeps hands-off policy


The military claimed it killed an al Qaeda leader and 19 fighters during clashes at the Bayji refinery, and 30 more fighters in airstrikes north of Fallujah. Iraqi officials claimed to have retaken the Tarbil and Al Walid border crossings in Anbar, but the report is unconfirmed. The ISIS took control of Nukhaib in Anbar. […]


Obama’s disastrous Iraq policy: an autopsy


ISIS recruits Kurdish youth, creating a potential new risk in a peaceful part of Iraq


Sirajeddine Zureiqat, a fugitive Lebanese cleric and spokesman for the Abdullah Azzam Brigades, warned that Sunnis in Syria and Lebanon are aiming to strike Hezbollah, and threatened more attacks such as the recent bombings in southern Beirut. Lebanese authorities deported a Frenchman who was on his way to carry out a suicide bombing in Syria […]


Suspected Shabaab militants killed five people in Witu near Lamu; six more were also reportedly killed in neighboring villages. A massacre in nearby Mpeketoni last week is being blamed on a major “security collapse,” as authorities had been warned of an impending attack. A Nairobi judge rejected the prosecution’s attempt to cancel bail for Ahmed […]


Turkey is evacuating 420 of its citizens from Misrata and another 140 from Labraq today. Ansar al Sharia assumed security at Benghazi’s Jalaa hospital after Benghazi Joint Security Room forces left it unguarded. Six people were injured when Benghazi’s Egyptian Market was set on fire. Four of five hostages held by Ansar al Sharia managed […]


The first group of Turks leaving Libya after being threatened with arrest on espionage charges arrived home. Turkey has added Boko Haram to its list of terrorist organizations, in line with the recent UN designation of the group. The Turkish Armed Forces General Staff last week refuted claims that four Turkish military intelligence officers had […]


Iraqi military facing ‘psychological collapse’ after losses, desertions


Anti-U.S. cleric Muqtada al Sadr retakes stage amid Iraq turmoil

Analysis: A protracted struggle ahead for Iraq

While Sunni Iraqi support of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham is not monolithic, the central government’s security forces are unlikely to decisively uproot the terrorist organization from the more distant provinces of Iraq anytime soon.


Suspected Boko Haram fighters raided Kumanza, Yaga, and Dagu villages in Borno, abducting 91 people, including more than 60 women. A witness said villagers were held hostage for several days before the abductions. About 30 villagers were said to have been killed in the raids. Four suspected Boko Haram members were arrested yesterday in the […]


Kerry promises ‘intense and sustained’ US support for Iraq


In Deir Izzour, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham designated the towns of Khesham and Tabia as military areas, sending residents fleeing; and ISIS distributed a statement in eastern Deir Izzour refuting rumors that ISIS considers other rebel fighters in the province to be infidels. The Islamic Front in Al Bo Kamal in […]


A suicide car bombing outside a cafe by a military checkpoint in Beirut wounded 12 people. One report said the bomber was a female who tried to cross the checkpoint but detonated when troops became suspicious of her behavior. Authorities had been looking for two suicide bombers and an explosives-laden truck before the attack. Security […]


The British brothers fighting against ISIS in Iraq

United Arab Emirates

A court handed jail sentences to seven men arrested last year on suspicion of supporting the Al Nusrah Front in Syria and forming a terrorist cell in the UAE; six received seven-year terms, and the other, who was in absentia, was given a life sentence. Two other men arrested at the same time, both Arabs […]


The AU said Kenyan jets bombed Shabaab bases in Anole and Kuday in the Lower Juba region, killing over 50 Shabaab fighters in Kuday and 30 in Anole. Airstrikes were also reported near Kulbiyo, close to the Kenya-Somalia border. The airstrikes took place after an ambush on Kenyan troops. Shabaab declared Kenya a “war zone” […]


A suspected Boko Haram bombing at a medical school in Kano killed at least eight people. A Boko Haram suicide car bombing hit a military post in Gwoza in Borno yesterday, killing three soldiers and injuring three more. The Igbo sociopolitical organization Obigbo warned Boko Haram that any attack in Nigeria’s southeast will be met […]


Syria hands over remaining chemical weapons for destruction

Al Qaeda

The man who broke the Middle East

Ansar al Islam releases propaganda photos showing operations in Iraq

Ansar al Islam, a jihadist group founded in September 2001, has released a set of propaganda photos showing its claimed operations in Iraq. The photos purport to show the organization’s control over a highway between Tikrit and Kirkuk, captured spoils, and its willingness to grant amnesty to members of Iraq’s security forces.

United Kingdom

A man appearing in a recent ISIS recruiting video has been identified as Raqib, a Bangladeshi from Aberdeen. Police, intelligence, and local Muslim communities have said that there is a problem of Islamic radicalization in Cardiff, the city where the other two jihadists in the video came from. Labour MP Khalid Mahmood claimed that as […]


ISIS plays with big bucks in estimated billion-dollar fortune