Search Results for: TTP


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula took control of the airport in Seiyun in Hadramout province before being repelled by security forces. Three soldiers and six gunmen were killed in the fighting. A suicide bomber also killed six soldiers and three civilians in a separate attack. Thirteen civilians were killed as soldiers clashed with Houthi […]

Saudi Arabia

Saudi king orders ‘all’ measures to protect nation

Boko Haram

Nigerian Violence Spawns Homemade Responses


Iraq asked Jordan to support the Maliki government’s fight against Sunni insurgents; Jordan expressed concern but said it does not interfere in Iraq’s affairs. Al Qaeda-linked cleric Abu Qatada was acquitted of a charge of conspiracy to commit terrorism; he faces another trial in September for allegedly planning terrorist acts in Jordan in 2000. The […]


Suspected Islamist gunmen broke into the Benghazi home of prominent rights activist and lawyer Salwa Bughaigis yesterday and murdered her, kidnapped her husband, and shot a gardener. A large car bomb exploded in Beida near the headquarters of the Constitutional Assembly, injuring several people. Two Tunisian diplomats abducted this spring have been freed; their kidnappers, […]

Boko Haram

Snakes and bees ‘flush out’ Boko Haram fighters


Six Russian citizens belonging to the banned Islamist group Hizb ut Tahrir were arrested in St. Petersburg on June 24. Police killed two suspected Islamist militants in Dagestan; alleged Caucasus Emirate “warlord” Makhach Taimudarov was killed in Makhachkala, and another man was killed in Derbent. Prosecutors are seeking a 13-year sentence for a former Makhachkala […]


China publicly sentenced nine people to prison for terrorism crimes, and arrested 14 people in Qapqal near the Kazakhstan border on suspicion of calling for holy war and attending terror training camps abroad. Last month authorities arrested 380 people for violence in Xinjiang. An open letter purporting to come from 200 Uighur writers, poets, and […]

Ex-Guantanamo detainee arrested in Spain tied to infamous al Qaeda cell

Lahcen Ikassrien, an ex-Guantanamo detainee, was arrested earlier this month in Spain. Leaked State Department cables and a threat assessment authored by Joint Task Force Guantanamo link Ikassrien to an al Qaeda cell run by one of Osama bin Laden’s most trusted operatives in pre-9/11 Europe.


Iraqi oil infrastructure “sabotaged” before ISIS attack–industry source


Tribal sources in Sinai said that the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham is supporting the operations of the al Qaeda-linked Ansar Bayt al Maqdis (Ansar Jerusalem), local jihadists have been trained in Syria, and the ISIS flag has been seen in militant operations near Sheikh Zuweid and Rafah. Security forces killed at least […]


A suspected Boko Haram bombing at a shopping center in an upscale part of Abuja killed at least 21 people and injured 17 more. The blast set the center ablaze and more victims are feared trapped inside. Authorities said the attackers arrived by motorbike; soldiers reportedly shot and killed one of the bombers and arrested […]


In its biggest-yet single day operation, the military raided the Central Market in Maroua and arrested 40 suspected Boko Haram fighters. Security forces closed off the market, where Boko Haram is said to be hiding weapons for use in Nigeria. Authorities are stepping up security measures to counter the terror group’s expansion in Cameroon.


Authorities charged Kreshnik B., a German citizen from Frankfurt am Main, with membership in the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham. Following his return from Syria, he was arrested on suspicion of planning attacks. Authorities are investigating the German Brigade of Millatu Ibrahim, whose leader, Denis Cuspert a.k.a. Deso Dogg a.k.a. Abu Talha al-Almani, […]

United Kingdom

Home Secretary May said “many hundreds” of Britons have traveled to fight in the ranks of Syrian rebels and “some will represent a real danger to us.” Ensuring that security forces have stronger Internet surveillance powers is now “a question of life and death, a matter of national security,” she said. The father of Ali […]


Jordan on alert after ISIS seizes border crossing

Al Qaeda in Iraq

Records show how Iraqi extremists withstood US antiterrorism efforts

United States

Secretary of State Kerry said there is “no military solution” to the crisis in Iraq, and urged all countries in the region to expel the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham. Kerry also called on the Kurds to support Iraqi unity. US military officials said about half of the US “assessment” troops promised for […]


Turkey claims it has denied Syria entry to thousands of militants since 2012


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham attacked regime forces in Raqqah, and clashed with the Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front in Deir Izzour. Al Nusrah executed an Islamic brigade commander in Deir Izzour who had sworn allegiance to ISIS. Al Nusrah and the Islamic Front battled regime forces in Reef Dimashq […]