Search Results for: TTP


A day after the Al Nusrah Front’s emir for Albu Kamal in Deir Izzour issued a statement explaining that he was relinquishing the town to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham to avoid jihadist bloodshed, other Al Nusrah fighters and allied Islamist fighters captured two ISIS positions in the strategic border town. A […]


After interrogating two suspected terrorists arrested in Akkar, security forces raided a cave on the outskirts of Fnaydeq in north Lebanon that was being used as a bomb-making workshop, and also seized weapons and ammunition from a residence in the village. Security forces are still looking for suicide bombers and two explosives-packed vehicles. Shiite organizations […]


Goodluck Jonathan: Nothing is more important than bringing home Nigeria’s missing girls

Al Qaeda

Saudi king, in Ramadan message, vows to crush terrorists


Taliban Mount Major Assault in Afghanistan


Obama Administration Deepens US Role in Syria and Iraq


Suspected Boko Haram gunmen in military uniforms attacked a hotel in Bauchi’s red light district last night, killing 14 people and injuring 28 more; one suspect was arrested. Police discovered 13 IEDs in a car parked in front of a mosque in Kano. President Jonathan admitted that the Boko Haram insurgency has curtailed his travels […]

Desperately seeking moderate Syrian rebels

The White House’s proposal to invest $500 million in training and equipping “vetted” and “moderate” Syrian rebel forces rests on the feeble premise that such forces, if they indeed exist, will be able to operate independently of the al Qaeda-linked groups that dominate the battlefield.


Armed US aircraft now flying over Iraq: defense officials


A video surfaced showing Tunisian jihadist Abu Hamza al-Mouhamadi participating in the mass execution of Iraqi troops by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham. Interior Minister Jeddou recently said that some 2,400 Tunisian jihadists are fighting in Syria, most of them in ISIS or in al Qaeda’s Syrian branch, the Al Nusrah Front. […]

Boko Haram

The Nigerian city living in fear of Boko Haram

Free Syrian Army

Free Syrian Army’s Supreme Military Council ‘sacked’ over corruption claims


A French court ordered that Mehdi Nemmouche, a French-Algerian man accused of killing four people in an attack at a Jewish museum in Brussels, be extradited to Belgium. Nemmouche, a jihadist who spent a year fighting in Syria before the attack, is seeking to have the extradition order quashed. Authorities are investigating the disappearance of […]

United Kingdom

Amid reports that 500 Britons are now fighting abroad with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, Sir Peter Fahy, the police lead for the government’s anti-radicalization Prevent program, said parents, not police, are responsible for the actions of young Muslims who turn to extremism. The Home Office is planning to ban the Islamic […]


Sudden Taliban attack raises concerns about effectiveness of Afghan army

United States

US military advisers opened a joint operations center in Baghdad to assist the Iraqi military repel the advance of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham. The State Department said Syrian military action in Iraq would not be helpful, but that Iran “could play a constructive role” in Iraq. The White House called for […]


US now wrestling with intelligence gaps in Iraq


Nearly 1,000 Taliban fighters launched a coordinated attack on police checkpoints in the Sangin district in Helmand province. At least 35 civilians and 35 Afghan soldiers, as well as scores of Taliban fighters were killed. The fighting has spread to Kajaki, Musa Qala, and Now Zad. A US Marine was also killed in fighting in […]


The military prosecutor charged 15 terror suspects, including the head of the Lebanese branch of al Qaeda, Toufik Tah; Abdullah Azzam Brigades’ religious guide Sirajeddine Zuraiqat; and Raed Taleb. The suspects are accused of membership in the Abdullah Azzam Brigades, taking terror training in Syria and in the Ain al Hilweh camp, working with Jund […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham took over the strategic border town of Albu Kamal in Deir Izzour after the local Al Nusrah Front faction pledged allegiance to ISIS in order to avoid bloodshed. ISIS clashed with Al Nusrah near Kou’ al-Atal and al-Tekehy in Deir Izzour, and shelled the town of Estrin […]

Boko Haram

Living in ‘total fear’ of Boko Haram in Cameroon’s north


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham took control of the town of Mansouriyat al-Jabal and a nearby oil field. A suicide bomber killed 19 people in Baghdad. The military claimed it killed 32 ISIS fighters in airstrikes in Tikrit and in Anbar.


Jihadist returnees stir concern in the Maghreb