Search Results for: TTP


Kidnapped Tunisian diplomats Mohamed Ben Cheikh and Aroussi Gontassi returned to Tunisia on June 29; they were held by Ansar al Sharia, which had been demanding the release of two Libyan Islamist militants held in Tunisian prisons. Tunisian officials denied that any “Libyan terrorists” had been released but said they had information about the kidnappers […]


The government legalized the ownership of firearms. The central bank said individual travelers cannot take more than $10,000 in or out of the country. The spokesman for Khalid Haftar’s forces said Turks had been “too quick” to leave following an ultimatum issued last week to Turks and Qataris in eastern Libya. Ali Al-Sanani, a well-known […]


ISIS militants outline chilling 5-year plan for global domination


Does the Islamic State have a Scud missile

Al Qaeda

Iraq, Syria and the Middle East – An essay by Tony Blair

Boko Haram

How Boko Haram is beating US efforts to choke its financing

United States

President Obama said an extra 200 US troops are being deployed to Iraq to protect the US Embassy in Baghdad as well as its support facilities and the international airport. A federal court in California sentenced US national Sinh Vinh Ngo Nguyen a.k.a. Hasan Abu Omar Ghannoum to 13 years in prison plus 10 years’ […]

Al Qaeda

UN Security Council sanctions Islamist ADF in Congo – diplomats


MH370: New evidence of cockpit tampering as investigation into missing plane continues


The Islamic State (formerly ISIS) killed Jaysh al Islam fighters in a car bombing in Ghouta, executed seven Jaysh al Islam fighters in Mid’a, and arrested 25 more. The IS also arrested three people in Raqqah for not fasting; clashed with Kurdish YPG fighters at a checkpoint in Hasakah; bombarded villages near Ektrin and fought […]


The Free Sunnis of Baalbek Brigade, which has claimed several terror attacks in Lebanon, including last week’s suicide blast at the Duroy Hotel in Beirut, pledged its allegiance to the newly named Islamic State and its caliph, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi. Syrian state media claimed that three explosives-packed cars, including two with Lebanese license plates, […]


After security forces in the West Bank found the bodies of three Israeli teenagers who had been murdered, Prime Minister Netanyahu vowed revenge on Hamas, the group he holds responsible. Israeli security forces broke into the homes of the suspected kidnappers, Hamas operatives Marwan Qawasameh and Amar Abu Aisha, in Hebron. Israeli forces had been […]


Dutch Islamist radicals becoming elusive ‘swarm


In separate incidents, two police officers were killed while trying to defuse two bombs in Cairo near the presidential palace. The terrorist group Ajnad Mir claimed the explosions, saying it had warned civilians on June 27 not to go near the palace. Ajnad Mir also said the explosions were caused by “newly developed” devices that […]


A remotely-detonated bomb at a municipal office in Mogadishu killed at least two people and wounded five; two traffic officers were gunned down. Armed groups attacked the Banadir regional center in Mogadishu on June 29. Shabaab militants attacked a Somali and Djiboutian base near Beledweyne on June 27. Shabaab threatened to target AMISOM and government […]


Authorities charged four people, all apparently of Uighur origin, for the March 1 terrorist attack at Kunming train station in Yunnan. Courts in Xinjiang jailed 113 people following a mass trial on mainly terrorism-related charges.

Al Nusrah Front

White House fears al Qaeda offshoot may be planning bomb plot on airliner flying to America


Pakistani army begins ground offensive against Taliban


Removal of Syrian chemical arsenal was result of unprecedented collaboration

Iran’s stance on Iraq: neither new nor improved

As Iraq plummets further into chaos, and the United States incrementally but cautiously steps forward, Iranian officials have been busy forming and casting narratives
about the crisis facing their next-door neighbor.

Free Syrian Army

Sources: Jarba seeking to unseat Syrian opposition prime minister Tomeh