Search Results for: TTP


Hamas, Islamic Jihad warn Israel about retaliation in Gaza


Islamic banking rebrands in attempt to go mainstream


A suicide bomber killed eight members of the Afghan National Air Force in an attack on a bus in the capital of Kabul. The Taliban claimed the suicide attack in Kabul. Security forces captured nine members of a suicide cell in Khost.


Prime Minister Maliki offered amnesty to Sunni tribes that are supporting the Islamic State and other insurgent groups. Security forces clashed with a Shia militia in Karbala; several security personnel and followers of Mahmud al Sarkhi were killed.


Iran’s near invisible Quds Force commander


Iraq’s Assyrian Christians fear ISIS threat to heritage


The Islamic State (formerly ISIS) clashed with the Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front in Deir Izzour, where the IS took over Al Rez, bombarded areas in Al Shhil said to have served as Al Nusrah’s main headquarters in Syria, arrested people in Albu Kamal, and was targeted by regime airstrikes near Al Bisri. […]


The Islamic Action Party and other Lebanese Islamist groups and leaders, including Hizb ut-Tahrir, denounced the Islamic State’s recent claim to have formed a caliphate. In north Tripoli, an attacker on a motorcycle threw a grenade into a cafe, wounding four patrons who were eating during the hours of the Ramadan fast; and security forces […]


Security forces arrested four members of Ansar Bayt al Maqdis (Ansar Jerusalem) in the Cairo suburb of Helwan and in Nasr City over links to explosions on June 30 that killed two bomb disposal experts; the bombings have been claimed by another group, Ajnad Mir. A car bomb exploded near the Air Force hospital in […]


Exclusive: US discloses secret Somalia military presence, up to 120 troops


Top Kurdish spy chief says French jihadists fighting in Iraq


French firms look to conquer Iran


In Benghazi, a Salafist imam who had spoken out against terrorism was gunned down, and a child was killed by gunfire between fighting “gangs.” The Benghazi Joint Security Room is asking mediators to help get Ansar al Sharia to evacuate Jalaa Hospital. Mohamed Al-Harizi, a top official in the Islamist Justice and Construction Party, was […]


Following the death of six security forces in a landmine blast yesterday, four more soldiers were killed by a landmine today in Ksar el-Gallel in Kef. The military claimed to have destroyed a hideout for terrorist groups in Mount Ouergha and to be actively searching for the “terrorist elements.” A young man died in a […]


China bans Ramadan fast in Xinjiang region


Chechen in Syria a rising leader in extremist group

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb calls for reconciliation between jihadist groups

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has issued a statement praising the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham’s (ISIS) gains in Iraq and calling for reconciliation between jihadist groups in Syria. The statement was authored prior to the ISIS declaring that it ruled over a caliphate and rebranding itself the “Islamic State.”


Afghan monthly casualties increase in June


Sunni and Kurdish members of parliament left the assembly after the Shia-led State of Law coalition failed to name a replacement for Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki. More than 2,400 people were killed in Iraq last month, the highest monthly toll in seven years. The US has ordered the evacuation of some embassy personnel in […]


Russia seeks UN ban on oil trade with ‘terrorists’ in Syria


The Islamic State (formerly ISIS) took over Albu Kamal and clashed with the Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front in Deir Izzour near Al Shhih, said to be the home town of Al Nusrah’s emir; battled the Islamic Front and Jaysh al Islam in eastern Ghouta in Reef Dimashq; and was attacked by regime […]


Iran’s deputy foreign minister said his country is willing to provide weapons to Iraq if asked, but does not plan to send troops. He admitted, however, that Iran would be sending “military consultants” to Iraq to help it resist the advance of the Islamic State. He also blamed the rise of the IS on American […]


US dawdles on Iraq as Russia, Iran jump in


Patriarchs call on region’s Christians to hold on to their lands


The al Qaeda-linked Abdullah Azzam Brigades called for Hezbollah to withdraw from Syria, dared it to fight in Iraq, and threatened further attacks in Lebanon. Security forces blocked roads to Beirut’s Roumieh prison due to fears that the prison might be attacked. A roadside bomb detonated near an Army patrol in Tripoli. Security forces and […]

Ansar al Sharia

Benghazi attack suspect has been talking to US interrogators: officials


A suicide car bombing in Maiduguri in Borno killed over 50 people, including 16 vigilante youth, and wounded 68 others. A bombing in Asikolaye in Kaduna wounded two people and damaged shops and cars. Boko Haram fighters yesterday stormed the Borno village of Shani, bombing and torching the police station, homes, and shops. A member […]


A MINUSMA force vehicle carrying Burkinabe peacekeeping troops was hit by a roadside bomb near Goundam, about 30 km west of Timbuktu; one peacekeeper was killed and six others injured, three of them seriously. On June 25, the UN Security Council extended the mandate of its peacekeeping mission in Mali for another 12 months, but […]