Search Results for: Pakistan


President Musharraff claims “neither the government nor ISI is helping the Taliban,™ while Afghan President Karzai says “we will wait and see” abut the Waziristan truce and the ability to stem the flow of the Taliban. AQ Khan is in Karachi for surgery. Two LeT members confess to targeting ex-Indian Prime Minister Vajpayee as well […]


Pakistan’s Peace Deal with Terrorist Factions a Major Blow to US


Brief notes on the ‘truce.’ Newsday: “tribal paramilitary forces… will handle border control duties… the Taliban [is] running a parallel government.” USA Today: “offers an ‘implicit amnesty’ to foreign and local militants.” The New York Times: “The deal is widely viewed as a face-saving retreat for the Pakistani Army.”


Pakistan Denies Bin Laden Gets a Pass


Pakistan backtracks on bin Laden immunity


In Pakistan, signs of al Qaeda all around


Pakistan Lets Tribal Chiefs Keep Control Along Border


Army vacates four posts in Miramshah, North Waziristan


Bin Laden gets pass from Pakistan, would not be arrested if leading peaceful life


The Taliban and Pakistani government have officially negotiated a truce in North Waziristan [see post from yesterday for background.] There is no agreement preventing the harboring of al Qaeda, or a requirement they leave the region. “Tuesday’s agreement said foreigners could stay in Waziristan, as long as they kept the peace.” Pakistani President Musharraf will […]


Foreign hand behind Balochistan situation can not be ruled out: Musharraf

Pakistan Negotiates Truce in Waziristan

Pakistan is in a civil war with the Taliban and al Qaeda, and it is a war the government is losing Pakistan’s failure to commit the needed resources and political will to uproot al Qaeda and the Taliban in the Northwest Frontier Province and Baluchistan in 2001, 2004 and 2006 will haunt the governments of […]


Drive to arrest pro-Taliban refugees


Pukhtoon militants who fought against the US-led invasion of Afghanistan have formed a new anti-Shia militant group


Pakistani troops withdraw from North Waziristan


Pakistan, Taliban militants sign peace agreement – in return the army deployed in North Waziristan “will not carry out operations against them”


Taliban calls the shots in North, South Waziristan


(Pakistan) Truces fueling resurgence of Taliban, critics say


(Pakistan) Bombs destroy 2 Bajaur posts

Matiur Rehman, the London Airline Plot and the Road from Pakistan and Talibanistan

Matiur Rehman, image from ABC News Like the 7/7 London Tubes bombing in 2005, the London Airline Plot to destroy over 10 airplanes transiting from London to the United States is being traced back to Pakistan. Pakistan’s Daily Times reports seed money was sent to Pakistan under the guise of earthquake relief and diverted to […]

Taliban losses in Afghanistan, gains in Pakistan

The latest round of fighting in southeastern Afghanistan has claimed over 82 Taliban fighters in two separate engagements in Kandahar and Uruzgan provinces. Security Watchtower provides a breakdown of the estimated casualties of Taliban and Coalition forces in southeastern Afghanistan since the beginning of April. An estimated 600 Taliban have been killed and 22 captured, […]

Fighting in Uruzgan; Osama bin Laden sighting in Pakistan

Satellite map of the Afghan-Pakistan border region. Click to Enlarge. The provincial border region of Kandahar, Uruzgan, and Helmand remains a hot spot in Southeastern Afghanistan. Fighting between Coalition forces and the Taliban intensified Tuesday in the Tarin Kowt District of Uruzgan. Over 24 Taliban were confirmed killed after a joint Afghan and Coalition patrol […]

Pakistan’s Taliban Insurgency; Four Mid-Level al Qaeda Operatives and Taliban Commanders killed in Past Week

Clashes between Pakistani security forces and al Qaeda and the Taliban continue in Pakistan’s North West Frontier Province. Yesterday, the Pakistani Army hit “suspected Taliban hideouts” with artillery barrages and helicopter strikes after security outposts in North Waziristan came under attack from Taliban fighters. Today in North Waziristan, “a paramilitary trooper and three tribesmen were […]

The Taliban Consolidates Power in Pakistan as Violence Increases in Afghanistan

Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier Province and Federally Administered Tribal Areas Yesterday’s rocket attack on the U.S. Embassy and NATO’s International Security Assistance Force compound in Kabul, Afghanistan highlights the increased level of violence throughout the country. Coalition and Afghan troop have seen a marked increase in suicide bombings, IED (roadside bombing) attacks and platoon and company-sized […]

Pakistan Strikes at High Value Target

Yesterday’s helicopter attack in North Waziristan is directed at Mohsin Matawalli Atwa, one of the architechs of the 1998 attacks on the U.S. Embassies in Eastern Africa