Search Results for: Pakistan

Pakistan’s Problems in Waziristan and Beyond

A status update on Pakistan, plus the Brits call for a truce in Helmand province The results of the Waziristan Accord, Pakistan’s ‘truce’ with the Taliban and al Qaeda in the tribal agency of North Waziristan, reverberate throughout the Afghan-Pakistani border region and beyond. The Taliban continue to violate the truce. A Pakistani military base […]


Musharraf threatens the West: “You’ll be brought down to your knees if Pakistan doesn’t co-operate with you” in the war. Musharraf and Karzai agree to hold loya jirgas (tribal meetings) in the border regions. The Pakistani government has forced the Taliban to close their office in Miranshah. Afghan security forces and a “Pakistani militia” clashed […]


Reaching a Consensus on the Taliban


We could bring the West to its knees: Musharraf


Bajaur and South Waziristan are next to be given a truce (see “Future Surrender and the Expansion of Talibanistan“). The Taliban have claimed responsibility for killing a “spy.” The “Taliban captured this spy and gave him punishment according to Shariah (Islamic law)… He had reported that 10 Taliban centres were here,” according to a leaflet […]


Taliban militants gain ground after deal with Pakistan


Musharraf – ISI does not back the Taliban and al Qaeda


In Tribal Pakistan, an Uneasy Quiet – Pact Fails to Deter Backing for Taliban


Red on Red: Two “militants” were killed in South Waziristan in a skirmish between pro-Taliban tribals and Uzbek fighters. The Pakistan Observer puts forward the Musharraf position and advocates a deal between the Taliban and the Afghan government.


President Karzai is skeptical of Pakistan’s deal in Waziristan. President Musharraf angrily responds. Musharraf also claims Quetta is not a Taliban command center.


Pakistani sentenced for trying to sell missiles to Al Qaeda


No al Qaeda leader in Pakistan, says Foreign Office


Western Pakistan – Terror Central


In Pakistan, the delicate dance of a key US ally


Karzai restores monthly stipend to FATA elders


President Musharraf has denied rumors of a coup in the wake of nationwide power outages. The Pakistani government denies Mullah Omar backed the Waziristan Accord. In South Waziristan, more violations of the truce: ‘militants’ fire a rocket at an Army base and wounded one soldier; 4 ‘militants’ were wounded in a roadside bombing attack.


Rockets rain after Taliban deal


Mullah Omar has also backed the Waziristan accord. See ‘al Qaeda, Taliban behind the Waziristan Accord’ for list of major jihadi figures involved. A look at the increase in attacks on the Afghan side of the border after the truce.


Reading Musharraf Between the Lines


Foreign troops not to be allowed to conduct operation in Pakistan


Bomb blast kills two, wounds eight in Pakistan


Afghan President Karzai says Musharraf knows Mullah Omar is in Pakistan. The Frontier Post states the Taliban is concerned the government might break the Waziristan Accord, and gives details of the Taliban and al Qaeda power brokers in North Waziristan.

The Weekly Standard: Pakistan Surrenders

Daveed Gartenstein-Ross and I have co-authored an article titled Pakistan Surrenders for the October 2 edition of The Weekly Standard. The article provides an overview of the Fall of Waziristan and the strategic implications. The full text of the article is available below:


Bush ‘Taken Aback’ By Pakistan Bombing Threat


US-Pakistan relationship getting shaky


US plea to tag Pakistan-based Jamaatul Daawa a terror group on hold


Pakistan President Released Al Qaeda Suspects


President Musharraf said he was threatened to fight al Qaeda after 9-11. The commander of NATO forces is closely watching the results of the Waziristan Accord. A ‘U.S. spy’ was “shot more than 30 times” in North Waziristan.


Analysis: An al Qaeda sanctuary? Part Two