Search Results for: Lashkar-e-Taiba

Understanding Indian press rumors about Headley

I previously analyzed the rumors, centered around the Indian press, that David Headley had penetrated Lashkar-e-Taiba as a CIA asset. These rumors generally hold that Headley then “went rogue” and become committed to LeT’s mission before his involvement in the Mumbai attacks. Although I argued that these rumors should not be regarded as credible, the […]

United States

Ehsanul Islam Sadequee, a 23 year old Georgia man, was sentenced to 17 years in prison for terror related crimes. Sadequee was found guilty on 4 terror related charges, including providing material support to the Pakistan-based terror group Lashkar-e-Taiba.

Rumors of David Headley, rogue CIA asset

David Headley was convicted on heroin smuggling charges in 1998, and the available evidence overwhelmingly suggests that the following year he did undercover surveillance work in Pakistan for the DEA in exchange for a reduced sentence. During his time in Pakistan in 1999, his surveillance target was reportedly a drug gang based in Afghanistan/Pakistan. This […]

New charges against Headley for 2008 Mumbai attacks

David Coleman Headley, and a snapshot from his passport. Images from The Hindu. In October, 49-year-old Chicago man David Headley (born Daood Gilani) was arrested for his role in planning terrorist attacks against the Danish newspaper Jyllands Posten and two individuals associated with the notorious Muhammad cartoons incident. Subsequent to Headley’s arrest, news broke that […]

United States

US prosecutors charged American David Headley in connection with the November 2008 Mumbai terrorist attack. Headley, who was also charged with conspiring to plan attacks in Denmark, is reported to have done reconnaissance on the Mumbai targets on behalf of Lashkar-e-Taiba.

United States

The US Attorney’s office has announced that hearings for David Coleman Headley will be deferred indefinitely. Headley was scheduled for preliminary and detention hearings on Dec. 4 for his role in a conspiracy to carry out attacks abroad on behalf of Lashkar-e-Taiba.


Security forces killed 10 Taliban fighters and detained 19 more in Arakzai, Hangu, Kurram, and Swat. A jirga turned over 10 Taliban fighters in Dir. The Taliban destroyed a NATO fuel tanker near Peshawar. A court indicted seven Lashkar-e-Taiba operatives for the November 2008 terror assault.

Pakistan finally indicts 7 Mumbai plotters

An Indian commando rappels to assault the Jewish center in Mumbai in November 2008. Reuters photograph. With the one-year anniversary of the deadly Mumbai terror assault by Lashkar-e-Taiba just days away, Pakistan has finally indicted seven operatives from the terror group. From AKI: A Pakistani court has charged seven suspects in connection with last November’s […]


Security forces arrested a Bangladeshi leader of Lashkar-e-Taiba in the capital of Dhaka. Mohammad Motalem, who is also know as Majnu, is said to be the mastermind of the foiled plot to attack the Indian High Commission and the US embassy and recruited operatives for the failed attack.

Mullah Omar goes to Karachi

Mullah Mohammed Omar, the Amir al Mumineen (“the commander of the faithful”) of the Afghan and Pakistani Taliban. According to The Washington Times, Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence agency has helped Mullah Mohammed Omar, the Amir al Mumineen (“the commander of the faithful”) for both the Afghan and Pakistani Taliban, relocate to the southern port city of […]


Police arrested three members of the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba for plotting to conduct terror attacks against US and Indian interests in the capital of Dhaka. The arrests were made with intelligence gleaned from US terror suspects David Headley and Tahawwur Hussain Rana.

Pakistani generals linked to US terror suspects

Ajmal Kasab, the lone Lashkar-e-Taiba operative captured after the Mumbai assault, outside of the train station. Mohawat Hussain Rana, one of two US-based terror suspects involved in plots to attack a Danish newspaper as well as targets in India, has two brothers serving in senior positions in the Pakistani Army. Rediff News reported that Rana […]


India likely will request terror suspects David Coleman Headley and Tahawwur Hussain Rana be extradited from the US. Indian intelligence believes Headley scouted Mumbai for the Lashkar-e-Taiba prior to the November 2008 terror assault. Headley is also suspected of scouting five other Indian cities for possible attacks.

United States

The FBI recovered two al Qaeda videos at the home of Tahawwur Hussain Rana, one of two suspects arrested for conspiring with al Qaeda and the Lashkar-e-Taiba to conduct an attack on a Danish newspaper. One of the videos, produced by As Sahab, is titled “Bombing of Denmark Embassy.”


Police arrested three Islamist terrorists, including a Lashkar-e-Taiba operative, during a raid in Chittagong. The three men were “making plans to hit US targets,” a police officer said. Dozens of suspected Islamist terrorists have been arrested in Bangladesh over the past week.

French prosecutor points out Pakistan links to jihadis

The Los Angeles Times reports on a damning new book written by Jean-Louis Bruguiere, a former French investigative magistrate who specialized on al Qaeda and homed in on the network in Pakistan. According to Bruguiere, Pakistan’s intelligence service, the ISI, (or elements of it, depending on your point of view and the specific situation) has […]

Kashmiri involved in Danish newspaper terror plot

Ilyas Kashmiri, the leader of the Harakat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami and al Qaeda’s Brigade 313. It has emerged that David Coleman Headley (also known as Daood Gilani), one of the two Chicago men charged with conspiracy to commit terrorist acts and providing material support to terrorists, had contact with al Qaeda field commander Ilyas Kashmiri and two Lashkar-e-Taiba […]


The military said 25 Taliban fighters were killed in South Waziristan and 15 more were killed in Mohmand. Police detained 152 suspects in Rawalpindi. The government suspended Lashkar-e-Taiba leader Hafiz Saeed’s case for another month and extended the detention of Sufi Mohammed.

Analysis: What lies ahead in Waziristan

The military is set to take on the Taliban in South Waziristan, where the military has failed four times in the past. The operation will pit the Army and Frontier Corps against the Taliban’s best fighters on terrain the Taliban have owned for years.

Charges dropped against Hafiz Saeed, Pakistan’s Teflon Don

This news shouldn’t surprise the readers of the Threat Matrix and The Long War Journal. The Lahore High Court has dismissed terrorism charges against Lashkar-e-Taiba / Jamaat-ud-Dawa leader Hafiz Saeed. From The Times of India: Pakistan’s Lahore High Court on Monday dismissed the FIRs lodged under anti-terrorism act against JuD chief Hafiz Mohd Saeed, who […]

Pakistani commandos break siege on Army headquarters

The Taliban penetrated security at Army General Headquarters and shut down operations for 18 hours. Twenty-five hostages were freed and three more were killed; four Taliban fighters were killed during the early morning assault.


Indian soldiers killed seven terrorists in separate clashes in Kashmir, including four Lashkar-e-Taiba fighters in Kupwara. Indian intelligence said the Pakistani military is sending captive Taliban fighters from Swat to fight in Kashmir.

‘A thin distance separated Lashkar and the ISI’

While Pakistan’s Inter-Service Intelligence agency refuses to admit it backs the radical, al Qaeda-linked Lashkar-e-Taiba, US intelligence officials and even Lashkar-e-Taiba operatives beg to differ. From a report in The New York Times on Lashkar-e-Taiba and its attack on Mumbai, India: But a senior American intelligence official said the ISI was believed to maintain ties […]

US expanding air war into Quetta?

Members of the pro-Taliban Jamiat ulema-i-Islam party protest in Quetta on Thursday, May 28, 2009, against the military offensive against Taliban in Swat. AP Photo. According to the Telegraph, the US has threatened to expand the airstrike campaign to include the Quetta Shura, the Afghan Taliban’s governing council led by Mullah Omar: State department and […]