Search Results for: Pakistan


[UPDATE 2] Afghanistan has arrested a Pakistani intelligence officer “who acted as a key link with al Qaeda leaders” and served as a ‘Bin Laden escort.’ An intelligence source informs us Sayed Akbar works for the ISI is a colonel. General Khair Mohammed, the Afghan general that was arrested yesterday, was one of Akbar’s contact […]


al Qaeda is training westerners in Pakistan. Pakistani intelligence indicates the TNSM, “the Pakistani Taliban,” is targeting “British and US diplomats and nationals” as revenge for the Chingai madrassa airstrike. Musharraf said “he had himself watched ‘Bajaur militants getting training in suicide attacks.’” The US does not plan to sign a nuclear deal with Pakistan.


You need us, Taliban’s mentor tells Pakistan


al Qaeda training jehadis from Pakistan: report


Over 200 Taliban crossed the Pakistani frontier and attacked an Afghan outpost in Khost. Pakistan denied Mullah Omar is operating in Quetta, and said he is in Kandahar. The secretary general of the MMA claims he holds the keys to peace in Afghanistan, and again admits to supporting the Taliban. Three suspects in the Dargai […]


U.S. leaders are admitting the Pakistan-Afghan border is a Taliban safe haven. The Taliban denies it is receiving support from Pakistan. Pakistan claims to have turned over 500 Taliban to Afghanistan. Jamaat-e-Islami will boycott the January election to replace a minister that resigned over the Bajuar airstrike.


The appointment of Maulvi Muhammad Nazir as the new emir of the Taliban in South Waziristan is causing divisions between commanders. Maulvi Muhammad Nazir has appointed a foreign religious scholar to set up a Peace Committee to oversee the implementation of sha’riah in South Waziristan. FATA Security Secretary Arbab Mohammad Arif is rejecting allegations that […]

Embed Update, CSM & Pakistan

A Change of Plans I’ve decided to change the travel plan, and will not visit Ramadi. There are several reasons. I will lose a couple of days transiting to Ramadi, days that can be well spent embedded. Here at the Government Center in Fallujah, the Military Transition Team, the Police Transition Team, and Charlie 1/24 […]


Taliban and Allies Tighten Grip in North of Pakistan


Afghan and Pakistani tribal jirga meetings planned “to win support against a resurgent Taleban.” Pakistan’s FM heading to Kabul for 3-day visit on Friday and will push Karzai to adopt a similar pact with Neo-Taliban forces that Musharraf adopted with North and South Waziristan.


The Black-Turbaned Brigade: The Rise of TNSM in Pakistan


An Uzbek suicide bomber killed a policeman in Bannu. “Militant groups” are planning to use helicopters to conduct terror attacks and kidnap and kill government officials. Jamaat-e-Islami will protest the vote to replace a minister that resigned over the Chingai air strike.


India claims the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Tayiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed are using Bangladesh and Nepal for the movement and financing of terrorists. A prominent Pashtun leader accuses Pakistan of interfering in Afghanistan.


Musharraf has signed the Women’s Protection Bill. The Taliban friendly MMA attempted to stage a march to parliament to force the PML leader to, but Pakistani security forces outnumbered them. MMA chief Qazi Mohammed claims 1,000 were arrested. India filed charges against 28 for their role in the Mubai bombings, and accused the ISI of […]


Despite assurances by Islamabad that the recent accords with Taliban forces in NWFP do not empower militants, a two-day ban on newspapers by the Taliban in North Waziristan proves successful and demonstrates the Taliban’s domination. BBC apologizes for sparking the controversy by posting an old story that led to rioting, abduction of a local journalist […]


After Waziristan, it’s now the Talibanization of Bajaur in Pak


NWFP Governor Jan Orakzai is advising the Pashtun jirga (more on Orakzai.) Interior Minister Sherpao defended the Bajaur strike to parliament but did not say who actually fired the shot (we said the U.S. did on the day the news broke.) Pakistan has successfully test fired the Hataf-IV ballistic missile, with a range of 420 […]


Osama bin Laden on Top of the World

Pakistan’s Slide

Taliban and al Qaeda leaders confident; the NWFP is becoming a Taliban training and recruiting grounds; Pakistan tells NATO to appease the Taliban in Afghanistan NWFP/FATA. Click map to view. Pakistan continues its slide into darkness as the government attempts to appeases the Taliban. While the Chingai al Qaeda training camp air stike, which killed […]


The Taliban executed an “American spy” in South Waziristan, and pinned a note on his body warning other spies. Four “militants” were killed after attacking a Pakistani paramilitary base near Mir Ali.


The Taliban are holding two well known Pakistani journalists: Syed Saleem Shahzad and Qamar Yousafzai. The government is monitoring Afghan ‘prayer leaders’ in the NWFP. This is part of Pakistan’s attempt to shift the blame for the Taliban on Afghanistan.


NWFP Governor Orakzai claims the U.S. and NATO are facing a “snowballing war in Afghanistan and will suffer a military disaster unless they back peaceful means to end the conflict.” The joint Pakistani-Afghan tribal jirga is being discussed. Pakistan claims an Afghan soldier carrying explosives was arrested in Quetta.


The Woman’s Protection Bill, which is strongly opposed by the Islamist MMA, has passed the Senate. Pakistani troops are engaged in heavy fighting in Kohlu, Baluchistan against the BLA. FATA’s law secretary claimed there are no links between madrassa and the Taliban.


The Pakistani government reopened the file on Faqir Mohammed’s Tehreek Nifaz Shariah-e-Mohammadi (TNSM), the “Pakistani Taliban.” Nine members of the TNSM were freed from prison in late October. Pakistan has arrested 233 Taliban in Quetta over the past 3 days, while the signing of the Women’s Protection Bill is splitting the Taliban supporting MMA from […]


Kabul paid man arrested for rocket attacks in Peshawar


Maulana Fazlur Rahman., the secretary-general of the MMA, said NATO and the Afghan government must make peace with the Taliban, and the war was against Islam. Forty-seven suspected Taliban were arrested in Quetta. Dawn’s kidnapped journalist has been freed. He was beaten and “repeatedly questioned about his work in the tribal areas and his sources […]


39 suspected Taliban jailed in Quetta, Pakistan


Pakistan’s political parties wants the government to implement the same ‘peace pact’ signed in North Waziristan in the rest of the FATA. The Taliban assassinated another pro-government “spy” in North Waziristan. Dawn’s North Waziristan correspondent is missing. Suicide bombers have deployed to attack Pakistani security forces.

Pakistan’s Suicide Squad

Pakistani intelligence uncovers a suicide bombing network, more assassinations in Waziristan Pakistani soldiers killed in a suicide attack in Dargai. Click image to view. The recent suicide bombings against an Army post in Dargai and police in Peshawar have sparked fears of a larger conspiracy to attack Pakistani security forces throughout the Northwest Frontier Province […]


UK to give Pakistan $910m for madrassas, poverty