Search Results for: TTP


Twenty-seven people were killed in a series of bombings in Baghdad. In one attack, a suicide bomber killed nine people at a checkpoint. The Islamic State reportedly overran Camp Speicher outside of Tikrit. The group claimed to have destroyed nine aircraft and killed two senior officers and scores of troops. The Islamic State expelled Christians […]


The Islamic State clashed with regime forces near the Sha’er gas field in Homs; bombarded regime-held areas near Al Mab’oje in Hama; clashed with regime forces by Kweris airport, and killed five Islamic Front fighters in a suicide bombing in Aleppo; battled the Islamic Front outside Yilda in Reef Dimashq; stoned two women to death […]


Some lawmakers want Obama to rethink Afghanistan drawdown plan


Turkey, Qatar involved in Gaza ceasefire negotiations: Hamas politburo member


Lebanese troops deployed at 100 new points along the Syrian border in the northern Bekaa Valley, after reports that security forces had disrupted a major terrorist attack by about 2,000 Islamist fighters on Lebanese border villages. US officials reportedly tipped off Lebanese authorities about the planned militant operation, called “Laylat al-Qadr” (Night of Destiny), which […]


Jihadist ultimatum sparks Christian exodus from Iraq’s Mosul


ISIS burns 1,800-year-old church in Mosul


Suspected Islamist militants killed 21 Egyptian soldiers in Wadi al-Gadid near the borders with Libya and Sudan; two militants were killed in the clash. Egyptian security sources are concerned that Libya-based militants are cooperating with Islamist militants in the Sinai. Security forces turned back an aid convoy of 11 buses and 500 activists that was […]


Security forces arrested over 60 suspected militants in raids in Kasserine, Sidi Bouzid, and El Kef, including Makram Mouelhi, 34, head of an armed terrorist group in Garn Halfaya. In a crackdown on militant Islam, the government ordered the closure of all mosques not regulated by the government, as well as those mosques where celebrations […]


A two-day ceasefire between Zintani and Misratan militias at the Tripoli airport appears to be holding, but the militias have not yet departed. Some clashes are still occurring, and the Islamist Misrata militia commander said the truce applied “only around the airport.” The militias are to leave within two weeks, and a neutral brigade from […]

Al Nusrah Front

Al Nusrah Front, Islamic State compete for foreign fighters


Pakistani Singer Joins Growing List Of Slain Female Artists


Israeli Troops Battle Hamas, Uncover Gaza Tunnels

United States

The US agreed with other world powers and Iran to a four-month extension of the deadline for reaching a deal on Iran’s nuclear program, but said it will continue to enforce remaining sanctions. The agreement gives Iran access to $2.8 billion in frozen assets. Adam Dandach a.k.a. Fadi Fadi Dandach of Orange County, Calif., was […]


In Iraq, Syria, militants try to govern as a state

Al Qaeda

Can ISIS maintain its self-declared caliphate?


The Islamic State is now said to control 35% of Syria’s territory, including over 98% of oil-rich Deir Izzour. The Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front have stopped fighting the IS in Deir Izzour; some fighters turned over their weapons to the IS, but others retreated to Aleppo. Regime forces battled the IS near […]

Palestinian Territories

Gazan officials claimed that over 300 Palestinians have been killed so far in the 11-day-old conflict, and that more than 60 died on the first day of Israel’s ground operation. The operation today reached less than two miles into the Gaza Strip, focusing on rural and suburban areas where tunnels might be located. Israeli forces […]


Militias that fought US now lead charge against Sunni militants


ISIS Expels Last Iraqi Christians From Mosul


Prime Minister Netanyahu warned of an expansion of Israel’s ground offensive into Gaza, as the number of rockets fired towards Israel since July 8 topped 1,600. Of the 135 rockets launched at Israel during the first day of the ground operation, the Iron Dome system intercepted 40. One Israel soldier was killed and seven others […]


Lebanon TV channels to adopt common newscast supporting Gaza


Residents of Arsal said fighting across the border near Qalamoun is starting to spill over into Arsal, and expressed concern about attacks from both Hezbollah and the Al Nusrah Front. A Free Syrian Army commander said FSA soldiers are fighting alongside Al Nusrah outside Arsal. Al Nusrah and Hezbollah clashed along the northeastern border; over […]


Israeli Army Aims for Gaza’s ‘Highly Developed’ Tunnels


France’s Hollande warns of Islamist threat in West Africa