Search Results for: Pakistan

Pakistan: Peace in our time

Map of ISAF Mission in Afghanistan. Click to Enlarge. U.S. shells Taliban in Pakistan; The Musharraf government insists on negotiating with the Taliban, despite their string of attacks on government institutions and continuation of attacks in Afghanistan U.S. forces have begun to conduct artillery strikes into western Pakistan from Afghanistan. In an interview with the […]


U.S. forces shelled Taliban positions inside Pakistan, in North and South Waziristan. The U.S. brigade commander describes the fighting with the Taliban on the border in Afghanistan’s Paktika and Khost provinces as “intense,” with “World War I type” combat.


Pakistan calls for help to tackle militants


US Transfers 8 More Cobra Attack Helicopters to Pakistan


The Taliban bombed the office of the International Committee of the Red Cross in the NWFP capital of Peshawar. A bomb was detonated in a market in Tank. Police discovered 12 IEDs near a military base in Dera Ishmail Khan.


Police discovered armed mortar shells near the convention center in Islamabad. Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud denies being behind the wave of suicide attacks. Pakistan is investigating a purported NATO incursion inside its borders. The border mining plan has been canceled.


The Taliban bombed a children’s relief agency in the NWFP and attacked a social welfare office in South Waziristan. An Intelligence Bureau inspector was gunned down in Darra Adamkhel. NATO considers deploying 2,000 troops to the Pakistani border. “Four more militant suspects from the NWFP” were detained for suspicion in involvement in wave of suicide […]


The Taliban executed 2 more ‘US spies’ in North Waziristan. Pakistani police arrested Rizwan Ahmad, the leader of al Qaeda linked Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, “on suspicion of preparing suicide attacks.” The US said Pakistan and Afghanistan have improved cooperation on cross-border activities.


Pakistan Bomber Aimed for Airport VIP Lounge


Police battled with ‘militants’ after they attacked an NGO in Bannu. The Taliban supporting MMA political party said they will not allow Musharraf to end the jihad in Kashmir.


Musa Qala still in Taliban control

Pakistani Army to conduct offensive in Waziristan?

Pakistan’s Daily Times reports Pakistani security services plan on offensive in North and South Waziristan. Baitullah Mehsud is a target. NWFP/FATA. Click map to view. Since the secret signing of the South Waziristan agreement that ceded control of the agency to the Taliban in the spring of 2006, and the subsequent signing of the ‘Waziristan […]


Two Pakistani soldiers were killed and seven wounded after a suicide bomber rammed his car into a convoy traveling from Dera Ishmail Khan to Tank in the the NWFP. A Taliban bomber blew himself up while planting a bomb outside a music store in Bannu in the NWFP. He appears to be an Uzbek.


Musharraf said ‘some members of the security forces had turned a “blind eye” towards Taliban militants,’ but the ISI is not complicit in supporting the Taliban. Another “US spy” was found murder in North Waziristan, with a note pinned to his body.


Shiite-Sunni conflict rises in Pakistan


US hands over eight Cobras to Pakistani Army


Pakistan will not extradite Rashid Rauf, one of the ringmasters of the London airline plot, to Britain. The government also will not hand AQ Khan over to any foreign government. Eleven suspected terrorists, including a Taliban leader linked to Baitullah, linked to the suicide bombings have been arrested in Sindh.

Taliban linked to string of suicide attacks in Pakistan

Baitullah Mehsud, operating from Waziristan, is the ringmaster; Pakistan’s real intent in negotiating “peace” in South Waziristan Pakistan’s insurgency in the tribal belt and suicide attacks nationwide have not abated. Attacks on Pakistani government forces have become a regular occurrence in the tribal region. Today, three government employees were killed when their car was attacked […]


Pakistan links Taliban, Al Qaeda: Kabul


Pride, grief, anger at Taliban recruiting in western Pakistan

Pakistan’s Insurgency, Continued

Policemen carry coffins of senior police officers during their funeral on Sunday, a day after a suicide bombing in Peshawar. (AFP Photo). Click photo to view. The fourth suicide bomber in less than a week kills a policeman in Dera Ismail Khan Pakistan has suffered its fourth suicide bombing since January 22nd. Today, a 17 […]


Another suicide bomber strikes in Dera Ismail Khan. Three Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ) members are the prime suspects in the Peshawar suicide bombing. Pakistani police claim “foreign involvement” is behind the attacks in Peshawar and Islamabad. Maulana Inayatur Rehman is said to have told followers to conduct suicide missions after the Bajaur airstrike in 2006. “Militants” launched […]

Pakistan’s Insurgency

Suicide bombings, attacks on government outposts become routine Pakistan has suffered three suicide bombings over the past five days, spread across the country in Mir Ali, the provincial capital of Peshawar and the capital of Islamabad. While the targeting may appear different at first glance, each of the attacks were clearly directed at the authority […]


A suicide bomber blew himself and a guard up at the Marriott hotel in Islamabad. The Taliban fired rockets at a paramilitary Frontier Constabulary post in Shakai, South Waziristan. According to Musharraf, ‘the Taliban is solely Afghanistan™s problem and rumours that the Al Qaeda leadership is in Pakistan are a distortion of facts.’ Pakistani & […]


Musharraf claims Osama and Zawahiri have parted ways and are in Afghanistan. He also claims the Waziristan Accord is working just fine. Three police, a journalist an five others are kidnapped in South Waziristan. NATO said the cross border attack in North Waziristan was an error. The US Congress is considering cutting military aide to […]


Pakistan has summoned the US and UK envoys over the bombing of a Pakistani outpost in North Waziristan last week. Six mortars were reportedly fired from Khost, Afghanistan at a post in Miramshah. The ISI contiues to support the Taliban, and Quetta serves as a Taliban command hub.

Suicide Strike on Pakistani Army in North Waziristan

Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier Province and Federally Administered Tribal Areas Attack occurs days after Taliban commander Baitullah Mehsud vows to retaliate with suicide bombers The Pakistani government continues to lose control over the tribal regions bordering Afghanistan. The Taliban and al Qaeda have attacked a Pakistani military convoy with suicide car bomb near Mir Ali in […]


Three Pakistani soldiers were killed and 9 wounded in a suicide bombing in North Waziristan. NWFP Governor Aurakzai presses to keep the Waziristan accord alive. So does Taliban supporter and MMA leader Maulana Fazlur Rehman. Baitullah Meshud, who openly operates from South Waziristan, warns the Taliban will give a “tougher fight this year than last […]


Pakistani villagers show what they claim is unexploded US missile