Search Results for: Pakistan

Mullah Obaidullah Akhund arrested in Pakistan

Taliban Defense Minister grabbed after flurry of diplomatic pressure Pakistani security forces have captured Mullah Obaidullah Akhund, according to two of the New York Times’ sources in the Pakistani government. It should be noted this has not been confirmed by NATO forces in Afghanistan, however. Mullah Obaidullah was the Taliban Defense Minister under during the […]


The US said it will not conduct strikes inside Pakistani territory. President Musharraf “warned foreign terrorists hiding in Pakistan™s mountainous tribal areas to leave the country or face the consequences.” An Afghan man was beheaded, placed in a sack and had a note pinned on him identifying as a “US spy” in Tank.

Pressuring Pakistan

The U.S. confronts Pakistan on the Taliban and al Qaeda camps The Afghan-Pakistan border regions. The Pakistani government can no longer hide the the Taliban and al Qaeda safe havens in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas along the border with Afghanistan. After a year of praising Pakistan as a partner in the war against al […]


NWFP Governor Aurakazai said Pakistan is deploying more troops to the border in Waziristan, and continued to defend the Waziristan Accord. Britain believes a border fence would help secure the border. Syed Saleem Shahzad claimed Pakistan has cut a deal with Mullah Dadullah and is now giving state backing to the Taliban. The new US […]


US spy chief pushes for action in Pakistan


Vice President Cheney warned Pakistan to secure the tribal areas. The Deputy Director of the CIA accompanied Cheney to present evidence of al Qaeda in the tribal regions. Canadian Prime Minister Harper said Pakistan must secure its border. Three police were wounded in a grenade attack by Baitullah Mehsud’s Taliban in Tank.

Pakistan: A Debate at the Council on Foreign Relations

The Afghan-Pakistan border regions. The Council on Foreign Relations has invited me to participate in a debate on Pakistan. The topic is: Is Pakistan Doing All It Should to Secure Its Afghan Border? I am debating Council on Foreign Relations Fellow Kathy Gannon, author of I is for Infidel and a longtime AP correspondent currently […]


46 Lashkar-e-Jhangvi detained after failed Pakistan suicide attack


[UPDATE2] President Bush has warned Pakistan that it risks losing US aide if it fails to act against al Qaeda operating in the tribal areas. “For the time being, officials say, the White House has ruled out unilateral strikes against the training camps that American spy satellites are monitoring in North Waziristan… The fear is […]


Three suicide bomber were killed when their explosives detonated prematurely. They were planning to attack police in Sahiwal. Two Peshawar police were murdered in the ambush. Baluchistan’s governor urges negotiations with the Taliban. The suicide attack that killed a US diplomat in Karachi has been linked back to al Qaeda, as we noted immediately after […]

Pakistan: A Bajaur ‘peace deal’ is coming

Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier Province and Federally Administered Tribal Areas A peace deal in imminent in Bajaur, despite the worsening situation in the tribal agencies The Pakistani government is preparing to cede the Federally Administered Tribal Agency of Bajaur to the Taliban. Jan Aurakzai, the governor of the Northwest Frontier Province, has informed the media that […]


“In what seemed to be an admission that the two previous peace deals in North Waziristan and South Waziristan had not worked well” the government proposes to parliament a plan to broker a new ‘peace deal’. A girl’s school in Mardan is threatened with bombings if the women do not wear veils. “Associates of Al […]


The Taliban are expanding their influence beyond the tribal areas, and have issued “threatening letters and phone calls” to “schools and foreign banks in Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier Province.” An English speaking school has closeed due to the threats.


Delhi police control room receives call from Jaish-e-Mohammed


The Peace Train Blast: was Lashkar-e-Jhangvi involved?


Pakistan denies North Waziristan is an al Qaeda safe haven. The ‘spy’ executed yesterday in Mir Ali, North Waziristan, was murdered in public and had his hands and feet chopped off. Two suicide bombers trained in Waziristan were arrested in Hyderbad and 2 “terrorists” with “links with a banned religious outfit” were arrested in Islamabad.


Analysis: Musharraf hedges his bets on Afghanistan


The War on Terror from a Pakistani perch


Once-unthinkable deal might be Musharraf™s only option


Female Pakistani minister shot dead for ‘breaking Islamic dress code’


A “Muslim fanatic” murdered a female minister from Punjab. The Taliban executed a ‘US Spy’ in North Waziristan. The UN asked for clarification on Aurakzai™s remarks about the Taliban being a resistance movement.

al Qaeda regroups in Pakistan

The American intelligence community finally recognizes al Qaeda command has regrouped in Pakistan NWFP/FATA. Click map to view. Throughout th course of 2006 and through 2007, I documented the rise of the Taliban and al Qaeda in Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), the Northwest Frontier Province, and in Baluchistan. In The Fall if Waziristan, […]


al Qaeda command has regrouped in western Pakistan (also see “The Fall of Waziristan.”) Pakistani sources say the US is calling for an offensive in Waziristan. Over 50 suspects have been arrested in the Quetta court bombing attack.


Bomb Kills Doctor in Pakistani Border Area


A roadside bomb killed the Bajaur agency surgeon and wounded 3 doctors. A bomb was detonated in a market in Tank. Three al Qaeda linked terrorists were arrested in Karachi. Islamabad is on alert after intel that a terror cell has been activated. NWFP Governor Aurakzai called the Taliban “a nationalist movement, a resistance movement, […]


Peshawar police traced the recent suicide bombing in the city back to Baitullah Mehsud. The Islamabad airport bombing is traced to the Amjad Farooqi group, which is a subset of al Qaeda linked Jaish-e-Mohammad. Amjad Farooqi was “linked to suicide bombings, hijackings, the killing of US journalist Daniel Pearl and assassination attempts on Pakistani President […]


2 Lashkar-e-Jhangvi terrorists arrested


Musharraf calls for more Waziristan-like peace deals, and said FATA will merge with the NWFP. The ban on shaving beards has been extended throughout Bajaur, thanks to a Taliban decree. US General Eikenberry called for strikes against the Taliban in Pakistan and said the ISI is supporting the terrorists.


Officials Promoting Terrorism in Pakistan’s Tribal Areas