Search Results for: TTP


Boko Haram militants kidnapped the wife of Vice Prime Minister Amadou Ali and her maid from Ali’s home in Kolofata, killing at least three people in the attack. The militants also attacked the home of Kolofata’s religious leader and mayor, Seini Boukar Lamine, and kidnapped him as well. A court yesterday sentenced 14 Boko Haram […]


Norwegian officials said the recent threat of an imminent terrorist attack has been somewhat reduced, backing off from an earlier warning that terrorists from Syria were already on their way to Norway. A former Danish security official criticized Norway’s security agency for being so outspoken about the threat. An ISIS suicide bomber from Norway was […]


Anti-Semitism on the march: Europe braces for violence


Hamas and North Korea in secret arms deal


Islamic State destroys sacred shrine in Mosul


Taliban Making Military Gains in Afghanistan


The military claimed it killed 35 Islamic State fighters in Dhuluiyah, 17 fighters in Tikrit, and seven more in Karma. The military also said it killed a sniper from Kazakhstan in the Hamrin Mountains. The Islamic State destroyed a mosque at the tomb of Jonah and the mosque of the prophet Seth in Mosul.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula killed four soldiers at a checkpoint in Baydah. Houthi rebels claimed to have withdrawn their forces from Amran. A British citizen who was kidnapped in February was released.


In Gaza war, Egypt’s hard line over border


‘Unprecedented’ amounts of arms being smuggled into Egypt from Libya: source


Vatican Sends Emergency Aid to Persecuted Christians in Iraq


The Muslim who gave up his life for Mosul’s Christians


The Taliban executed and beheaded 15 civilians in Ghor and executed an accused murderer in Ghazni. The military claimed it killed 29 Taliban fighters during operations in Nangarhar, Wardak, Herat, and Helmand.


The government will put the Army in charge of security for the capital for three months. The Taliban killed two soldiers in North Waziristan and Security forces killed five Taliban fighters in Aurakazi.


The Islamic State killed 50 regime troops in Raqqah and forced regime forces to abandon Division 17; at least 28 IS fighters have been killed in the clashes. The Islamic State also battled regime forces in Homs and Aleppo. The Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front clashed with regime forces in Deraa, Reef Dimashq, […]


A judge issued arrest warrants for three Palestinians suspected of membership in the Al Nusrah Front. Hezbollah chief Nasrallah said the group would provide “all means of support” to the Palestinian resistance. Clashes broke out at an Army checkpoint in Arsal, and a Syrian Air Force strike just inside the Lebanese border near Arsal killed […]


Gunmen killed two police brigadier generals in Sheikh Zuwayed in North Sinai yesterday. The military claimed to have killed a senior Ansar Jerusalem leader as well as two other jihadists. Ansar Jerusalem claimed that three of its members were killed when an Israeli drone struck their car in the Sinai. An Egyptian was arrested while […]


Security forces arrested Mohamed Anis Chaieb, a wanted leader of the banned terrorist group Ansar al Sharia, in Mahdia yesterday. Warrants of committal were issued for six people in El Kef who had celebrated the recent killing of 15 soldiers in Jebel Chaambi. Eleven Tunisians who were kidnapped in Boukamech, Libya, returned to Tunisia.


Tunnel intelligence failure a wake-up call for Israel


All toxic chemicals removed from Syria reach destruction sites


Norwegian officials warned that terrorists intent on attacking Norway, possibly on July 28, have already left Syria. Authorities are increasing security around Norway’s nuclear facilities, the Jewish Museum in Oslo, and other sites. The Islamic State tweeted about a Norwegian suicide bomber who detonated at an Iraqi military checkpoint in Baghdad on June 2.


A car bomb detonated outside a hotel in the tourist town of Betong in Yala, killing at least two people and wounding 36. Islamist insurgents are blamed for the attack, which also damaged the hotel, nearby buildings, and a number of vehicles. Authorities are stepping up security in the southern provinces following the Betong attack […]


Wary Pakistan puts military in charge of capital’s security