Search Results for: iran


A general in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards was assassinated while traveling in Syria. Iran attempted to acquire 100,000 specialized magnets used in uranium enrichment machines, indicating it planned to accelerate its nuclear program. Iran denied having supplied arms to Islamist militants in Somalia.


Iran’s flight of fancy as image of new fighter jet is ‘faked’


The head of Iran’s atomic agency said Iran began installing a new generation of uranium enrichment machines last month. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu warned that Iran was nearing the red line he had drawn at the UN. A delegation from the International Atomic Energy Agency is seeking a deal that will enable it to visit […]


Iran converted some if its enriched uranium into reactor fuel, rendering it unusable for a nuclear weapon. This is the second time Iran has taken this action, having converted 100 kg of its enriched uranium into reactor fuel last year.


Exclusive: U.N. monitors see arms reaching Somalia from Yemen, Iran


President Ahmadinejad said he is ready to have talks with the US if the West stops pressuring his country over its nuclear program. Hundreds of thousands of pro-government supporters celebrated the 34th anniversary of the Islamic revolution that ousted the shah in 1979.


Insight: Iran nuclear fuel move may avert mid-year crisis


Iran political bickering heats up as election approaches


Iran’s ambassador to Bulgaria denied that his country was involved in a bombing that killed five Israelis in Bulgaria last year. After the attack, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu had accused Hezbollah and Iran of waging a terror campaign.


Iran’s leader Khamenei rejected an offer from the US for direct talks over its nuclear program. State television broadcast videos it said were taken from a US spy drone captured in December 2011. The US and Western nations imposed a new round of economic sanctions on Iran.


At the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation summit in Cairo, President Ahmadinejad called for a strategic alliance with Egypt and proposed a loan to the cash-strapped country. Egypt’s response was cool.


An ally of President Ahmadinejad was arrested by his opponents, highlighting a schism in Iran’s politics. Ahmadinejad traveled to Egypt, becoming the first Iranian leader to do so since 1979. Iran agreed to a new round of talks with world powers over its nuclear program.


Israeli ex-military intelligence chief says Iran could have nuclear bomb in 4-6 months


The Foreign Minister said Iran could consider a new round of talks between Iran and six world powers over its nuclear program. The talks would start on Feb. 25 in Kazakhstan. He also said Iran would support talks with Syria’s rebel leaders.


Iran rial hits all-time dollar low


Biden: U.S. open to direct talks with Iran


Panetta: Iranian threat spreads


A senior security official pledged Iran’s full support for the Assad regime in Syria. US Defense Secretary Panetta said Iran’s Revolutionary Guards were exporting portable antiaircraft missiles. US Vice President Biden said the US was prepared to hold direct talks with Iran over its nuclear program.


Iran increasing Syrian regime aid, Clinton warns


Iran has told the UN nuclear agency it plans to upgrade the equipment at its Natanz plant, accelerating the production of enriched uranium. Iran’s oil exports rose as it circumvented economic sanctions.


Iran, Israel and Their Red Lines Over Syria


Sanctioning Iran: Analyzing the Response from China, Japan and South Korea


Israeli PM says only U.S. military strike can halt Iran’s nuke program


Day after Alleged Sabotage at Fordow: Hardly the Expected Emergency Response


Families of servicemen killed in attack to get Iran money


Exclusive: Iran crude oil exports rise to highest since EU sanctions


Iran Cracks Down on Journalists Ahead of Elections


Iran calls for Muslim countries to patrol Gulf


Iran nuclear impasse likely to continue