Search Results for: Pakistan


Cleric leading thousands of protesters promises a Pakistani ‘Tahrir Square’


The Mujahideen Ansar, an Uzbek group, took credit for the IED attack in North Waziristan that killed 14 Pakistani soldiers. The Taliban killed three more soldiers in an IED attack in Charsadda.


The Lashkar-e-Jhangvi killed 92 people in suicide and IED attacks in Quetta. Twenty-two more Pakistanis were killed in a blast in Swat; it is unclear if the blast was caused by a bomb. US drones killed six “militants” in North Waziristan.


The Taliban killed a policeman and two civilians in an IED attack on a police van in Lakki Marwat, and killed two security personnel in another bombing in Mohmand.


Pakistani officials claimed that at least 25 mortar shells fired from Afghanistan struck the border area of Ghulam Khan in North Waziristan. Seven unidentified bullet-riddled bodies were found dumped near Sarobi in North Waziristan. Tribesmen held a massive rally in South Waziristan demonstrating against the US drone campaign.


Pakistan – Cell phone networks have become terror networks: Rehman Malik


The Taliban named Bahwal Khan as Mullah Nazir’s replacement in South Waziristan. Security forces killed 21 Lashkar-e-Islam fighters in Khyber. Two people were killed in a bombing at an electrical tower in Peshawar. Seven bodies thought to be kidnapped Pakistani soldiers were found in North Waziristan.


Pakistan blocks cellphone services in 50 cities


Pakistan – New doctrine: Army identifies ‘homegrown militancy’ as biggest threat


US drones killed five “militants” in South Waziristan. “Gunmen” kidnapped seven soldiers in Jand as they were returning from leave in Rawalpindi. Security forces killed two “terrorists” during an operation in Miramshah in North Waziristan.


Pakistan – EDITORIAL : Talking to the TTP


The Taliban claimed credit for a bombing in Karachi that killed four people at an MQM rally in Karachi. Seven aid workers were gunned down in Swabi; no group has claimed the attack.


The government released eight more Afghan Taliban detainees, including former Taliban justice minister Mullah Nooruddin Turabi. The bodies of nine Pakistani Taliban, all shot in the head and chest, were found dumped in North Waziristan. Government technicians briefly unblocked YouTube after work on a system designed to filter out allegedly blasphemous material.


The Taliban executed 21 policemen after capturing them in an operation several days ago in Peshawar. Nineteen people were killed in a bombing in Mastung; the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi is suspected of carrying out the IED attack.

Daily Times op-ed hits the mark on Pakistani Taliban

“Now having been offered this incontrovertible proof of the Taliban on both sides of the western border and al Qaeda being one and the same thing, one hopes the foolishness about ‘good’ and ‘bad’ Taliban can be relegated where it belongs: in the dustbin,” Daily Times writes.


Pakistan to Lift YouTube Ban, as a Viral Video Star Is Welcomed Home


Mobile services suspended in Karachi to ‘avert’ terror attack


Pakistan: Troubled north-west comes to town (Karachi)


Only son of Pakistan’s murdered Bhutto launches political career


Unidentified gunmen shot and wounded Auranzeb Farooqi, a prominent Sunni cleric and leader of the Ahle Sunnat-Wal-Jamaat party, in Karachi. Pakistani militants shot dead two Afghan policemen who were traveling to Quetta via Chaman. The policemen were accompanying a sick female companion to a medical facility in Quetta when they were abducted and murdered; the […]


Mullah Nazir banned cellphones with cameras and memory cards in Wana in South Waziristan. Following the assassination of ANP leader Bashir Bilour, the party is pushing for an operation to clear North Waziristan of insurgents.


Pakistan – VIEW : Abysmal state of democracy in FATA


Pakistan – Mob burns alive blasphemy accused in Dadu