Search Results for: TTP

Islamic State

Islamic State’s black flags are flying in Europe


Authorities claimed to have killed nine “terror suspects” and captured another in Hotan prefecture in Xinjiang province. Two days ago, the imam of China’s biggest mosque was killed by knife-wielding ‘religious extremists’ in Kashgar in Xinjiang.

Al Nusrah Front

Lebanon – Arsal officials demand a Tripoli-style security plan


Mohammed Deif: Elusive Hamas Military Chief Defying Israel


Israel, Palestinian militant groups agree to three-day Gaza truce


Interactive: France’s new game plan to counter jihadism in Africa


French military forces arrested Yoro Ould Daha, a former leader of the Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa, earler this week at his home in Gao. Algeria has said bad weather, not a terrorist attack, caused the July 24 passenger jet crash in the Malian desert.


Fighting resumed in southern Tripoli near the airport between Islamists and Zintani militias defending the airport. The police presence was reportedly scarce in Benghazi, where the Red Crescent collected at least 35 bodies from the Saiqa Special Forces base in Buatni that was taken over by Ansar al Sharia. Last night several hundred demonstrators marched […]


Razing of Mosul’s shrines sparks first signs of resistance against Islamic State


Foreign Minister Hamdi threatened to close the Ras Jadir and Wazin-Dehiba border crossings, as at least 5,000 people per day have been entering Tunisia from Libya through Ras Jadir recently, and he ordered stepped up security at Ras Jadir. The Defense Ministry accepted the July 23 resignation of army chief General Mohamed Salah Hamdi, who […]


The head of the PST announced that the terror alert has been lowered, as an attack by Islamist militants from Syria is no longer thought to be imminent. Norwegian counterterrorism experts indicated there was more to the warning than mentioned in the press. Police arrested a second suspect in the attempted murder of an Oslo […]


Authorities claimed that three knife-wielding Uighur militants killed Jume Tahir, the imam of the Id Kah Mosque in Kashgar, which is China’s largest mosque. Security forces killed two of the suspects and captured the third. Tahir was said to be a pro-government Uighur leader who cooperated with authorities in monitoring religious activities.


Iraq struggles to halt Islamic State’s march on Baghdad


The military killed 27 people during airstrikes in Jurf al Sakhar, which is under control of the Islamic State, and seven more near Fallujah. Shia militias executed 15 Sunnis in Baqubah, and then hung their bodies from electrical poles. A Hezbollah trainer was killed during fighting in northern Iraq.


The federal police issued arrest warrants for Khaled Sharrouf and Mohamed Elomar, two Sydney residents who are now fighting with the Islamic State in Iraq and have threatened to kill Australian soldiers as well as all non-Muslims. Authorities estimate that 150 Australians are currently fighting in Syria and Iraq, and that about 60 of them […]


Arab Leaders, Viewing Hamas as Worse Than Israel, Stay Silent


Tunisia Can’t Cope with Massive Libya Refugee Influx

United States

Secretary of State Kerry denounced the Assad regime and said the US will give an additional $378 million in humanitarian aid to the Syrian people, bringing the US total so far in the conflict to $2.4 billion. A Senate report found that the Department of Homeland Security has failed to conduct security inspections at 99% […]


Bolivia Declares Israel a Terrorist State


The Islamic State clashed with tribal gunmen in Abo Hamam in Deir Izzour, with regime forces in Hama, and with Kurdish YPG fighters in Aleppo. The Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front battled regime forces in Jobar in Damascus, and in Hama near Morek and the military airport. The Islamic Front also clashed with […]


The army detained seven or eight Syrians in Arsal suspected of membership in the Al Nusrah Front. Hezbollah and the Syrian regime are waging a war of attrition against jihadists from Al Nusrah and the Islamic State that are holed up in the mountainous border areas near Arsal and Qalamoun. A top Hezbollah official was […]


Ansar al Sharia reportedly claimed to be in complete control of Benghazi, after taking over the headquarters of the Saiqa Special Forces yesterday. General Khalid Haftar, head of Operation Dignity forces, said the Ansar al Sharia claim is a lie and that the Libyan army controls Benghazi. France closed its embassy in Tripoli and evacuated […]


Kurdish security service takes aim at ISIS oil smuggling


Israelis support Netanyahu and Gaza war, despite rising deaths on both sides