Search Results for: Pakistan


Tank: A town tormented by fear


al Qaeda and Taliban active in Waziristan, says Sherpao


Four executed for adultery in Pakistan


The Taliban imposed a curfew in Darra Adamkhel and have been enforcing sharia. Multiple bomb threats have been made against courts in the NWFP. A nursing school in Islamabad has been shut down over a rumor Christian nurses defaced the Koran. The campaign was organized by the Lal Masjid. President Musharraf implemented new, strict controls […]


Pakistani General: ‘Reports of Al Qaeda regrouping near border exaggerated™

Pakistani political party sponsors ‘Martyred Mullah Dadullah Conference’

Jamiat-i-Ulema Islam (Fazl), the lead party in the MMA, sponsors gathering of 10,000 supporters of slain Taliban commander in Baluchistan; Tank, NWFP contested Pro-Taliban supporters shout slogans during a rally in Killi Nalai [AP]. Click to view. As the situation in Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier Province spins out of control and the Taliban’s sphere of influence […]


Over 10,000 Taliban gathered on the border near Quetta to hear a speech by the brother of dead Taliban commander Mullah Dadullah. This meeting, called the ‘Martyred Mulla Dadullah Conference™ meeting was “arranged by MMA™s main party Jamiat-i-Ulema Islam (Fazl).” The Taliban killed 13 in an attack on the home of Tank’s political agent. The […]


The Taliban killed 13, including 6 family members of an anti-Taliban cleric, after launching an attack on his home in Tank. The Interior Ministry said 3 ministers are on South Waziristan Taliban commander Baitullah Mehsud’s hit list. The Lal Masjid clerics warned yet again of a suicide campaign if the mosque is raided. Interior Minister […]


A car bomb outside the Peshawar High Court killed 1 and wounded 9. Bannu locals said 4 men killed in an encounter with the police were not Taliban. The leader of the Lal Masjid offered to advise the media on sharia. The banned Jamaat-ud-Dawa (formerly LeT) plans to rename its weekly publications to bypass government […]


Taliban resurgence worries India


The Father of the Taliban: An Interview with Maulana Sami ul-Haq


A suicide bomber rammed a car into a military convoy in Tank and killed 2 soldiers and wounded 8. The Taliban shot and killed a senior paramilitary commander in a sophisticated ambush in Tank just hours after 4 Taliban were killed in a firefight. Two explosions in Quetta killed one and wounded 2.


The Taliban killed 3 soldiers and wounded 7 in an IED attack in Tank. The Taliban kidnapped two doctors in Lakki Marwat. A “militant” was killed when his hand grenade exploded prematurely, while the Taliban ordered music shops closed. The Lashkar-e-Islami attacked the home of a journalist in Peshawar.

Pakistan: Hostage of the Taliban

NWFP/FATA map. Red agencies/ districts controlled by the Taliban; yellow under threat. Click map to view. Hostage crises ended in Islamabad & North Waziristan as one begins in Bannu; anti-Taliban elements calls for help go unheeded As the political crisis over the suspension of Pakistani Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry for alleged misconduct consumes the […]


Lal Masjid leader Ghazi Abdul Rashid said he backs Chief Justice Chaudhry and believes the crisis will lead to the Talibanization of Pakistan – which is his goal. Villagers in Landi Kotal assaulted polio vaccinators after their imam told them vaccinations are against Islam. Elelven of the 15 members of the Waziristan “peace committee” resigned […]


The Lal Masjid standoff has ended as the 2 remaining police have been released. The Taliban kidnapped 3 government agents, including a military intelligence official, in Bannu. Thirteen Taliban dead have been repatriated to North Waziristan after being killed in fighting in Afghanistan. The Taliban fired 7 rockets at a military outpost in Tank. President […]


Blow for Musharraf as ruling coalition crumbles


Three Uzbeks were among the 4 killed in yesterday’s strike on an al Qaeda camp in North Waziristan. The 8 government workers kidnapped by the Taliban in North Waziristan have been freed. The Taliban bombed a music shop in Charsadda. The Lashkar Islam has put out a order to kill a journalist and close music […]


Confrontation at an Islamabad Mosque


The government called off an operation against the Lal Masjid. The Pakistani military attacked an al Qaeda camp in the Zargarkhel village in North Waziristan. Waziristan based Taliban are massing in Swat and being sheltered by the TNSM. A “student of a local madressah” detonated a bomb near Interior Minister Sherpao’s home in Charsadda. “There […]


Militants find sanctuary in Swat


Pakistan minister quits over hug


Inside the Taliban’s heart of darkness


Security forces cordoned the area around the Lal Masjid and arrested 36 members. Three more police were kidnapped by students of the Lal Masjid. The “Lal Masjid brigade” is digging fighting positions as Maulana Ghazi has threatened a wave of suicide attacks. The Taliban blew up 10 fuel tankers in Torkhum. The tankers were heading […]


The government caved to the Lal Masjid demands and released 4 members of the mosque in exchange for 2 of the 4 kidnapped police. The Taliban beheaded a ‘US spy’ in North Waziristan. A tribal jirga in Mohmand Agency met to discuss preventing the ‘Talibanisation™ of the agency. Bannu police found 3 suicide vests on […]


Pakistan mosque frees two police


Pakistani Authorities Negotiate with Pro-Taliban Islamists for Captives’ Release


The Lal Masjid ‘brigade’ has kidnapped 4 Pakistani policemen and accused them of ‘spying™ for the government. The Taliban kidnapped 8 government officials in North Waziristan. Police believe Matiur Rehman is “spending most of his time in Waziristan training and organizing al Qaeda militants.” Christian residents of Charsadda have pleaded with the government to provide […]


Pakistan focus: Who’s playing with the Karachi tinderbox?