Search Results for: TTP


A Yemeni military official claimed that al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is in effective control of the eastern province of Hadramout. “Local authorities in Hadramout are non-existent and Al Qaeda is running it.” A senior general denied the report.


Police announced the recent arrest in Nairobi’s Eastleigh suburb of suspected Shabaab operative Hassan Hanafi Haji, who is accused of killing Somali journalists as well as other attacks. The suspect, who claimed he was not Haji, had come from Somalia to Kenya for medical treament. A large group of attackers threw grenades at government offices […]


A Shabaab suicide bomber detonated inside the police compound of the Port City of Bossaso Aug. 4, killing the Bari regional police commander as well as the head of internal revenue and two bodyguards. A former Somali presidential candidate, Faisal Ali Warabe, confirmed that his son appeared in a propaganda video recently released by the […]


In its first resolution, the House of Representatives ordered an unconditional ceasefire in Tripoli and Benghazi. In Tripoli, a rocket strike killed 18 Sudanese nationals, and firefighters reported progress in getting four fuel tank blazes under control. The Grand Mufti and the former president of the GNC called the new Parliament illegal. About 50,000 Egyptians […]


Sgt Bowe Bergdahl questioned over capture

United States

US terrorism database has doubled in recent years


40,000 Iraqis stranded on Sinjar mountain after Islamic State death threats


Civilian or Not? New Fight in Tallying the Dead From the Gaza Conflict


Saddam’s allies moved his corpse, fearful Shi’ite militias would harm it: tribal leader


Boko Haram gunmen burst out of the Sambisa Forest and attacked the town of Gwoza in Borno state yesterday, killing over 100 residents and burning the police station and two churches after taking over the town. Witnesses said that soldiers guarding the town fled in the face of the militants’ superior firepower. The militants also […]


Suspected Boko Haram militants stormed the northern village of Zigague, killing 10 people and kidnapping one more. A report claimed that contrary to rumors, the wife of Vice Prime Minister Ahmadou Ali and other kidnapped members of his family have not been released by Boko Haram.

United Kingdom

Following the sudden resignation yesterday of Foreign Office minister Baroness Warsi, the first Muslim woman to serve in the Cabinet, over the government’s Gaza policies, Baroness Anelay was named to replace her. The Old Bailey court heard that Afsor Ali, who is accused of possessing terrorist literature, appeared in Muslims Against Crusades videos promoting extremism, […]

United States

Defense Secretary Hagel said yesterday’s insider attack in Kabul that killed a US major general and wounded over a dozen Coalition forces will not affect the US’ planned drawdown in Afghanistan. The White House announced plans to spend $110 million a year for the next few years on helping Senegal, Ghana, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Tanzania, and […]


Somalia’s president expects new military push to begin in days


An Afghan soldier killed a US general and wounded 14 others, including a US, German, and Afghan general, in an attack at a training facility in Kabul. The Taliban killed five Afghan soldiers. The Interior Ministry claimed Afghan forces killed 33 Taliban fighters. ISAF reportedly killed four civilians in an airstrike in Herat.


The military claimed it killed 50 Islamic State fighters in Dhuluiyah, 20 in Taji, and two more in Sinjar, and an Islamic State leader and five fighters in Mosul The military also claimed it retook control of the Barwana district in Anbar. Iraqi military reports have been unreliable.


A brief humanitarian truce in Arsal fell apart after Islamist militants resumed attacks on the Army. The militants, who include fighters from the Al Nusrah Front and from the Islamic State, released several kidnapped security forces but still hold dozens more. Hezbollah said its fighters have not participated in the clashes and that it has […]


A joint Warshefana and Zinanti force took Camp 27, a military base that had fallen into the hands of Islamists, from the Libya Shield, in an attack that left eight fighters dead and 60 wounded. The joint force yesterday destroyed a base in Janzour used by the Fursan Janzour Brigade, which is allied with the […]


UN says jihadis killed 40 minority children in northwestern Iraq

Islamic State

Islamic State jihadists behead Sunni tribesmen in Syria: monitor


Security forces arrested three terrorists last night in Régueb in Sidi Bouzid; they are allegedly associates of Afif Lamouri, an Ansar al Sharia leader in Sidi Bouzid who was arrested on July 31. A Tunis court today issued a warrant for the arrest of Lamouri, a communications official for the terror group. Security forces raided […]

Boko Haram

Boko Haram has forced 650,000 Nigerians from homes: UN


Saudi Arabia losing influence in Yemen


Spanish authorities said Mohamed Hamdouch a.k.a. Kokito, a Moroccan from Fdineq who heads an Islamic State brigade in Syria, has appeared in a recent Islamic State video with the heads of slaughtered victims. His wife Asia reportedly shares his jihadist goals. Over 3,000 Moroccan jihadists are said to be fighting in Syria and Iraq.