Search Results for: Iran

From Waziristan to Afghanistan, and Back

The Taliban repatriate their dead fighters from Afghanistan back into Pakistan’s tribal agencies of North & South Waziristan The Taliban in Waziristan. Click image to view. Pakistan’s tribal agencies of North and South Waziristan continue to serve as Taliban safe havens and armed camps for attacks into Afghanistan. On January 11, the Pakistani military attacked […]


175 Taliban from South Waziristan have been killed in Afghanistan since 2005. “Families of the dead fighters were recently awarded certificates of commendation by the Taliban.” The ceremony “was presided over by Baitullah Mahsud.” The bodies of 25 Taliban were brought back to Miranshah, North Waziristan, where “the Taliban asked everyone to attend the funerals […]


A Sadr aide says US troops will “go home in coffins”. Iraq is seeking the release of the Iranians that were arrested near the consulate in Irbil. The Irians were applying for, but did not have diplomatic status. The Haifa Street area has been cordoned off after fierce battles that killed over 50.


One day after President Bush vowed to crack down on Iran for involvement with the insurgency, US forces raided the Iranian consulate in Ibril and detained five for involvement with the insurgency. Iraqi and U.S. forces raid Sadr Cirt last evening. SCIRI’s Hakim backs the government in its crackdown on militias.

NRO Symposium on the New Strategy for Iraq

Iraq. Click map to view. I was invited to join a National Review Online Symposium on the New Strategy for Iraq. The questions were: Did the president say what needed to be said? Will it help? Also participating in the symposium are: Peter Brookes, Clark Judge, Clifford D. May, James S. Robbins, Joseph Morrison Skelly, […]

The New Iraq Strategy

Iraq. Click map to view. President Bush will announce his new security plan within the hour. The White House has made a fact sheet available online, as well as a Strategic Overview [PDF] of new Iraq plan. This evening I participated in a conference call with White House Press Secretary Tony Snow and Brett McGurk, […]

Iraqi Army goes on the offensive

Iraqi Army and U.S. conduct operations in Baghdad, Diyala, Yusifiyah as U.S. plans to announce a troop surge Iraq. Click map to view. As the United States prepares to ‘surge’ more troops in Iraq, about 20,000 to 30,000 American soldiers and Marines according to most press accounts, the Iraqi government announced over the weekend it […]

U.S. Helicopters Pound al Qaeda Targets in Southern Somalia

U.S. conducts second overt strike in Somalia, USS Eisenhower on station Satellite map of southern Somalia. Click image to view. As we noted yesterday, the AC-130 gunship attack on al Qaeda leaders in Somalia, followed by the movement of the Eisenhower carrier group from the Persian Gulf region to the Somali coast, indicated the U.S. […]

The Pakistani Taliban Org Chart

A look at the most influential Pakistani Taliban, Uzbek and Arab leaders in North and South Waziristan Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier Province and Federally Administered Tribal Areas Since the fall of North and South Waziristan during the spring and summer of 2006, the Pakistani Taliban, along with affiliated al Qaeda, Uzbek and Arab groups have built […]


Revealed: Israel has plans nuclear strike on Iran

Russia denounces US arms sanctions on three Russian firms for exporting weapons to Libya and Iran


Arrested Iranians ‘were trying to influence Iraqi government’: BBC


Iranians ‘up to no good’ in Iraq

The Rise & Fall of Somalia’s Islamic Courts: An Online History

The Somalia Battlefield December 25, 2006 to January 3, 2007. Light blue – Ethiopian & TFG advances. Green – ICU territory. Orange – recent clashes. Click image to view. Click the map for an animated view of the TFG and Ethiopian operations against the Islamic Courts from December 25 to January 3 The Islamic Courts […]


[UPDATE 2] Coalition forces detained 23 terrorists in Ramadi. Marines uncover 12 weapons caches in Anbar, and find Iranian made weapons. Contractors will be subject to the Uniformed Code of Military Justice (USMJ), reports DefenseTech.

The State of Jihad: 2006

A look at the state of the major theaters, and some under the radar, in the Long War Pro-Taliban fighters in Waziristan. The year of 2006 has seen some interesting developments in the fight against al Qaeda and its allies across the globe. While the war against al Qaeda is largely seen as a fight […]


General Eikenberry expects the Taliban to increase attacks and “will try to attack border security posts, extend their suicide bombings, and attack district centers in groups of 25 to 100 fighters.” Mullah Obaidullah Akhund said Saddam’s execution “will boost the morale of Muslims.” Iran said the US presence in Afghanistan is the source of instability […]


[UPDATE 1] Two of the Iranians arrested for insurgent activities were released by the US. The Iraqi Army detained 13 in a raid on an insurgent camp in Baqubah. Two al Qaeda terrorists were killed in a raid in Baghdad, while 13 insurgents were arrested in eastern Baghdad. Four terrorists were killed during a raid […]


The Taliban confirmed Mullah Akhtar Usmani was killed last week in an airstrike in Khost, after initials denials. Afghanistan arrested a Pakistani ‘suicide bomb supplier.™ Iran is attempting to extend its influence inside Afghanistan.


British and Iraqi forces destroyed the headquarters of a Basra police Crimes Unit after receiving intelligence of torture and planned execution of prisoners. A bomb in a Baghdad shopping area killed 10. Four Iranians, including two diplomats, were detained by American forces and released. President Talabani protested the arrests.

Al-Zawraa Responds to Muj TV

Al-Zawraa logo. Click image to view. Mashaan Jabouri, the owner of al-Zawraa, responds to my post, Muj TV While in Fallujah, I wrote about al-Zawraa, or what the Iraqis refer to as “Muj TV.” This is a satellite television station that broadcasts attacks on U.S., Coalition and Iraqi Security Forces, as well as calls for […]

The Battle of Somalia

Islamic Courts controlled cities and towns marked in red. Click map to view. The ICU attacks in Puntland and claims to have advanced to 7 miles from Baidoa, the Ethiopians strike in Beletweyn The Battle for town Baidoa, the seat of government of the beleaguered Transitional Federal Government of Somalia, and greater Somalia has entered […]


Saddam says responsible for any Iran gas attacks

Palestinian Territories

In Gaza City gunmen riddled the car of an intelligence chief linked to the Fatah Party with bullets, killing his three sons. Armed gunmen also attempted Sunday to assassinate Palestinian Interior Minister Said Siam, a member of the Islamic Hamas ruling party. Palestinian PM Haniyeh, of the Hamas party, warns that early elections would lead […]

al-Zawraa: Muj TV

The Iraqi insurgency has a satellite TV station, called al-Zawraa. Insurgent propaganda, 24/7, believed to be broadcast from Syria. Al-Zawraa muj spokesman. Click image to view. FALLUJAH, iRAQ: The information front in the Long War is perhaps the war’s most vital. And it is one front where the West is perceived as losing. While Coalition […]

Gulf States

Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates announced today that they intend to work jointly to develop nuclear energy capabilities. They said that today’s announcement was not in response to Iran’s crisis.


The Iraq Survey Group report released today, urging combat troops out of Iraq by 2008, and bilateral negotiations with Iran and Syria. Bush pledges to act.


Testifying before the Senate Armed Services Committee confirmation hearing, DefSec nominee Bob Gates said “all options are on the table” regarding Iraq and that the U.S. is neither winning nor losing the war. Iraq Study Group report to be issued at 12 GMT Wednesday morning and is expected to push for regional conference on Iraq […]

Iran, Gambia issue joint statement on mutual cooperation


Saudis and Iran prepare to do battle over corpse of Iraq