Search Results for: Iran

Al Qaeda

Saad bin Laden, Osama’s son, Saif al-Adel, Suleyman Abu al-Ghaith, Muhammad Shouki al-Islambuli and other senior al Qaeda leaders are sheltering in Iran, according to Middle East experts. Al Qaeda continues to recirute and train suicide bombers in Pakistan and send them to Afghanistan.

The Baghdad Security Operation Order of Battle: March 26, 2007

The Baghdad Order Of Battle as of March 26, 2007. Click map to view. By DJ Elliott, CJ Radin and Bill Roggio With the passing of the four year anniversary of the commencement of Operation Iraqi Freedom, Iraqi and Coalition security forces continue to press with reestablishing security inside the capital and the outer Baghdad […]


Iran Connection Alleged in Iraq Rocket Attack on UN Chief

The Baghdad Security Operation Order of Battle: March 19, 2007

The Baghdad Order Of Battle as of March 19, 2007. Click map to view. By DJ Elliott, CJ Radin and Bill Roggio The Baghdad Security Plan is now over one month old since its official announcement on February 14. While it is impossible to judge progress over the course of one month in a complex […]


Iran army warns US against making ‘stupid moves’

Signs in Sadr City

Muqtada calls for residents to oppose the U.S. as the U.S. continues to work on his Mahdi Army Protests in Sadr City after Friday’s prayers. (Photo AFP/Getty). Click to view. One month after the implementation of the Baghdad Security Plan and Muqtada al Sadr’s subsequent retreat to Iran, Sadr has now spoken out against the […]


The suspended Chief Justice was roughed up by police prior to going to court today. Another ‘US spy’ was beheaded by the Taliban in South Waziristan. ‘Militants’ fired rockets at a military base in Miranshah, North Waziristan. Pakistan has begun fencing sections on the Afghan border.


Iran says Israel, US threaten Mideast


A Tense Quiet on the Iraq-Iran Border


The Pakistani National Assembly threatened to stop participating in the war on terror if Congress passes sanctions. Yet another “US Spy” was murdered near Miranshah in North Waziristan. Three ‘miscreants’ were killed after firing on Pakistani border force while attempting to cross from Afghanistan into North Waziristan.

The Abu Omar al-Bagdadi Saga

The Leader of al Qaeda’s Islamic State of Iraq has not been captured. Again. A map of the Sunni Islamic State of Iraq. For the third time this week, Abu Omar al-Bagdadi, the leader of al Qaeda’s political front organization the Islamic State of Iraq, was reported captured by the Iraqi Interior Ministry. And for […]


Afghan and Iranian border forces clashed after the Iranians entered Afghan territory. One soldier from each side was killed. Eight suspects have been arrested for the murder of a German aid worker. Canadian forces were hit by two suicide attacks in Kandahar on Thursday, while one NATO was killed during combat operations in the south.


As noted here yesterday, the deputy Taliban commander captured by US forces in South Waziristan was named Hakimullah Mehsud, a clansman of Baitullah. Police in Tank arrested a suicide bomber and found two suicide vests. The Taliban fired two rockets at a fort in Miranshah, North Waziristan. A fuel tanker heading to Afghanistan was also […]

Featured Embedded Report: Chris Muir from Iraq

In mid-February, Chris Muir, the talented cartoonist behind day by day, a political comic strip prevalent in the blogosphere, embedded in Mosul for five days. Public Multimedia, Inc, my non-profit media company, was proud to sponsor Chris for this embed. Chris is the first of several embeds Public Multimedia will put into the field this […]


Israel Puts Embassies on Security Alert Following Reports It Kidnapped Iranian

Palestinian Territories

Israel said Iran is training Hamas operatives inside Iran. Fatah leaders Barghouti and Dahlan are divided over control of the group. Two Hamas leaders have left for Syria due to the agreement between Fatah and Hamas. The US State Department denied scholarships supported a Hamas university.

Saudi Arabia

Saudi defends Gulf Arab atom plans, criticizes Iran

Into Sadr City

The Baghdad Security Plan is heading to Muqtada al-Sadr’s stronghold The Baghdad Order Of Battle as of February 26, 2007. Click map to view. The absence of U.S. forces inside Sadr City, the stronghold of radical, Iranian backed Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, has been a glaring anomaly to those watching the development of the Baghdad […]


US Set to Join Iran and Syria in Talks on Iraq

Dividing the Mahdi Army

Muqtada al-Sadr. Multinational Forces Iraq is negotiating with elements of the Mahdi Army With Muqtada al-Sadr now in Iran, the Iraqi government and Coalition forces are stepping up efforts to divide and conquer his Mahdi Army. Asharq Alawsat has confirmed that Multinational Forces Iraq (MNF-I) is “holding talks with commanders of Muqtada al-Sadr’s Al-Mahdi Army […]


Vice President Mahdi was targeted for assassination; 10 were killed and 42 wounded in the attempt. President Talibani is in Jordan undergoing medical treatment. A large cache of Iranian EFPs was found near Baquba. Fifteen al Qaeda, incuding an emir, were catpured in raids in Baghdad, Ramadi, Mahmudiyah and Samarra. The Iraqi Army arrested 6 […]

The Baghdad Order of Battle: February 26, 2007

The Baghdad Order Of Battle as of February 26, 2007. Click map to view. By DJ Elliott, CJ Radin and Bill Roggio Over the past week, U.S. and Iraqi troops have continued to move into Baghdad, taking up positions for the new Iraq security plan. For its part, al Qaeda in Iraq continues to press […]

Bombing targets Adel Abdul Mahdi, Iraq’s Vice President

Mahdi, Minister of Public Works, lightly wounded after bomb detonates in Public Works ministry Aadil Abdul Mahdi, click to enlarge. An explosion at the Ministry of Public Works nearly assassinated Adel Abdul Mahdi, one of Iraq’s two Vice Presidents, as well as Riad Ghraib, the Minister of Public Works. Twelve were killed and 42 wounded […]


[UPDATE1] A suicide bomber killed 40 and wounded 35 in an attack at the Mustansiriyah University in a Shia neighborhood in Baghdad. Other suicide attacks that occurred in Baghdad include: the Iranian embassy, in front of Hakim’s compound, and a Karrada market, but casualties were low. Sectarian murders have dropped significantly, however. Security forces killed […]


[UPDATE2] Iraqi police arrested Issa Abdul-Razzaq Ahmed, a terrorist fund raiser in Basra. US troops detained Hakim’s son for 12 hours after crossing from Iran. Ansar al-Sunnah “demanded retribution” from al Qaeda in Iraq for the murders of its fighters. The recent discovery of a carbomb factory with chlorine gas cannisters is believed to be […]

Outside Baghdad and the Iraq Security Plan

As the Baghdad pieces of the puzzle are being put in place, operations are underway in the provinces Iraq. Click map to view. While the major focus of the Iraq security plan is the capital of Baghdad, Iraqi and Coalition forces have stepped up operations in the provinces. The intent is obvious: while Baghdad is […]


[UPDATE1] An Iranian Arab dissident group claimed Muqtada al-Sadr and a large contingent of his lieutenants are in Khuzestan, under the protection of Iranian troops. KUNA reports a joint US-Iraqi force has raided a Sadr office in Baghdad. A suicide bomber attacked a police checkpoint in Sadr City, killing 13. The British drawdown in southern […]


A car bomb in northern Mogadishu killed 4 and wounded 1. The ICU linked businessman released from Kenya calls for the withdrawal of Ethiopia. Somali-Britons believe the BBC Somali Service is siding with the Islamic Courts based on its coverage. Further details emerge on Eritrean and Iranian involvement in transporting al Qaeda and weapons into […]


Attacks in Baghdad are down by 80%. Two car bombs in Kirkuk killed 10 and wounded 65. The US and Iraqi Special Forces detained 2 Iranians in Baghdad. The Mahdi Army may be the target of Basra operations. Coalition forces captured 21 al Qaeda in Ramadi, Baghdad and Karabilah. Hillah SWAT captured 21 members of […]


Syria’s Assad in Iran for talks on Iraq