Search Results for: Iran

Attacking Sadr’s Mahdi Army

The Mahdi Army. Click image to view. Mahdi Army targeted in Baghdad, Basra and Kut Within 24 hours after the return on Muqtada al Sadr from his self imposed four month exile in Iran, Coalition and Iraqi forces launched five high profile attack against the extremist elements of his Mahdi Army. Today, U.S., British, Polish […]


Taliban ‘use Iranian missiles on UK troops’


Ten Taliban were killed after attacking a police checkpoint in the Zari district inKandahar, and another two were killed in Paktia. A senior British Army source said the Taliban are using Iranian supplied SA-7 Strela surface to air missiles against NATO aircraft, as well as other Iranian supplied weaponry.

The Baghdad Security Operation Order of Battle: May 21, 2007

The Baghdad Order Of Battle as of May 20, 2007. Click map to view. By DJ Elliott, CJ Radin and Bill Roggio It’s been three months since the commencement of the Baghdad Security Plan on February 14, and the operation has been marked by both considerable progress and painful setbacks. While the violence in Baghdad […]

Azhar al-Dulaimi, the tactical commander of the Karbala PJCC attack, killed

Qods Force logo, click to view. Iranian trained leader in the Qazali network killed north of Baghdad Multinational Forces Iraq has killed a major player in the kidnapping and murder of five American soldiers during a complex attack on the Provincial Joint Coordination Center in Karbala on January 20th. On May 19, Coalition forces killed […]

Diyala on the horizon

U.S. and Iraqi troops on an operation in Balad Ruz in April. Click to view. Al Qaeda strikes in Baqubah nd along the Iranian border; 5th Division general relieved of command; the campaign looms The province of Diyala, where al Qaeda has established its command headquarters over the past year, has been the scene of […]

The Baghdad Security Operation Order of Battle: May 14, 2007

The Baghdad Order Of Battle as of May 13, 2007. Click map to view. By Dj Elliott, CJ Radi and Bill Roggio The past week in Iraq has been a mixed bag of political success coupled with several successful high profile attacks by al Qaeda. As the situation heats up in Diyala, al Qaeda conducted […]


Mullah Dadullah, the Taliban’s most senior military commander, was killed by NATO and Afgan forces in Helmand province. NATO and Afghan forces killed 55 Taliban in 2 operations in Paktika province near the Pakistani border. The U.S. is building “super-madrassa” in Afghanistan to prevent parents from sending their children to schools in Pakistan. Iran claimed […]


NATO said it killed over 70 Taliban and wounded another 30 during a week long battle to clear the Nari Saraj district of Helmand province. At least 20 Taliban were killed in the Sangin district. NATO forces also destroyed a large weapons cache in central Helmand. The foreign minister was dismissed after failing to halt […]


Radical Iraqi cleric Sadr said to be in Iran


Hezbollah builds a Western base – From inside South America™s Tri-border area, Iran-linked militia targets US


The Taliban bombed 15 video shops in Charsadda. Fourteen mortars launched from Khost, Afghanistan landed in Miranshah. President Musharraf has announced an amnesty plan for Baluch insurgents.

The Baghdad Security Operation Order of Battle: May 7, 2007

The Baghdad Order Of Battle as of May 6, 2007. Click map to view. By Bill Roggio, DJ Elliott and CJ Radin The month of April was particularly hard on both U.S. and Iraqi Security Forces. As both forces push outward from larger, more secure bases, the casualties have increased. Iraqi Security Forces–both police and […]


US Forces Arrest Two in Iraq for Smuggling Weapons from Iran

The Baghdad Security Operation Order of Battle: April 30, 2007

The Baghdad Order Of Battle as of April 30, 2007. Click map to view. The city of Baghdad continues to see a drop in sectarian violence attributed to death squads, while suicide car bombings remain al Qaeda’s most deadly tool. After prior week’s car bomb offensive by al Qaeda, which included 11 major suicide attacks […]


Don’t Blame Iran for Iraq

Taliban/al Qaeda camp targeted in North Waziristan

NWFP/FATA map. Red agencies/districts are openly controlled by the Taliban; yellow are under threat. Click map to view. Four killed, 3 wounded in Danda Saidgai, the scene of a major assault on an al Qaeda base in March of 2006 An unidentified explosion in the border village of Danda Saidgai in North Waziristan killed three […]

Senior Al Qaeda operative Abd al-Hadi al-Iraqi captured

Osama bin Laden deputy in custody at Guantanamo Bay The United States has scored a major victory against al Qaeda’s global network. Abd al-Hadi al-Iraqi, one of Osama bin Laden’s senior deputies who was “personally chosen by bin Laden to monitor al Qaeda operations in Iraq,” has been captured and transfered to the detention center […]


For Iraqi Terrorists Inside Iran, Membership Has Its Privileges

Al Qaeda

A leaked MI5 intelligence report indicates al Qaeda may be planning a major strike in Britain, possibly coincide with the step down of Prime Minister Blair. The report also indicates al Qaeda is operating from Iran. Over 150 Britons are believed to have traveled to Iraq to fight just last year.


The IDF is limiting the response to Hamas rocket attacks, and said they are designed to capture Israeli soldiers. Jordan’s King Abdullah told Israel that “we are in the same boat, we have the same problem. We have the same enemies.” That enemy is Iran.


UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon warned Syria against arms smuggling into Lebanon. The US has targeted 14 entities with sanctions designed to disrupt arms trading between Syria and Iran. Syria sentenced a human rights activist to 5 years in prison.


Hezbollah’s deputy prime minister admits Iran is behind the approval and funding of suicide, rocket and terror attack against Israel. Australian cleric Sheikh Taj el-din Al Hilali denied funding Hezbollah.


The Taliban killed 5 UN workers in a roadside bombing in Kandahar, while the Taliban conducted attacks in the northern provinces of Kapisa and Herat. The U.S. claimed Iranian made weapons have been intercepted inside Afghanistan.

The Baghdad Security Operation Order of Battle: April 9, 2007

The Baghdad Order Of Battle as of April 9, 2007. Click map to view. By DJ Elliott, CJ Radin and Bill Roggio The Baghdad Security Plan is approaching the eighth week since its official announcement, and Baghdad has seen a relative level of calm compared to the security situation just last year. There have been […]


Iraqis: Iran barred PM from its airspace


Syria, Hizbullah, Iran prepare in case of war

The Diyala Campaign

U.S. and Iraqi forces are preparing the battlefield in Diyala province Soldiers from the 5/20 Strykers conduct operations in Buhriz on March 20, 2007. U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Stacy L. Pearsall. Click to view. The Battle of Diyala has been taking shape since about 700 soldiers and 100 of their Stryker combat […]