Search Results for: suicide assault

The assault on the Red Mosque has begun

The Lal Masjid in relation to the government buildings. Click to view. Pakistani security forces launch the assault on the Taliban mosque in Islamabad After a week of negotiations and skirmishes at the Lal Masjid, or Red Mosque, which left over 20 dead and 100 wounded, the final assault on the compound has begun. Pakistani […]

The TarmiyahSuicide Attack

Attack on a U.S. Combat Outpost is an old al Qaeda tactic Iraq. Click map to view. Monday’s suicide and subsequent conventional attack on a U.S. Army Combat Outpost (or COP) in the city of Tarmiyahclaimed the lives of two U.S. soldiers, and wounded another 17. The attack took place in broad daylight, and involved […]

Kismayo hotel raided by Shabaab

The al Qaeda branch continues to utilize the suicide assault to target popular hotels and government buildings across Somalia.

Taliban overruns Afghan army camp in Kandahar

Afghan forces suffered 97 percent casualties during the suicide assault. The attack is the latest in the southern province, where the Taliban has stepped up its attacks on Afghan military outposts.

US military confirms death of al Qaeda commander

The US military said Qari Yasin was responsible for the deaths of two US Marines in the Sept. 2008 suicide assault on the Islamabad Marriott Hotel, and confirmed he was killed in Paktika province.

Afghan Taliban reject US call for peace talks

Zabihullah Mujahid rejected the US’ call for the group to “put down their arms and begin peace talks,” a request that was made just one day after a Taliban suicide assault team killed 21 people, including two Americans, at a restaurant in Kabul.

Al Qaeda ramps up attacks in Iraq

More than 70 Iraqis are killed in a series of suicide assaults and bombings in Baghdad and Bayji as the country teeters on the brink of civil war.