Search Results for: TTP

Boko Haram

Condemned but Undeterred, Boko Haram Is Still Abducting Nigerian Youths


Syrian Soldiers Celebrate Fall of Rebel Stronghold


Iraq Sunni Tribes Take Up Arms against Jihadists


Afghan officials claimed 20 Taliban fighters were killed in airstrikes in Kunar and Paktika. A district police chief in Kandahar and seven officers were killed during in fighting. A female member of parliament said she supports the Taliban and its Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.


The military claimed it killed 31 Islamic State fighters in Dhabetiya and the group’s “financial officer” and six fighters in Babil. The Islamic State killed six Peshmerga and executed four civilians in Jalawla. The head of the Anbar Awakening said 25 tribes have united to fight the Islamic State. Prime Minister Maliki said he will […]


ISIS leader flees to Syria fearing US airstrikes: Kurdish official


‘Barbaric’ sexual violence perpetrated by Islamic State militants in Iraq – UN


The Islamic State battled regime forces in Deir Izzour; Hama; Homs; and Raqqah, where IS is said to be imposing an Islamic curriculum in schools in the Raqqah City and its countryside. The Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front clashed with regime forces in Aleppo, Hama, and Idlib. The Islamic Front also fought regime […]


Security forces arrested a 19-year-old Lebanese man in Baalbek suspected of operating the Twitter account of the so-called “Free Sunnis of Baalbek Brigade.” Sheikh Adnana Amama, of the Muslim Scholars Committee delegation negotiating with the Islamists who kidnapped Lebanese security forces in Arsal, said the committee may withdraw from its mission given Lebanon’s lack of […]


Iraq crisis: Philip Hammond says UK would consider arming Kurds


British ‘jihadist’ describes his plan to go to Iraq or Syria to fight


African Union peacekeepers and Somali troops clashed with suspected Shabaab militants in Mogadishu; at least 14 people are reported to have been killed. During the fighting between security forces and a Shabaab-linked militia led by warlord Ahmed Dai, both sides have used rocket-propelled grenades, and several civilians are said to have been killed. A Norwegian […]


Nuri Abu Sahmain, former president of the GNC, claimed on Misrata TV that he is still in charge, and refused to recognize the authority of the new Parliament. Attacks on journalists covering the new Parliament have cut the flow of news from Libya. A delegation from the UN and the EU visited Misrata Municipal Council […]


Did the Pentagon misjudge the danger on Iraq’s Mount Sinjar?


Boko Haram fighters clad in security forces uniforms kidnapped about 100 young men from Doron Baga in Borno state and killed 28 people in the attack. It is feared that the kidnapped men will be conscripted as fighters for the terror group.


The military claimed it killed 71 Islamic State fighters in Anbar, 17 in Bayji, and five more in Babil. The Islamic State killed five Peshmerga near Baqubah. The US destroyed two armored vehicles and an MRAP in airstrikes near Irbil.


The Islamic State clashed with the Islamic Front and rebels in Aleppo, and arrested and beheaded some of the fighters; clashed with villagers in Hasakah; battled regime forces in Raqqah; raided tribesmen in Deir Izzour; and fought regime forces in Hama. The Islamic State told its fighters in Aleppo that the battle in Dabeq would […]


Kenya police say trail gone cold in ‘white widow’ hunt


Lebanese Army chief Gen. Kahwagi said as many as 20 of the soldiers kidnapped by Islamists in Arsal are missing and possibly dead; 17 other security personnel were also taken captive. Former Free Syrian Army spokesman Ahmad al Qusair, the go-between in contacts of the Muslim Scholars Committee and the militants, said negotiations for the […]


Three security personnel and two al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed during fighting in Hadramout. Ansar al Shariah, AQAP’s political front, expressed “solidarity” with the Islamic State after the US launched airstrikes. An aide to former president Salih said the plot to kill the erstwhile leader was foiled.


Kandahar police chief resigns after ordering Taliban detainees execution


Negotiations continue with Taliban to end violence in Helmand


Maliki finally steps aside as Iraq Sunni leader sees US help