Search Results for: Iran


Somali troops are conducting operations in the central region of Hiran to prevent Shabaab from regrouping in the mountains surrounding Beledweyn. Ethiopian troops have occupied the residence of a former warlord. The Hawiye clan spokesman has been handed over to the Ethiopian military. Troops from Somaliland are said to be moving towards the capital of […]


Iranian Nukes: Israel prepares for The Day After


Coalition forces killed six al Qaeda media operatives and captured 15 during raids in central Iraq. The Iraqi Army killed eight insurgents and captured 10 during an operation in Tal Afar. US forces reportedly arrested five Iranians in Khalis in Diyala province.


Al Qaeda losing support but Iranian arms still problem in Iraq: US military


Turkish army after PKK elements at borders with Iran


US military sees drop in Iranian-made bombs in Iraq


Taliban commander Mullah Mansour Dadullah issued a tape admitting links to al Qaeda in Iraq and denied links with Iran. Afghan troops recaptured Arghandab district north of Kandahar City from the Taliban. Over 50 Taliban were killed in fighting in Herat. Afghan forces killed “several” Taliban fighters as they set up mortar positions in Uruzgan […]


Iran says no role in killing US soldiers in Iraq


Air Cav Crews See Higher-Tech Attacks, Weapons from Iran


The top NATO general in Afghanistan said the Iranian military was involved in a shipment of sophisticated explosive devices captured last month. Nine NATO troops were wounded in an ambush in Kandahar. Slovakia will double its forces in country. The Afghan government shut down two more private security companies.


Israel denies report that abducted IDF soldiers were turned over to Iran

Violence in Iraq drops dramatically

The targeting of al Qaeda in Iraq and Iranian-backed Shia terror groups, along with the rise of local Iraqi security forces, has netted results 10 months after the announcement of “The Surge.”


Iraqi Shiite leader seeks US-Iran talks

Consolidating Talibanistan

The Taliban flex their muscles in Swat, Mohmand, and North and South Waziristan; public beheadings and whippings; captured soldiers and government capitulation on display.


Petraeus Outs an Iranian

Iran: Mullahs vs. Mullahs (Part 1)


Five Iranians detained in Iraq should not be released: US general

US Focus on Ahmadinejad Puzzles Iranians


Twelve Taliban fighters were killed in Uruzgan province as they used children as human shields. Over 2,500 troops launched an offensive in the Girshk district. Both the UN and Germany extended the Afghan missions. NATO’s senior commander in Afghanistan said Iran’s military knew of a major arms shipment captured at the border in Farah province.


‘Dozens died in Syria-Iran missile test’

Surging in Wasit Province

Multinational Division Center kicks off Operation Marne Sentry, the interdiction of Iranian-trained fighters and weapons, near the border in Wasit province.