Search Results for: Iran

Baghdad police show progress, but challenges remain

Bill Ardolino interviews an Iraqi Police general in the Rusafa district in central Baghdad. The general discusses the state of the police, the security situation, integration of the Sons of Iraq into the security forces, and problems with the militias.


Jumblatt: Expel Iranian ambassador from Lebanon


MI6 chief visits Mossad for talks on Iran’s nuclear threat

Sadr City barrier ‘a magnet’ for Mahdi Army attacks

The large majority of the direct attacks on US and Iraqi forces by the Mahdi Army are occurring on Qods Street, where the barrier is being erected to separate the Iraqi Army and US controlled sections of Sadr City from the northern portion of the district.


The Iraqi government has sent a delegation to confront Iran over its support for Shia terrorists. US troops killed 27 Mahdi Army fighters and one Special Groups leader in Sadr City. Twenty-three civilians were killed and 60 wounded in a dual suicide attack in Balad Ruz in Diyala province. Iraqi police and US forces killed […]

US troops kill 28 Mahdi fighters in Sadr City

Clashes continue as Mahdi Army attempts to stop US forces from completing the barrier to seal off the southern portion of Sadr City. The US and Iraq military are building up forces in and around Sadr City.


Iraqi Shiite MPs in Iran for talks with Sadr to end clashes

Clashes ongoing in Sadr City

Seven Mahdi fighters killed in airstrikes. Mahdi Army attacks a police patrol and mortars the International Zone. Iraqi general links weapons back to Iran.

Maliki offers Sadr an out: disarm the Mahdi Army

Mahdi Army must disarm, turn in wanted members, and cease opposing the state. Clearing continues in Basrah; Iraqi troops kill five Mahdi Army fighters transporting weapons in northern Baghdad.


Iraq: Up to 100 al-Qaeda leaders in Iran, says government

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda No. 2 says 9/11 theory propagated by Iran

Sadr threatens new uprising; Iraqi and US forces press attack

Sadr threatens to end his cease-fire as Iraqi security forces and US troops press the offensive. Iraqi soldiers and special police respond to an ambush in force and captured 40 members of the Special Groups at a Sadrist office. Twenty-seven Mahdi Army fighters were killed in Baghdad over last 24 hours.


An Afghan child was killed and two others injured during an insurgent rocket attack near an army base in eastern Kunar province. Afghan soldiers killed four Taliban in Kandahar after thwarting an ambush against their convoy in the Panjwai district. Iranian and Afghan border forces clashed in southwestern Nimroz province after the Iranian patrol entered […]


Iraqi troops captured 35 “wanted men” during sweeps in Basrah. Iraqi troops have surrounded a Sadrist office in Basrah. Border troops prevented 164 German and Italian-made mines from being smuggled into the country from Iran. US troops captured a Special Groups cell leader in Baghdad’s Rashid district. Coalition forces detained 12 al Qaeda operatives during […]

Sadrists vow to keep the Mahdi Army

A Sadrist member of parliament said the Mahdi Army would keep its weapons unless the members were ordered to disband by senior Shia leaders. Sistani has said only Sadr can order the Mahdi Army to disarm.


Iran says it will eliminate Israel if it attacks

When Sons of Iraq grow up

Transitioning the Sons of Iraq from a local security force to a public works program is one of the goals for 2008. The process has begun in Hawr Rajab at the “Village of Hope.”


Shabaab fighters captured the town of Beletwein, the capital of Hiran province, as the provincial governor fled with troops. Shabaab then attacked a school and killed two British passport holders and two Kenyans. Ethiopian and Islamic Courts fighters fought pitched battled in Hiran on Sunday.

Iraqi government: “We will continue until we secure Sadr City”

Iraq’s spokesman said the military will press operations in the Mahdi Army stronghold in Baghdad. The Iraqi cabinet has approved the bill that will prevent political parties from contesting elections if they have a militia; the bill has gone to parliament for approval.


A clash in Helmand province left one police officer and four Taliban dead. A Coalition airstrike in Zabul killed three Taliban while they traveled on motorcycles. A woman and a child from a nomadic tribe who had pitched their tents nearby were injured in the strike. Iranian security forces shot and killed 13 Afghan refugees […]

Clashes continue in Baghdad, Basrah

UAV%20destroys%20rocket%20rails_0003.jpgSadr cancels demonstration in Baghdad, claims Shia clerics instructed him not to disband the Mahdi Army. Iraqi and US forces continue to strike at the Mahdi Army and other Iranian-backed terror groups in Baghdad and Basrah.


Ethiopia is deploying 14,000 troops into Somalia after Shabaab fighters have taken over towns throughout the country. A Shabaab suicide bomber rammed a car into the gate of the complex housing peacekeepers from Burundi; one soldier was wounded. Six people were killed in an IED attack in Hiran.